THE AMERICAN POLITE LETTER WRITE!. 55 great encouragement to both mechanics ir.d labourers, and indeed there is every Eic-ei-r- ance of this city being foremost of any in the United States, on account of the great sjirit and enterprise among- the inhabitants. .Another great blessing we can boast of in tliia •cuntry, is the free exercise of religion, a bless- Jig which is denied to you in that devoted country, where the band of tyranny sways the sceptre. I could say more, but confine myself until the next letter I write—at the same time, wishing you health and a long life, I re- inain your loving son, LETTER L. A Letter from a Man, to his Brother in Ireland^ describing the character and manners of ths American People. Baltimore, September 10, 1828 Dear Brother— I take this favourable opportunity of writing these few lines to you, hoping tha< you. are in good health, as I am at present. S'jrj my love to all inquiring friends. You Ktx-