The Penitent Children

6 THE PENITENT when he asked a question about the business of the day, I was short and reserved in my answers to him. An hour or more elapsed. The time was nearly arrived when he was to repeat his lessons. He came into my study, and said, 'Father, I cannot learn my lessons except you are reconciled. I am very sorry I have offended you, I hope you will forgive me : I think I shall never offend again.’ “ I replied, ‘ all that I want is to make you sensible of your fault; when you acknowledge it, you know all is easily reconciled with me.’ “ ‘ Then, Father,’ said he, ' give me the token of reconciliation, and seal it with a kiss.’ The hand was given, and the seal most heartily exchanged on each side. “' Now,’ exclaimed the dear boy, ' I will learn Latin and Greek with any body;’ and was hastening to his study. “ 1 Stop, stop,’ I called after him, ‘have you not a heavenly Father ? If what you have done has been evil, he is displeased, and you must apply to him for forgiveness.’ “ With tears starting in his eyes, he said, ‘ Father, I went to him first: I knew that except he was reconciled, I could do nothing,’ and with