Reconstruction: A Letter to President Johnson

61 reaux ; the succor of extreme cases of destitution ; and full redress in the federal courts. In a few days, you will have to decide the whole destiny of the negro race. It is in your hands, it will rest upon your consciences. Contempt degrades and corrupts men; equality elevates them. In vain will you heap up alms ; unless you give to these oppressed ones the alms of their rights, you will have given them nothing. Not only will they finally perish in great part, but they will become degraded. Discontented and discouraged, they will turn both from labor, and from school, and from honorable aspirations. It is too painful to contemplate this shameful and terrible prospect. I will not admit that it is possible. Your people has taken in hand the work of negro liberty ; it will not leave this unfinished. It will undertake, it has undertaken the generous mission of doing great good to the negro race, after having done it great evil. I appeal to all men of heart; I appeal to all Christians. The Christians of America have sometimes had reason seriqusly to reproach themselves where slavery was concerned. This is the moment to repair the faults of some among them. It should not be said that the Gospel, which shows so well among you, Mr. President, that it is the living foundation of liberty, should be wanting in a cause of liberty like this. Already, I know, the Christians are at work ; those monstrous distinctions which seemed a defiance flung at the Gospel, are gradually becoming effaced in the North. But the problem of the South remains. Let Christians occupy themselves with resolving it; let their, influence make itself felt in Congress ; let it then make itself felt in the cotton states; let it penetrate therein as a spirit of gentleness, concord, and harmony ; let it contribute to reconcile classes and races ; let it insure the protection of the weak and the triumph of justice. Never will a task more worthy of admiration have been confided to them ; never will a more worthy guardianship have been intrusted to them. Now that the hand of God has rent away the thick veil of