30 THE ARMV OF THE POTOMAC. Fortress Monroe is a regular citadel, built of stone, which occupies the southern point of the Virginian peninsnhi, and lias remained in the hands of the Federal Government since the tintbreak of the war. This fortress, crossing its tire with that of the Rip Rajis, a fort built on an artificial island, commands the passage from the Atlantic to Hampton Roads, and thence by the James river to Richmond, or by the Elizabeth to Norfolk, where the Merrimac was then lying. It was in these interior waters that the naval battleshad occurred which have tilled such a jdace in public attention, and which exercised upon the future of the Army of the Potomac so serious tin influence. that it will not perhajis be improper to give them a jiRee in this narrative. 1 shall not describe the Merrimac, which everybody now knows. I will simply remind the reader that she was an old and very large screw steam frigate, razeed to the water line, and covered with an iron roof, inclined just far enough to throw oil any ball which might strike her. In this roof portholes were made for 100-pounder Armstrong guns, and for other pieces of very heavy calibre. The bows wore armed with an iron sjmr, resembling that of the ancient galleys. On the Sth of March, the Merrimac, escorted by several iron-clad gunboats. leaves the Elizabeth river and steers straight for the mouth of the James, where lav anchored the two old-fashioned sailing frigates, the Cumberland and Congress. Both open with full broadsides upon the unexjiected enemy, but without effect ; the balls ricochet from the iron roof. The Merrimac keejis <piietly on. and at a sjieed of no more than from four to five knots strikes her sjmr into the side of the Cumberland. It is a singular fact (hat ths shock was so slight as to be scarcely jiereejitible on board the Merrimac; but it had smitten the federal frigate to death. She was seen to careen and down majest rally, carrying with her two hundred men of her crew, v k >, to the last moment, worked their useless guns;