The American Polite Letter Writer

THE AMEUTCAS POLITE LETTER WRITER. 27 many' protestations of your respect towards me, and the reciprocal friendship on my side. However, I cannot hardly wonder at any thing in this wicked world, where there are so many false friendships and inconstant lovers, who very often for a trifling consideration forsake them who ought to be near and dear to them; for instance, if a young man is possessed of a large fortune, whether'his person or acquirements recommends him or not, it matters but little, so as he is possessed of riches. However, in my eyes it is quite different: foi inasmuch as we are all born equal, so ought we bv onr behaviour command the respect of fliers, and not as is often the case by amass- ag perhaps ill gotten wealth, as is too often practised now a days, and my dear Eliza, I Kould wish you to weigh well these consid erations, before yon abandon a person who you know values your love and esteem more than earthlv treasures, wishing you at the same time, health and a long life. I subscribe myself yours truly, JAMES YOUNG.