TrtE AMERICAN I’OLITE LETTER WHITER. 45 good health as I am at present Give my love to all Inquiring friends—to--------. Please to send an answer to this as soon as possible, i and let me know how you are; aS also, how 1 all the family are, as I am impatient to hear ■ from all of you. I have one of the best mas- ■ ters in this place, and, indeed, have no cause t to complain of my mistress; they use me well, I and I sliew by my duty as an apprentice, that ■ they benefit by my services to them, as there ■are very few young men in my business, can z Ido as good work, or as much as I can. 1 ex- »pect to go to see all the family in a few weeks, find I need not say that it gives me grea plea- - frure to see my dear parents and relat.-ms, as J j hey are as dear to my heart, although now J Lt a distance, as if I lived amongst tin m. Wave nothing in particular to communicate at present, but remain your loving son, (JAMES DOKSEY. P. S. Send me an answer immediately.