The American Polite Letter Writer

MX AMERICAN POUTS LETTER WHITER. 57 LETTER LI. From a Young Man to his Lover. Miss Juliana— It is with pleasure I communicate these few lines to you, hoping that you are in as good health as I am at present. Give my best respects to all your relations and friends, as any friend of yours seems dear to me by reason of tlie sincere love I have for you. I hope you will not think it flattery in me to say, that m my opinion, you are deserving of the greatest love and friendship that I could bestox towards you, as your modest, amiable, and discreet conduct, cannot but make any young man fall in love with you, who were as well acquainted with you as 1 am. However, 1 think that it is incumbent on me to expresl mysrlf to you in the warmest manner that possibly can, knowing how much the encomiums I pass are from my heart, and indeed, if you were only convinced of my love to- U'ards you, as 1 feel myself inclined both in hand and heart, you could not for one moment hesitate to return a reciprocal love towards one who constantly have you at heart.