13 THE AMEBICAW POLITE LETTEH WHITER. LETTER XV. From a Widow Lady, to a Widower Sir— It has been my misfortune to lose one cf the'best of husbands that America ever produced, which leaves me at present exposed to the world and its deceitful ways. 1 had been talking with a friend of mine, a few days ago, who earnestly advised me to enter again into the married state, recommending you at the same time as a man of good sense and steady habits, (virtues very rare to be found n men at this period ) I have been very tiuch taken up with the discourse, and cannot refrain from thinking of it since; so, in or der to ease my mind, 1 thought I’d send you. a few lines, inviting you to come and see me, where you will be politely received by youi obliging humble servant SUSAN SONESOME. To Mr. J. Love.