United States Table Book

20 Q. How are its terms distinguished r The number given to be divided, is called the dividend. The number to be divided by, is called the divisor. The number of times the divisor is contained in the dividend, is called the quotient. The remainder, if there be any, will be less than the divisor. Q. What is the use of Compound Division ? JI. It teaches to find how often one number is contained in another of different denominations. Q. What is reduction ? JL Reduction is the changing or reducing numbers from one denomination to another, without altering their value. Q. Which rules are used in reduction ? Multiplication and Division. Q. When is Multiplication, used ? Ji. When great names are to be brought into small, as pounds into shillings, days into hours, fyc. Q. When is Division used ? JI. When small names are to be brought into great, as shillings into pounds, fyc.