Sermon on the Seven Pillars of the Baptists

s hood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” The Christian republic is committed to believers ; they are to set it up, to support and extend it in the earth. It rests on them as on pillars. High, holy, glorious is the charge. Dr. Judson used to say, that God had a particular path for every man to walk in, a particular’ work for every man to do. Grand and inspiring thought; God has an appointment, a sphere, and commission, for every believer, for every band of believers, every church, and every association of churches, as he has for every tribe and nation of men. This brings us to the fact that there is an ordained mission for every Christian denomination. Every body of believers has certain distinguishing Christian principles put into their charge, and for which they are to stand as pillars. In the divine plan for the world’s enlightenment and redemption, embracing as it does a division of labor, each sect of Christians has a particular work—special pillars of truth to set upj hold up, and adorn. Differing as tribes, yet all belong to the Christian republic; or as the divisions and brigades of a grand army, enrolled under various banners, using different uniforms and varied arms, yet one force, marshaled under one leader and for one great conquest. Holding thus, in a broad faith and charity—the true catholicity—as we do, that different Christian sects have diverse yet interrelated missions, we come to the important, practical inquiry, What mission, what charge, what special work, has been assigned to the Baptists ? Related spiritually, vitally, and in many points doctrinally and practically, to all true believers, to the whole saiiit family or Christian nation, and working fraternal­