The Military and Naval Situation

PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN OF 1864. UNION EXECUTIVE CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEE. Hon. E. D. MORGAN, of New York. “ JAS. HARLAN, of Iowa. “ L. M. MORRILL, of Maine. (Senate.) E D. MORGAN, Ghairman- JAS. HARLAN, Treasurer. D. N. COOLEY, Hedy Hon. E. B. WASHBURNE of Illinois. “ R. B. VAN VALKENBURG, N. Y. " J. A. GARFIELD, of Ohio. “ J. G. BLAINE, of Maine. House of Representatives. Committee Rooms, Washington, D. 0., Sept., 2, 1864. Dear Sir : The Union Congressional Committee, in addition to the documents already published, propose to issue immediately the following documents for distribution among the people. 1. McClellan’s Military Career Reviewed and Exposed. 2. George H. Pendleton, his Disloyal Record and Antecedents. 3. The Chicago Copperhead Convention, the men who composed and controlled it. 4. Base surrender of the Copperheads to the Rebels in arms. 5. The Military and Naval Situation, and the Glorious Achievements of our Soldiers and Sailors. v 6. A Few Plain Words with the Private Soldier. 7. What Lincoln’s Administration has done. 8. The History of McClellan’s “ Arbitrary Arrest ” of the Maryland Legislature. 9. Can the Country Pay the Expenses of the War? 10. Doctrines of the Copperheads North identical with those of the Rebels South. 11. The Constitution Upheld and Maintained. 12. Rebel Terms of Peace. 13. Peace, to be Enduring, must be Conquered. 14. A History of Cruelties and Atrocities of the Rebellion. 15. Evidences of a Copperhead Conspiracy in the Northwest. The above documents will be printed in English and German in. eight or sixteen page pamphlets, and sent, postage free, according to directions at the rate of one or two dollars per hundred copies. The plans and purposes of the Copperheads having been disclosed by the action of the Chicago Convention, they should at once be laid before the loyal people of the country. There is but two months between this and the election, and leagues, clubs, and individuals should loose no time in sending in their orders. Remittances should be made in Greenbacks or drafts on New York-City, payable to the order of James Harlan. Address— Free. Hon. JAMES HARLAN, Washington, D. C. Very respectfully, yours, &c., D. N. COOLEY, Secretary. Printed by Lemuel Towers, for the Union Congressional Committee.