Reconstruction: A Letter to President Johnson

54 And there is another thing which we shall never suppress— the momentary concentration of power which results from civil war. After such crises, men do not return to the common law without resigning themselves to some sacrifices ; every violent attempt at separation costs something, in fine, to the states which have essayed it. XVI. You desire, Mr. President, that it should cost them as little as possible. It is your policy to seek to confine within the narrowest limits, the necessary but deplorable use of exceptional regimes. You hasten toward a definitive and regular system. You are right, emphatically right. Make haste, but imperil nothing. Abridge the transition period, but do not abridge it so much as to permit the indirect re-establishment of servitude, and to create such a position for the Southern negroes that they will regret their slavery in their freedom. Of all methods of making haste, the most deplorable would be that which would force you to begin anew. The period of transition will be very brief, if the Union is wise enough to close the negro question by a liberal and energetic solution. Facts accomplished are admirable, inasmuch as each one arranges to live with them. The South, be sure, will arrange to live’with the free colored race. The latter, on its side, on attaining possession of political rights, will speedily learn how to use them. It is thus, and thus only, that the time for dispensing with special protection will be hastened on both sides. The moment that the negro race shall begin to protect itself and shall be protected by the public opinion of the South, the federal protection will become superfluous. I hope that this will be speedily. I have firm confidence that, placed in the pressure of what is irrevocable, the South will wisely resign itself to necessity. If you do not commit the gratuitous mistake of introducing it prematurely into Congress, and abandoning to it the unfinished question of slavery, you will see it return to the Union without over-hostile thoughts. At this very moment, a work of pacification is