Resources of the United States

1 the proper adjustment of the coins of both metals, to keep pace with the fluctuations in their production and sup; ly. For this purpose, the undersigned thought it necessary to propose, at the conclusion of the report on the metalliferous regions of the United States, that the subject of the production of gold and silver should be investigated by a Commission to be instituted by the International Statistical Congress ; but on full consideration by the Section to which the subject was referred, it was decided, and perhaps properly, that the investigation could not be properly made by the Congress, which was statistical and not economical in its aims, and that the necessary inquiry might better be left to the governments of the three great gold-producing countries, being the United States ; Great Britain in respect to Australia, New Zealand and British America; and Russia; and more especially as the inquiry, to be of any practical value, must be conducted under the authority and direction of those respective governments. Meanwhile, the decided opinion has been expressed by the delegates in the present Congress from Great Britain and from Russia, that the necessary inquiries on a subject so important to the currency of the world, will be prosecuted by those governments with all proper efficiency and despatch. During the session of the present Congress a resolution was passed, on motion of Professor Schubert, of the University of Konigsburgh, that it was 11 advisable, and very useful to the general interests of statistical science, that of all official works and communications published by statistical bureaus, one copy shall be given to all the universities and high academies of the states of Europe, to be preserved in their libraries.” A motion made by the undersigned, at a subsequent day, and seconded by Professor Schubert, was unanimously passed by the Congress, tliat the resolution be modified and enlarged “so as to include the public libraries in six of the principal cities of the United