THE SACRIFICE OF CONTINUAL PRAISE. 27 up nobly, and quit yourselves like men, to save liberty for America, for the world. Thank God we have stood the test; we have not failed ; no not even so much as once. Blessed be God for this ; bless Him for the noble daring of our young men, bold to rashness, exemplified by the noble Cushing, blowing up a rebel boat under the very guns of the ■battery. Bless God for the sturdy courage of the masses of our people, bearing such heavy burdens ; for the profuse liberality of our men of business. Most of all bless God for the enthusiastic, hearty patriotism of our women. M hat were war without the sympathy and gentle ministry of women, terrible enough at best? Bob it of this and it would blacken with tenfold gloom. We bless Him too, with uncovered head, for the noble dead who have given themselves to save and elevate the people. Martyrs to liberty ! Their graves shall be ever green ; their memories ever fresh in the affections of a grateful people; not one shall be forgotten. Yes, we thank Him for the results of the war. We are a stronger, better people to-day, than we were before the first gun fired at Sumter inaugurated rebellion. But we should be forgetful of one of the most precious blessings God has bestowed upon us, if we failed to notice the wonderful unanimity with which the people have come up to the mighty task before them, to crush rebellion, once and forever. I have not intended, and do not mean now, to say one word that can be construed into exultation over the issue of the recent election. I have no party shibboleth to lisp ; no pct theories to uphold at all hazards ; I am but