16 This is the testimony of a venerable patriarch of democracy in reference to The People’s Candidate. Mr. Van Buren has done nothing to lessen the confidence of the democracy in him. On the contrary, he has done every thing to increase it. Under his. administration our laws have been executed with promptness and ability. Our foreign policy has been con-, ducted to admiration. Our navy is effective and increasing, and our army all that our circumstances require. The lovers of peace have seen the most threatening difficulties with foreign powers successfully and honorably adjusted; and wherever the stars and stripes float out on the breeze, they are honored and respected. Let us, then, at this time of crisis, manfully sustain him. If the Democracy must go down before the artsand appliances of Federalism, let it do so with its flag nailed t® THE MAST HEAD. NOTICE. The Editors of the Democratic Papers throughout the Country, and the various Democratic Committees, are requested to receive orders for “ THE CRISIS MET,” and transmit the cash. Price $2 per hundred. To so great an extent has error been circulated by the Whigs, that no pains must be spared to circulate the truth. A Sequel to “ The Crisis Met”—by the same Author, will speedily be published, entitled, “ THE WORKING MAN DEFENDED,” being a reply to “Junius’s Sequel;” and showing that the Democratic Party is the Laboring Man’s Defence, and what political system it is that will ensure to him his rights. Price $15 per thousand. A third pamphlet will be issued early in October, entitled, “STATISTICS OF IMPOSTURE,” being a full and properly authenticated refutation of “ Ogle’s and Profit’s Speeches,” and of other charges brought against the present Administration, by Junius. This will be a pamphlet which should have a free and full circulation. Price $2 per hundred. A discount of 25 per cent, on orders for 5000 copies or more. Orders for all the above, enclosing the cash, will be received by WILLIAM G. BOGGS, at the Office of the Evening Post, New York.