The Slave's Friend

2 slave’s FRlENb. [142 THE NINE MOTHERS. As the Rev. Dr. E. was going down the Ohio river in a steamboat, he saw nine colored women sitting upon a bench, and each one had a baby in her arms! He asked some one about it, and learned that a slave-buyer had bought these women, torn them away from their husbands and-other children, and was taking them down to the sugar plantations in the state of Louisiana. How much weeping there must have been when those poor women were dragged away from their dear friends-—never, never to see them any more I Who will not pity Che poor slaves ? SLAVE-HOLDER. Do not ever say slave-otatzer, but slave-ZioZder. No man owns a man. The laws of man say a person can own a fellow-being, but the laws of God do not say so. We must not break the laws of man, nor teach others to do so, but no law obliges me to say slave-owner, and I do not mean to do it any more.