\ Mt AMERICAS F0L1TK LETTER WRITER. 15 acquainted, but permit me to tell you that I have often seen you, although it never was in my power to get an opportunity of speaking to you; and if you could only reflect, how so charming a face as yotir's has captivated my heart, you could not blame me for sending von these few lines, as a small token of my love towards you; and it is with the greatest pleasure that I now express with the pen, a part of the friendship and love which 1 entertain for you; and if 1 was to Write ten times as much in your praise, it would not be enough, as I think you are the most beautiful lady in the world. Please to take pity on me, end consider that my love is sincere, and pure, and always the same. Believe me at the same time to be, respectfullj', yotir’s, CHARLES DUNCAN. P. S. Direct to C. Duncan, No. 20. LETTER XIII. A Letter from a Beautiful Young Lady, to a Handsome Young Man, whom she suspects to slight her. Baltimore, September 30, 1828. Sin— I have taken the liberty of transmitting these few lines, or rather, these few remarks