State Thanksgiving During the Rebellion

20 THANKSGIVING SERMON. I do not look for the admiration and applause of men in giving utterance to thoughts like these. The theme is one which does not vibrate to the popular ear. Bitter experience may teach us these lessons; but how much wiser, how much safer to “hear the rod, and who hath appointed it,” and listen to his voice “ now in this accepted time.” Let us, then, II. In the second place, advert to the THINGS IN WHICH WE MAY GLORY. There are other and higher principles of action than those to which we have referred, and we gladly turn to them. They are high and exalted principles, and in alliance with heaven’s conflict with the powers of darkness. They are the knowledge, the love, the fear, the will, the favor of the Most High. If I know myself my object in addressing you is to honor the Supreme Ruler of the universe, and in this solemn controversy call upon our rulers, our warriors, and my countrymen every where to give glory to the Lord God omnipotent. While “ the wise may not glory in their wisdom,” nor the mighty in their might, nor the rich in their wealth, there is One in whom they may glory. “ Thus saith the Lord” Let him that glorieth glory in this,