31 It is sad to think that such an exhortation should be needed—that thankfulness should ever be enjoined as a duty. Anunspeakable privilege, an irrepressible and joyous instinct of a loving heart, it should be rather ! What living man can be unthankful \ What place in a heart here for the demon—Discontent"? What could have been done for God's vineyard that He hath not done"? Go, compute, if you can, heaven's constant and marvelous benefactions ! Creation, preservation, redemption—who shall ascribe values to such things'? Life! what a gift it is in contrast with non-existence! Life, even the lowest —a flower's life—a bird's ! How the lily and the lark praise God, till the air seems odorous and musical with their thanksgivings! Andyet the winged bird is a poor soulless wanderer and the brightest flower dies with the summer ! How then with your life can you be thankless! An immortal life, bearing God's own image ! With a power of thought and love to soar over the grave and wander through eternity ! Alife springing from the depths of the Heavenly Father's love, and preserved at the price of the eternal Son's redemption! Alife so conditioned for developement, awaiting such a destiny—watched by angels in a star-hung world — approaching spheres for whose glory, thought has no image, and language no name ! Oh, men! immortal men! sons of God! Princes of endless empires, borne in this world-chariot to palaces and thrones ! How can you be thankless %