Sermon on the Seven Pillars of the Baptists

12 of every church. Churches are associated only fraternally, and for the furtherance of Christian enterprises, as scholars unite in science, or merchants unite in commerce, and so rises over the earth the pure Christian republic ; every church speaking for Christ, illustrating his grace, disseminating his redeeming truths. To this pillar of Christian equality and human freedom the Baptists have always fondly, strenuously clung. But enough; though other’ peculiarities, not unimportant, attach to us as a denomination. We have named seven great, comprehensive principles clearly, dearly, firmly held by us. They distinguish us from all other branches of the great saint family. Are they necessary, justifiable, honorable distinctions ? Ought these pillars to be held up ? Have they secured any honor to Christ ? Have they been of any benefit to the world? We appeal to their history. They are known by the results they have secured. And they are destined to achieve yet broader, mightier consequences. They involve the purity and power of Christianity. Already they have evolved our free civil institutions, and are breathing freedom into a continent. They lie at the foundation of the liberties of mankind. For them our fathers suffered scourges, fines, imprisonment, fires, martyrdoms. But, being divine, they are destined to spread over the earth and bring in the grand era of emancipation. Let us hold fast to them. While in love we pray and labor with all Christians in matters common to all, has not Christ called us to hold firm and high the seven pillars we have named ? They are vital to the complete Christian republic. Let then their calm, courageous, devout support, be a part of our tes timony for Jesus, and of our service to mankind.