The Tri-County Herald, Volume 75, Numbers 1-5
Armstrong Services Held Saturday Miss Jeannette Armstrong, age 25, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, H, R. Armstrong, of near Osborn, died Tuesday night, December 23, at 11:50 o’clock at McClellan’s Hospital in Xenia, following an extended illness. She had suffered from a heart ailment. The daughter of H, R. and. Martha Ray Ankeney Armstrong,' she was bom near Osborn Jan- 14, 1910. She was graduated from Bath Twp, High School in the class of ’33 and for seven’ years served as secretary to the super intendent of schools in Bath Twp. At the time she became ill she was1 employed as a stenographer at "Wright Field. Miss Armstrong was correspond ing secretary of the Osborn-Fair- held Business and Professional Women’s Club, was former cor responding secretary of the South western Ohio School Superintend ents’, Secretaries Association, and WaS a member o f Trinity Reformed Church inFairfield. Besides her patents she is sur vived by two sisters, Mrs. Ruth Ford and Mrs. Rae Flath, of Day- fon; and five brothers, Paul, of Dayton, Herman, of near Byron, -Charles, of near Osborn, and Rob ert and Rodney, at home. The funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at 2:30 p.m, at the Evangelical and Reformed Church in Fairfield, with the Rev. Jerome Schultz, a former minister of the Reformed Church, in charge of the services, and aided by Dr, Harvey Crowell, of Springfield, and Rev. Huber Klemme, of the Reformed Church. Burial was made in the Fairfield cemetery. Waste Paper a C p n M r y a f r O i r . Stressed In a letter addressed to Mayor „ Carpenter, of Fairfield, *r the Office of Pro duction Management and signed by Administrator Leon Henderson, attention was called to the im portance of waste paper collection and conservation, and the cooper ation of the village authorities sought in eliminating waste. Heed for adequate conservation o f paper was stressed because of the necessity fob paperboard con tainers used to ship defense ma terials. It is estimated that ap proximately three-fourths of all of the paper produced in the United (Continued on Page 0) Recreation Activities Are Scheduled A well-rounded program of com munity odivitioa will begin this week-end, if present plans mater ialize, ut the Junior Hall, Osborn, under the direction of the Defense Recreation Committee, (Should it not in: possible to have the events at the dub room*, of the Junior organization, 0 notice will bo posted *3 to the meeting place. Working toward a -varied program of in terest to alt persons in the com- tmmity, young and old, tiio fol lowing tentative schedule has been: established: Monday night, formation of mu sic groups, vocal and instrumental, Wednesday night, student rec reation committee. Friday night, ojren hoi is* follow ing the basketball game, Saturday night, pay -dance simi la r to the previous dance, at which ''ltdie* ware admitted free, Other activities tvlit induda var ious outdoor groups, camera dubs, (Continued on Fag* tM G r e e n e C o u n t y L i b r a r y Bast Clmreh St* . Xenia THETRI-COUNTYHERALD PDJBLISHEP IN THE INTERESTS OF CSBORN-FAlRFIELD AND SERVING GREENE, CLARK, AND MONTGOMERY COUNTIES SEVENTY-FIFTH YEAR No. I FRIDAY , JAN . 2 , 1942 EAST XENIA DRIVE, OSBORN, OHIO Government Takes Over Building Site Condemnation Proceedi n g s Filed In Federal Court To Secure Title To Thirty-Three Acre Tract In North Fair- field; To Build Portable Du plexes. • Construction of one - hundred portable duplex houses on-the site of the old dog racing plant in Fairfield, is in immediate prospect, following the filing last week in the Dayton federal court of pre liminary papers looking toward condemnation proceedings a n d clearing of title by attorneys for the federal government. Eugene A. Mayl, special attor ney for the government who filed the proceedings, stated that $15,- 000 had already been deposited in a bank to cover the government’s allowance for the land, the exact sum to be paid to be determined later through jury trial. The land is owned by Charles Fay, Middle- town, and others, who acquired it in 1937 at the tax sale held in Xenia, title passing from the old Fairfield A m u s e m e n t Park Limited, the original company which had set up the dog racing plant which operated for but one night. Mr. ’Mayl stated .that he was not familiar with the details o f ..the project, but it is thought that it is a part of the 1000 hous ing unit plan for the Wright-Pat- terson area which has recently been approved in Washington. The subject of many rumors during tile past six months, the site has been considered seriously for private development, and by government authorities who have surveyed it a number of times. Lack of sewer facilities and over crowding of the sewerage disposal plant have been stumbling blocks in the path of development with private capital, While no definite date has beeti set for work on the homes, it is expected to begin in the near future, due to the drastic need for additional housing, and the ex pected continued up-swing in em ployment on both Wright and Pat terson Fields. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Marfield McSherry, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCoy, all of Dayton, and Mr, mid Mrs, Will iam C. Jones and son, Charles, of (’lover fit., Fairfield, were Christ inas Kuo guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cano and fam ily, of fjoutli Main fit. After the dinner there was an exchange of Christinas gifts among those p r o ■wit, FOR RENT* FOR SALE 1 5 WANTED*. NOTICEi LOST* FOUNDt That’s right. We're refer ring to the Tri-County Herald "Want Ad Section, an estab lished, yet inexpensive mar ket place. By using the Want Ads you pJwjp your selling iifostage before an audience that is interested in whit you me Killing. f o r quick RESULTS, phone 83 nr M9 and ask for «u Ad- TnMr, TUt T R hW hm t HERALD ■ 1 ' “s> Mrs. Bolinger Establishes Unusual Knitting Record A record probably unsurpassed in this community and in many cithers as well, is being established by Mrs. Amanda Bolinger, 81, who lives with Mr, and Mrs. William Taggart, East Xenia Drive, Os born. The beginning of that record goes back to World War I, when M rs. Bolinger began knitting sweaters and scarfs for the Red- Cross. While she kept no record of the work done in the previous war, she recalls eighteen sweaters and a number of scarfs that were made and turned over to the agency. Those were sleeveless sweaters, Mrs. Bolinger recalls, and did not take a great deal of time to knit. This war, however, calls for sweaters with sleeves— and a lot of them. The white needles that click un der Mrs. Bolinger’s capable fingers are now working on the sixty- second sweater for the current war, representing some eighteen months of .effort, Despite her years,, she finds that it is possible to knit a sweater a week if there aren’t too many other things de manding her attention, and a good msny ot the weeks in the past year have seen a sweater finished, sleeves and all, and another one on the needles. , Mrs, Bolinger was a resident of Old Osborn, and her home was one of the first to be moved to the new town. Following the death of her husband a number of years ago, she sold her home and has been living at the Taggart resi dence. Funds For Fairfield Allocated Notification was received on Tuesday of this week that pres idential approval had been given the requests from , the village of Fairfield for "increased: wfiteu sup-1 ply and additional fjrd fighting equipment, to -the extent of $26,- 442, with $17,727 to be raised by the sponsoring village. This pro ject,, together with similar ones in Osborn, are a part of twenty- two public works projects in de fense areas which were olced by President Roosevelt. Son Safe In Honolulu Word was received this week by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Estorlinc that their son, stationed at Fort Arm strong, Honolulu, is safe and well. While the letter was censored and no information as to the attack on the island stronghold was given, he assured them of his well-being. Recently promoted to the rafik of sergeant, Esterline went to Hawaii on the sixth of January, 1941, Ho reported to Mr. and Mrs. Estcrline that the morale of the men was high. Carpenter- Cross Nuptials Mr. and Mrs. Hillary Carpenter, of Ohio Ave., Fairfield, are an nouncing the marriage of their daughter, Helen Naomi, to Private Leoda (Voss, of Berkley, W.Va, The wedding took place tSuuday evening, Dec. 21, at the home of the bride’s parents. Misses Vir ginia Pfeifer and Jacqueline Alle- mang, of Washington C*. H., and Mr. Max Hownman, of Blooming- but were the couple’s attendants, and the Rev. Leonard A, Donnaily, of the Methodist t’hmrh, officiated. Mrs, (,‘ iom is employed at Put- tm on Held, and Private Cross, the son of Mr, and Mrs. Riliey Cross, r»f Bctklc-y, W,Ya„ U da- tinned at Camp Perry, Ohio, for**- tnferly at I’atfprson Field. Red Cross Drive Nets Good Sum Find Figures Show Nearfy $1200 Collected In Com munity, Mr, Merrick Re veals. The Red Cross drive which was started in this community Novem ber ,1.2, has been completed accord ing to Mr. M, Merrick, the chair man -of the committees for Bath Twp,, Osborn, Fairfield, and the fields, Duo to the increased per sonnel now employed at the Field, it was necessary to extend the drive much longer than in other years in order that everyone would be contacted. The total received during the entire drive amounts to $1179.27, Mr. Merrick wishes to thank all those who so gener ously helped in this drive—not only those who directly aided in the drive but the hundreds who gave so whole-heartedly to this worthy cause. RED CROSS MEETING JANUARY 5 ^ \ The American Red Cross ’ Freparodnore and Relief Com mittee and the Defense ( !oun- eil of this community will Isold a meeting, which in vital to everyone, and all should at tend. Your future welfare is at otako. At this meeting, the Mayor of Osborn, Mr, Crone, who Is chairman of the de fence council and a represen tative of ttie American Red Cross of this county, will be present. Wo of this communi ty arp facing a calamity. Your presence Is necessary. There will he some very important nows tor all, Wo are not soliciting any funds, The dale is January fi, 1942, Plat e, Junior Hall; time, 7:30 pin, Mr, Robert (.Tone. Mayor ?»?, Oahonu. Chaffirian Defense Council, Mr, Bay McKinnon. Chairmen Red. Crow, Council Employs Fin ayson Takes Over Duties As Chief Of Police January 1; Federal Offer Of Funds For Utilities Expansion Not Sufficient. Osborn Council, meeting in spec ial session on Tuesday night of this week, received a communication from Clarence J, Brown, congress man from this district, to the ef fect that the federal government would grant $5,600 of the $23,600 asked for development of water facilities for tha village, and $65,» 510 of the $114,930 sought' lor ex pansion of the sewage treatment plant to take care of the unprece dented load placed on the local utilities because of the expanded defence work in this area. While ho formal action was taken on the matter, it was pointed out that it would be impossible for the village to raise additional funds through bonding or any other procedure, and contadt with Washington au thorities is to be made at once on the matter in another attempt to secure a 100 per cent grant. Sale of bonds previously ap- Blaze From ; Defective Flue A defective flue was responsible for approximately $100 damage to the now home of Ben Pile, Middle Direct, Fairfield, Tuesday of thin week, when a minor blaze resulted from oparko from the furnace. Damage was limited to remov ing a section of aiding and a por tion of wall board inside of tha house In order to roach Ihc blare. The Fait field Fire Department an* owned the alarm and had the fire ouiingniahcd within five minute;. The alarm woo Bounded at 2; 13 PM. THANKS- 1 wish to thank my many friends in this community who have co generously aided ms In my efforts to secure a wheel chair. Stamps have ■poured In so rapidly that I have* not been able to com plete my count, but within a week or two t wish to are knowlcdgo the many gifts of both stamps and money, Ore tainty this has- been * Christ* mas far ereerditig mv *xpfc- mUons, Earl Wright
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