tas America* colitk imtn writs*. Ip LETTER XIV Salishi-ht, October 1, 1828. Dear Elea no u— I am very sorry that you have been misin- formt .1 concerning' my courtship with another girl, as it is altogether wrong in any person to make such report—but 1 know that there are malicious persons in the WOikl, that try to breed a disturbance between young and tender lovers as we are; but 1 hop' after this ’eaches you, that you'll be convinced of my faithful professions of love made to you on former occasions—at the same time you must not believe reports of that kind, from any person, unless From a particular friend, as there etc many persons would pretend to be your friends, who really are not; and I beg of you to believe nothing of that kind, until I see you, and give you an explanation of the matter; therefore, content yourself my love, and believe me at the same time to be your most aJ lee tiemate friend and lover, JAMES LYNCH. 2