6 THE WHALE. X which have lids to them, not larger X than those of an ox. Oh the top of^ the head are blow-holes, which are X °F supposed to be his nostrils; through X X these he spouts the water to a great X $ height, and with a noise like that of X cannon. His tail is very broad, and a X most powerful weapon ; when in pain X or rage, he lashes the sea with it till X the water is in a foam all around. SS X One blow from his tail will dash a X 3b stout boat in pieces. The head of this x kind of Whale is generally about one X third of its length. The mouth is X large enough to hold a good sized boat. 3g X Immediately under the skin lies the X X fat, which is called blubber ; this is X X from ten to twelve and sometimes, on X X some parts of the body, twenty inches X X thick. The color of the blubber is gen- x X erally yellowish white, or yellow ; but X X sometimes it is red. In the young ones X X it is always yellowish white. The X color of the Whale is velvet black, or X X gray, and sometimes white. ft a nA ft a a ft a n n n An o a An A a t $