The Whale, and the Perils of the Whale-Fishery

THE WHALE, ■ AND THE. ’c | PERILS OF THE WHALE-FISHERY J IX The Whale is the largest.and most X powerful animal in the world. No X E creature that lives on the earth is one X E half as large. The Elephant, which x E is the largest of all living land animals, x £ is seldom more than ten feet long, and x weighs not more than eight or nine X $ thousand pounds. How large, then, X X must an animal be, which is sometimes X X one hundred feet long, from thirty to X X forty feet round, and weighing one X X hundred tons, or two hundred thousand X X pounds! x There are a great many varieties of X ¥ the Whale, one of which, called the x X Razor-Back, is the largest, being often X of the size just mentioned ; but it is X X not as valuable as the Common Whale, X (which you see -on the opposite page,) X