United States Table Book

19 Q. What is Simple Subtraction? It teaches to take a less number from a greater of the same name, and thereby shows the difference. Q. What is Compound Subtraction ? A. It teaches to find the difference between numbers of divers denominations. Q. What is Multiplication. JI. It is a short and easy way of adding numbers of the same name. Q. Which are the principal terms used in this rule? Ji. These three, viz. the Multiplicand or sum to be multiplied, the Multiplier or number by which you multiply, the Productor number, produced by multiplying the other two. Q. What is Compound Multiplication? JI. It is the multiplying numbers of different names by a simple figure or figures, whose product shall be equal to a proposed number. What is Division. JI. It teaches to find how often one number is contained in another of the same name.