Women's Patriotic Association for Diminishing the Use of Imported Luxuries

WOMEN’S PATRIOTIC ASSOCIATION FOR DIMINISHING THE USE OE IMPORTED LUXURIES. Orffttnieoti U<ii/ 10, 18(14. A DURESS. Women of the State or New York: There in something more wo can defer our country ! Wb winh to make, wo can make, no stronger appeal 1 hnn this to those who have been working for our sick and wounded soldiers for Iho pant throe yearn, who are working for th Gin now, who moan to work for them until the war is over. Wo ask yon to consider seriously the subject now presented; lot it. commend itself to your reason; for, if once convinced of the importance of tlm measure, wo cannot doubt but. (hat you will show yourself an ready Io help our country by not you have hitherto helped it by dohuj. In general, wo Women have taken but little interest in Iho (inancial a Hairs of Iho country. Duly lately I ho eyes of some of f he more thought fill amongst. ns have boon opened Io the startling mid alarming fact, that I hone were not in Iho most rat in factory condition. Eager questionings arose, springing from the hope that wo, non combatants, might possibly lend a helping hand here as elsewhere; might, perhaps, Ibid some new way of helping our country. Wo know that war, aside from the Ions of life, wan Iho most expensive undertaking in which a nation could engage. Why is it then, as our newspapers tell us, that wo are sending gold out of the coimlry al. Iho rale of nearly #2,000,000 a week, when wo need it so much al home t Why is it that the price of gold is going