The Slave's Friend

18 slave’s friend. [156 Mr. John S. Taylor’s Bookstore, Brick Church Chapel, opposite the City Hall, or to the Anti-Slavery Office, and buy The Fountain. Price, 18^ cents. I wp’ give you a specimen of it. January 19; Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, Saith the Lord, ana touch not the unclean thing. 2. Cor. 6:17. I knew a young lady, who read Clarkson’s History of the slave-trade, when she was seven years old, and could never after be persuaded to eat, drink, or wear, any thing produced by slave-labor. Would that abolitionists of maturer years might copy the example 1 20. The people of the land have used oppression, and exercised robbery, and have vexed the poor and needy; yea, they have oppressed the stranger wrongfully. Ezek. 22 : 29. When at the judgment God shall call, Where is thy brother ?—say, What mean ye to the Judge of all — To answer on that day. E. L. Fatten.