State Thanksgiving During the Rebellion

THANKSGIVING SERMON. 21 that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the Lord that exercise loving- kindness, JUDGMENT, AND RIGHTEOUSNESS IN THE EARTH J FOR IN THESE THINGS DO I DELIGHT, saith the Lord. Let us amplify these instructive and precious thoughts. Thus saith the Lord,11 Let him that glori- eth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me.” It is a humiliating fact that so little is known of God in the very world which was made by him, and which is upheld and governed by his omnipotent hand. Men “ do not like to retain God in their knowledge.” Though he is every where present, and more interested in them, and they have more to do with him, and he with them, than any other being in the universe, yet they say, 11 How doth God know ? Can he judge through the dark cloud T It is emphatically the sin of nations that, in prosperity and adversity, in peace and in war, they think so little of God, and in their counsels, their public documents, their victories, and their defeats, are so slow of heart to acknowledge and honor his supremacy. Yet is “ the Lord, whose name is jealous, a jealous God.” He forms a just estimate of his own