The American Polite Letter Writer

36 THE AMERICAN POLITE LETTER WHITER; at the same time to enjoy that happiness of being- joined in matrimony with my dear Isa- bella, which will ease my affectionate heart, and wishing-at the same time health and long life to her who is near aird dear to me. I subscribe myself with submission, Yours at heart, LETTER XXXIII. JI Letter from a Young Man to a Beautiful Young Lady, whose parents loould not consent to their courtship. Dear Anna Maria—■ ’Tis the nunfortune of the present day, that the virtue and accomplishments of young peo- ile are now a days scarcely to be found in one pei-son connected, but in you 1 find both. Your amiable disposition, together with your lovely face, cannot but cause every one who know you to love and esteem you, and to none are you half so dear as to me, as there is not a time I think of your lovely face and behold Jour lovely person, but I fall in love with you more and more. I hope to be able to get your parents’ consent to our marriage, as 1’11