The Tariff As It Is

2 The Tariff as it is, compared with The corresponding section of the substitute reported to the House by Gen. McKay is as follows: Sec, 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of he United States of America in Congress assembled, That from and alter the first day of September, in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-four, the duties imposed under aud by virtue of the act entitled "An act to provide revenue from imports and to change and modify existing laws imposing duties oh imports and for other purposes,” approved on the thirtieth day of August, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, upon the various articles in the said act named shall be changed, modified, and reduced in manner following, that is to say— . First. Onall coarse unmanufactured wool,the value whereof, at the last port sr place whence exported to the United States, shall be seven cents or under per pound, there shall be levied a duty of fifteen per centum ad valorem, instead of the duty of five per centum imposed by the said act; and on all other unmanufactured wool there shall be levied aduty of thirty per centum ad valorem, instead of the duties of three cents per pou-d and thirty per centum ad valorem, imposed by the said act. Second. On all manufactures of wool, or of which wool shall be a component part, except milled or fulled cloth,known by. the name of plains, kerseys, or Kendall Cottons, carpetings, flannels, bockings and baizes, blankets, worsted stuff goods, ready-made clothing, hosiery, mitts, gloves, caps, and bindings, there shall be levied a duty of thirty per centum ad valorem, instead of the duty of forty per centum imposed by the said act. _ Third. On all milled orfulled cloth known by the name of plains, kerseys, or Kendall cottons, of which wool shall be the only miterial, the value whereof shall not ex reed thirty- five cents the square yard at the last port or place whence exported, there shall be levied a duty of twenty per . centum ad valorem, instead of the duties imposed by the said act. Fourth Ou all carpets and carpeting of wool, hemp, flax or cotton, or pans of either, or other material not specified, there shall be levied a duty of thirty per centum ad valorem, instead of the duties imposed by the said act. Fifth. On all woolen blankets, the actual value of which at the place whence exported shall not exceed seventy-five cents each, there shall be levied a duty of ten per centum ad valorem, instead of the duty of fifteen per centum imposed by Sixth. On all hearth rugs, there shall be levied a duty of thirty per centum ad valorem, instead of the duty of forty per centum imposed by the said act. Seventh. On woolen yarn there shall be levied a duty of twenty-five per centum ail valorem, instead of the duty of thirty per centum imposed by the said act; and on all worsted yarn, there shall belevied a duty of twenty per centum adva- lorem, instead of the duty of thirty per cen tum imposed by the said act. Eighth. On woolen and worsted mitts, gloves, caps and bindings, and on woolen or worsted hosiery, that is to say, stockings, socks, drawers, shirts, and all other similar manu- ufactnres node on frames, there shall be levied a duty of twenty per centum ad valorem, instead of the duty of thirty per centum imposed by the said act. Ninth. On flinnels, of whatever materials composed, except cotton, and on bockings and baizes, there shall be levied a duty of thirty per centum ad valorem, instead of the duty of fourteen cents per square yard, imposed by the said act; and on coach lakes there shall be levied a duty of thirty per centum ad valo em, instead of the duty of thirty-five per centum imposed by the said act. Tenth. On ready made clothing, of whatever materials . composed, worn by men, women or children, except gloves,, mits, stockings, soaks, wove shirts, and drawers, aud all other similar manufactures made on frames; hats, bonnets, shoes, boots, and bootees, imported in a state ready to be used as clothing by men, women, or children, made up either by the tailor, manufacturer, or seamstress, there .shall be levied a duty of thirty per centum ad valorem instead of the duty of fifty per centum imposed by the said act. On all articles worn by men, women or children, other than as above specified or excepted, of whatever materials composed; made up wholly or in part by hand, there shall be levied a duty of thirty per centum ad valorem, instead of the duty of forty per centum imposed by the said act; and on clothing, finished in whole or in part, embroidered mgold or silver, there shall be levied a duty of thirty per centum ad valorem, instead of the duty of fifty per centum imposed by the said act. The changes proposed by the new bill, as will be seen, as follows: 1 st. The duty on Wool costing (after allowing for any dirt or foreign substance) less than seven cents a pound, is to be raised from five to fifteen per cent, while that on all other. Wool is to be reduced from three cents a pound and thirty per cent, to thirty per cent, alone ; while the duty on Woolen Goods in general is reduced from forty to thirty per cent.; on Wilton Carpets, treble ingrain, Saxony, Aubusson, &c, from sixty-five cents per square yard, on Brussels and Turkey carpeting Jrom fifty-five cents per square yard, on all Venetian and'ingrain carpeting from thirty cents per square yard, all to thirty per cent, ad eral provisions of the present Tariff as enacted by t^e late Congress in 1842, and the Van Buren s ubstitute, showing their respective reasons, objects and operations. J The first section of the Tariff as it is reads as follows: Sec. 1 Be it enacted, by the Senate and House of Representatives of he United States of America in Congiessas- sembled. That from and after the , assage o< this act, in lieu of the duties heretofore imposed By law on the articles hereinaf ter mentioned, and on such as may now be exempt from duty, theie. shall be levied, collected and paid, the following duties, that is to say ; First. Ou coarse wool unmanufactured, the value whereof, at the last port or place from whence exported to the United States, shall be seven cents or under per pound, there shall be levied a < uty of five per centum ad valoiem : And on all ether unmanufactured wool there shall be levied a duty of three, cents per pound, and thirty per centum ad valorem: Provided, That.when wool of different qualities of the same kind or sort is imported in the same bale, bag or package, and the aggregate value of the contents of the bale, bag or package, shall be appraised by the appraisers at a rate exceeding seven cents per pound, it shall be charged with a duty in couformitv to such appraisal: Provided further. That when wool ot different qualities and different kinds or sorts is imported in the same bale, bag or package, the co >tents of the bale, bag or package shall be appraised at the value of the finest or most valuable kind or sort, and aduty charged thereon accordingly: Provided further, That if bales of different qualities are em braced in the same invoice, at the same price, the value of the whole shall be appraised according to the value of a bale of the best quality : Provided further, That it any wool be imported having on it dirt or any material or imp-,rities other than thise naturally belonging to the fleece, and thus be reduced in value to seven cents per pound or under, the appraisers shall appraise said woel at such ptice as, in t heiropiuion, it would have cos', had it not been so mixed with such d.rt or impurities, and a dutp shall be charged thereon in conformity with such appraisal ; Provided also, That wool imported on the skin shall be estimated as to weight and value as other wool. Second. On all manufactures of wool, or of which wool shall be a component part, except carpetings, flannels, bock- ings and baiz.-s. blankets, worsted stuff goods, ready-made c’.'ihi-g, hosi^rv, mitts, gloves, caps and bindings, a duty ef forty per centum. shira Uj Wilton carpets and carpeting, treble ingrain, Saxon'and Aubusson carpets and carpeting, a duty of sixty- five cents per square yard ; on Brussels and Turkey carpets a«d carpeting, irity-five cents per .square yard ; on all Venetian and ingrain carpets and carpeting, thirty cents per square yard: on all other kinds of carpets and carpeting, of wool, h -mp, flax or cotton, or parts of either, or other material not otherwise, specified, a duty of thirty per centum ad valorem : Provided, That bed-sides and other portions of carpets or catpetiug shall pay the rate of duty herein imposed on caipets or carpeting of a similar character. Fourth. Un woolen blankets, the actual value of which at the place whence impoited shall not exceed seveutv-five cents each, aud of the dimensions not exceeding seventy-two by fifty-two inches each., nor less tnau sixty-five by sixty inches, a duty of fifteen per centum ad valorem ; aud on all other woolen blankets, a duty of twenty-five per centum ad valorem. Fifth. On all manufactures, not o'herwise specified, of combed wool or worsted, and manufactures of worsted and silk combined a duty of thirty per centum ad val r<-m ; onall hearth rugs, an ad valorem duty of forty per centum. Sixth, On woolen and worsted yarn, a duty of thirty per centum ad valorem. Seventh. On woolen and worsted mitts, gloves, caps and bindings, and on woolen or worsted hosiery, that is to say, stockings, socks, drawers, shirts, and all other similar manufactures, made on irames, a duty of thirty per centum ad valorem. Eighth On flinnels. of whatever material composed, ex- c- pt couona cuty or fourteen cents per squaie yard ; on bock, ings and biikes, fourteen cents per square yard ; on coach lanes, thir.y nv«.,Pr centum ad valorem ; on Thibet, Angora, and al I other goats? hair or mohair unmanufactured, one cent Sound; on earning, blankets, coatings, and al] other manures ol goats han or mohair, twenty per centum ad va- lo em. Ninth On ready-mede cv,thing, of whatever material com pos-d. worn by men, womsn^j children, except gloves, mitts, stockings socks, wove shirts a<d drawers, and all other simi- J tr manu'actu'-es m de on frames, hats, bonnets, shoes, bo»ts, aud bootees, imported in a state revjy to be used as clothing b . men, women or cnildren, made up either by the tailor, manufacturer or seams ress, an ad vaUrem duty of fifty per centum; on ail articles worn-by men; women or children, other than as above specified or excepted, of whatever mate-' rials composed, me.t’e up whol'y or in part by hand, a duty of forty-yer cer turn ad va lorem ;-ou all thread laces aud-iuser'- ings. fifteen per centum ad valorem ; on cotton laces.quil- li- gs, a« d insertings, usually known as trimming laces, ami on bobbinet laces cf cotton, twenty per centum ad valor, m; on laces, gatkona, tress s, tassels, knots, and stars of gold or silver, flue or half flue, fifteen per centum ad valorem ; on all articles emb.o;dftr‘,s in gold or silver, fine o< half fine, when fi-iijiheC. other than clothing, twenty per centum ad valorem ; a.n<l oil clothing finished in whole or in part, embroidered in gold and silver, fifty per centum ad valorem.