Women's Patriotic Association for Diminishing the Use of Imported Luxuries

women, and to spend freely, and so we went on and on, more and more extravagant every year, until, without knowing it, we have been weakening our Government to the extent of twenty, and fifty, and seventy millions of dollars, during the past three years. But, the objection is made, cut off the importations and you cut off the Government revenue derived from duties upon them. True; but on the other hand, the greater the national wealth the stronger the Goverment, because there is more property in the country as a basis of taxation and loans, while the custom-house duties on articles which cannot be dispensed with, are quite sufficient to meet the requirements of the Government for interest-money payable in gold. Let us examine the import and export tables of a single year. Those for 1860-61 are at hand. Up to June 30, ’61, “ the value of the exports of the growth, produce and manufacture of the United States,” amounted to $228,699,486, including specie. The value of the imports for the same period, including specie, amounted to $286,598,135, leaving a balance against us of $57,898,649. The following are some of the items of the imports; most of these are pure articles of luxury, the others are manufactured and are for sale in this ^country: Buttons................................................................ $ 433,074 00 Cotton goods, viz: cords, galloons, gimps, thread, twist, yarn and piece goods.......... 17,057,158 00 Dolls and toys of all kinds................................ 424,614 00 Feathers and flowers, artificial and ornamental. 606,285 00 Glass................................................................... 2,017,930 00 Gems, set and not set........................................ 797,808 00 Jewelry.............................................................. 372,587 00 Hats and bonnets............................................... 1,181,391 00 Lacesand embroideries..................................... 2,377,470 00 Boots and shoes.................................................. 69,447 00 Paper—as fancy boxes, cards, paper hangings, writing paper, etc...................................... 577,163 00