14 THE WHALE-FISHERY. X the sea. They were all soon taken Hr up, when only one was found to have X sustained severe injury. X 1° 1802, a whale-ship had one of its X boats thrown fifteen feet into the air, X and it fell down bottom upwards. The X crew were all saved except one. I Whalers are often in great danger by reason of the monster they are pursuing becoming greatly enraged, and turning suddenly upon them. The Dutch writers mention a man who, after a fish had been struck, was hastening with a second boat to the support of the first. The Whale, however, rose, and with his head struck the boat so furiously, that it was shattered in pieces, and the man was thrown with X the fragments on the back of the huge X animal. Even then this bold mariner X darted a second harpoon into the back X of his victim ; but, unfortunately, he got entangled in the line and could not X extricate himself, nor could the others X get near enough to save him. At last,