45 GOOD LITTLE ROBIN. 21 hours. “ Now, my lad, ” said the sailor; “ you should have told me this first,” and, overhauling his pack, he pulled out plenty of bread and cheese, and hade Dick help himself, which he did, without being pressed a second time. When he-had finished^OJ^ook ye here,” said die manzof the sea. “ If you have been lying to me, you have done'it with an honest looking face ; but, if, as you say, your father and mother have got into workhouse dock, and there’s nobody to give ye a lift, what say ye to a sailor’s life, eh ? I’ve been home to see my old mother, some fifty miles back, and to leave her something to keep her along; and I’m now getting-down again, for another cruise. Now, if you like it, I’ll take ye under cohvoy. You’re no bigger than a marlin spike, to be" sure, but the best tars begin when they are boys. Well,” continued he, strapping on his pack, and taking up his hickory stick, “ what say you, my lad, yes or no ?” Dick accepted the proposal, and away .they trudged; the sailor relating, by the way. a hundred tales calculated to stir the landsman’s heart