14 MISCELLANEOUS. rented ; in the middle of which is supposed another circle, called the Ecliptic, from which the sun never deviates in his annual course,’ and in which he advances 30 degrees each month. 220Z6. Make a barrel of Beef or Pork. 196Z&. ------ ------ Flour. 100Z&. ------ ------ Gun Powder. 120ZZ>. ------ seam of Glass. 16Z&. ------ stone of Feathers. ------ quintal of Fish. Ulb. ------ stone of Shot. 19i cwt. make a fodder of Lead. 6 Feet —;— a Fathom. 4 Inches make a Hand. 12 Articles------ a Dozen. 5 Dozen —- a roll of Parchment. 12 ------ ------ a small Gross. 12 Gross, or 144 doz. make a great Gross. 24 Sheets make a quire of Paper. 20 Quires ------ a ream of Paper. 2 Reams -■ a bundle of Paper.