Remarks on a Reprint of the Original Letters of Washington to Joseph Reed

40 Judge Marshall’s Text. to show their abhorrence of the result, and their attachment to the constitution and the laws ; for I believe that five times the number of militia, that were required, would have come forward in support of them, had it been necessary. “ The spirit which blazed out on this occasion, as soon as the object was fully understood, and the lenient measures of the government were made known to the people, deserves to be communicated. There are- instances of general officers going at the head of a single troop, or of light companies ; of field officers, when they came to the place of rendezvous and found no command for them in that grade, turning into the ranks and serving as private soldiers under their own captains ; and of numbers possessing the first fortunes in the country, standing in the ranks as private men, and, by ivay of example to others, marching day by day with their knapsacks at their backs, and sleeping on straw with a single blanket, in a soldier’s tent, during the frosty Text of the Letter-Books. the people of this country to show their abhorrence of the result, and their attachment to the constitution and the laws ; for I believe that five times the number of militia, that was required, would have come forward, if it had been necessary, in support of them. “ The spirit which blazed out on this occasion, as soon as the object was fully understood, and the lenient measures of the government were made known to the people, deserves to be communicated ; for there are instances of general officers going at the head of a single troop, and of light companies ; of field officers, when they came to the place of rendezvous and found no command for them in that grade, turning into the ranks and proceeding as private soldiers under their own captains; and of numbers possessing the first fortunes in the country, standing in the ranks as private [men, and marching day By day with their knapsacks and haversacks at their backs; sleeping on straw with a single blanket, in a soldier’s tent, during the frosty nights which