The Tri-County Herald, Volume 75, Numbers 1-5
m m 4 TRI-COUNTY HERALD Sur render ipment ■Notice was received by local defense officials this week, or dering the collection of all radio transmitters, radio receivers cap able of receiving short wave broadcasts, cameras and firearms from aliens in this area, Instruc tions were issued by the Attorney General of the United States, and arrangements have been made in both villages for the collection of such articles. Individuals coming within the above restrictions residing in Fair- field are ordered to surrender s:uch equipment to Joe Steele, Fairfield Police Chief, at the city building, Fairfield, either Satur day jor Sunday, and in Osborn, at the city building, leaving such property with the clerk. Receipts Will be issued for any articles Surrendered. Mobile Dental Unit Used - For Survey A unique little dental office on wheels, describes the Children’s Dental Unit, Ohio Department of Health, which is surveying the mouths of the school children in Greene County and Xenia City. Complete dental equipment is . housed in a 22 ft. trailer and is taken from school to school -for the examinations. This method enables the dentist to give a much more thorough examination than is possible in a school-room and does not disrupt classes or upset Softool discipline. The unit is here at the request of Dr, Savage, Health Commissioner, to stimu late an interest in the early cor rection of defects in the teeth of th'O children. It is felt that teeth repaired for the young child is the best method of controlling dental disease. The unit will be in the county for two weeks. The men are alleged 10 nave stolen building materials and sup plies teg the extent of $25,000, and pose a difficult problem to offi cials, inasmuch as much of the stolen material has gone into the construction of two homes, one in New Germany and one in Dayton. Large quantities of additional ma terial were found In a garage on E. Third St., Dayton, which had been rented by the gang. An alleged fifth member of the gang, Ralph William Schulte, is at present at the Lima State Hos pital for mental»observation, fol lowing a recent indictment on morals charges by the Greene County grand jury, A quantity of material found in the Schulte home near New Germany was taken from his possession at the time of his arrest and is thought to be a part of the loot involved in the organized stealing of the building materials. AAA Checks Distributed A distribution of $200,638.64, representing 996 checks mailed to farmers in Greene County partici pating in the AAA program took place this week, according to an announcement on Saturday by Joseph B. Masonf chairman of the county triple “A” committee. Tlhe checks represent approxi mately one-half the amount to be distributed in the county,' Mr. Mason stated, and cover conserva tion payments an'd parity pay ments on corn and wheat for the year just ended., Re-organize Red Cross Sewinq Break Theft Ring Working T t ^Four men, Robert Grove, 30, Dayton, Glen Silvers, 27, Dayton, Jay Brown, 24, home-at-large, and Frank Poiakovics, 31, Dayton, face Montgomery County grand jUry charges of theft of building materials in Dayton, Fairfield, Os born, Knoliwood and Wright View Heights, as the result of arrests coming through the cooperation of Montgomery and Greene Coun- ,ty officials. Mrs. Waldo Zeller, production chairman of the Bath Twp. Red Cross, entertained her sub-chair men Tuesday afternoon at her home. The purpose of this meeting was to re-organize Red Cross clubs in this community. The different churches and sewing clubs were represented by t h e following ladies: Methodist Church, Mrs. Howard Fairchild, Mrs. Harold Bt. John, and Mrs. Clarence Tippy; C h a r l e s Pfister; Presbyterian C h u r c h , Mrs. Eva Naragon; Friendly Circle Sewing Club, Mrs. Chester Hartier; Wright View Sewing Club, Mrs-. C. F. Bell and Mrs. T. R. Johnson; The Pleasant Hour Sewing Club, Mrs. Charles Conner; Eastern Star Organiza tion, Mrs. Orla Crawford, assisted by her co-chairman, Mi’s. Russell Fisher; and the American Legion Auxiliary, Mrs. E. H. Hawthorne. Anyone in the community want ing to help with the sewing or cutting out of articles for the Re^; Cross should get in touch with the chairman of their church or organization. Any organization or church not represented and which would like to help in this worthy cause should get in touch with Mrs. Waldo Zeller. Ladies wishing to knit instead of sew, can get the yarn from Mrs. Zeller. The needles this year, however, are not fur nished. Any member of the East ern Star, whether belonging to the local chapter or not, wishing to sew or knit can contact Mrs. Oria Crawford, of 21 West Hebble Ave,, Osborn. It is the hope of the chairman, Mrs. Zeller, and her sub chairmen that the ladies in this community will cooperate in mak ing this sewing and knitting pro ject a credit to those who parti cipate in any way. FRIDAY, JAN. 9, 1942 .. re......... FRIDAY. JAM. 9, 1942 Tiig-CQUNTY m m m m m s Agen t Leads Nation 7 E D B. B. Fleming local represepta tive of the Prudential Life Insur ance Company closed the year 1941 at the top of the company’s 23,000 agents, leading the entire group in amount of. insurance sold. Mr. Fleming was in fifth place last year, nineteenth the year before, .and in 118th place the previous year. The top honors at all previous times have been won by men in metropolitan areas, this being the first time in the history of the company that an agent outside of a city area has taken first place, in either th e ' United S t a t e s or Canada, Mr. Hunter Succumbs Lewis Frank Hunter passed away at his home at 42% South Grand Ave., Saturday after a series of illnesses over the past few years. The funeral was con ducted at the Morris Sons’ Funeral Home in Osborn, Sunday evening and the body was taken to Fort- ville. Indiana, Monday for burial. Mr. Hunter, a native of Indiana, had lived in Osborn for the past twelve years and was a civilian employee at Patterson Field. He was a member of the •Masonic Lodge^r Mrs. L6uelia Hunter; a jsister, Mrs. Marianf Scott, of Indianapolis; and a brother, John T., of Logansport, Indiana. Mr. and Mrs, Paul Schultz and daughter, Patty, of Arcanum, were Sunday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Kneisly, of South Central Ave. The Osborn-Fairfield Methodist Church is giving a supper Thurs day evening, Jan. 15, beginning at 5 o'clock. ■*» NOT I C E To DOG OWNERS 41 JA N U A R Y 2 0 LAST DAY FOR PAYM ENT W ITHOUT PENALTY 1942 Dog Tags For Sale LICENSES FOR MALES ........................... ......................................................... ........ ............ * $ SPAYED FEMALES FEMALES ..... .................................................................................................................................. 3 .7S KENNEL .................................................................................................................*................. — 1 2 *50 . A t The Following Places B ea v e rcreek — N ew G erm any ....................... ................................. Pau l K arna th , G rocery B ea v e r creek — K no llw ood ......F red Barnard , G rocery and F illin g S ta tion B e ilb rook ..................................... ................. ............................................................ Mrs. W . W . T a te B ow e r sv ille ..... ,........ ....................... ............. ..............................*....... *........................C laud e Ch itty C eda rv ille .f . ............. «.......... .......................................................... Jam es B a iley , F illin g S ta tion F a ir fie ld ....................... ....... ................................... .................. Merrill T ritl, C h evro le t A g e n c y Jam e s tow n ........................................... ..................................................... Jo!1** C o lle tt, G a rag e Spring V a lle y ...................... ....... ................ ............ H aro ld V a n P e lt, H a rdw a r e S tore Y e llow Springs ................................................................. G lenn L. D ea ton , H a rdw a re S tore U nd er a r e cen t ru lin g by th e A tto rn ey G en era l o f Ohio, th e $ 1 .0 0 p e n a lty must b e co lle c ted from tho se w h o f a il to ob ta in th e ir licen se s. T h e G en era l Code prov ides tha t if t h e f e e is n o t p a id on or b e fo r e Janu a ry 20 , th e County A ud itor sh a ll a s se s s a p e n a lty o f O n e D o lla r . It sp e c ific a lly fo rb id s an aud ito r r edu c in g , ab a tin g , or rem ittin g any p e n a lty requ ired by la w to b e c o l lec ted b y h im . If no t pa id , then , th e A u d ito r and h is bond sm en a r c liab le , a c co rd in g to , th e A tto rn ey G en era l’s ru ling , T h e Coun ty A ud itor h a s no a lte rn a tiv e but to e n fo r c e th e ru ling , JAMES J. CURLETT C oun ty A u d ito r ks iJV*1 ■K The wise woman who knows "coffee dates” knows" that dating means nothing unless it’s roaster dating« "Hot-Dating”, the Kroger way. Other dating methods mean delay that takes a mighty toil of coffee values, gives you a "so called” fresh coffee, jangling nerves and digestion. Kroger’s "Hot-Dated”, selected from the world’s finer coffees, reaches you every time at guar anteed peak of flavor and freshness! Try store-ground "Hot- Dated today—and start saving up to a dime on every pound! S o y <f HOT - DA T E D , PLEASE” and be sure! SPOTLIGHT B R A N D . . . . /fartCOffEE. ’FVtKSWm/TESS /s/PtrPA s u r m „ r • wor-DAm d SUWFAMKSS1 /WE&uoor/ 1 JAN U A RY S O j I f c k ' G r a n u l e s Avalon Brand NewGiant Site S « ' W ‘ ' H f , f a B3! is I O C Avalon Brani! 15" -j I ( 3 I 9 U 8 W a s h O l p t h F R E E SALE! « 49c Small Pug - Giant Pkg - Small Pkg - Giant Pkg - - 9c G9c For Golden Suds $ p h s mm w m m K 'Ghi |P & G Soap Oxydol Rinse Pels Chips jAvalon Flakes Sunbrife Cleanser Ivory Soap ICleanser 69-Os Pkjs Lge Dkgs Giant Pars China Cup Saucer or FREE Lge Pkg Lge PkBS Cans Deal. Buy the Barge Bar Gqt the Medium Bar for m Bm Old Dutch Cant c h ip s o £ * Sweetheart Toilet 5Babo 'Bars Can 4 .*■ Jttogc1 it’ s y,nriche& rjbiton «0-O7-> LAYER CAKE ............... e a c h 2 7 c Orange V ITAM IN CAPSULES .. p k g SOc One Month's Supply TEA BAG S ............ p k g o f 2 0 17c May Garden—Orange Fekoe and Pekoe CIGARETTES ca r ton $ 1 .4 5 Popular 15c Brand H O M IN Y .......3 No . 2% can# 2 0 c Country Club COCKTAIL 3 131/2-oz can# 2 9 c Fruit JU ICE ............ 3 can s 2 3 c Kraut KARO SYRUP 1% - lb c a n l l ^ c Blue Label PANCAKE FLOUR Aunt Jemima ... p k g 10 c 4 can s 2 7 c Tom PORK & BEAN S . Campbell's A PPLE SAUCE 3 No. 2 can s 2 5 c Country Club H i Avow dale, -rap® ■Jlo. - Can* Avalon MATCHES 6 ph g s 2 3 c evor i V i O c _ ^ , r | t t / ; . i ” \Q C SODA ................................. p k g 3 i/2c A & H SAUCE ........ *. ................. b o ttle 2 5 c L & P COFFEE ........................ Ib-can 3 3 c Beechnut KA FFEE H A G ............ Ib-can 3 3 c GLOSS STARCH .. 1 -lb b ox S ^ c Argo DESSERTS ................2 pkg* 9 c My*T«Fine T I S S U E ............................ 3 ro lls 2 3 c Softwcavo T ISSUE ..................... ........... ro ll 4 c Waldorf SC O T T IS SU E ...............3 roll# 2 0 c ' T I S S U E ............................6 roll* 2 5 c C lifto n I f, L' W'1* Sr**" S l f T W p S A * tfo. 2 Gtt* Creatn C O R * * 9 ' h t ,r ^ ni.Ai I I m __ 9 Vac m Covw^calthW1- ^,4-oa- -■i BEEF — S te a k— Cho ice S irlo in .... Ib 38 c | P o r te rh o u se or C lub S t e a k s ........ lb 43 c Sw is s S te a k — Shou ld er Cuts .... lb 3 2 c , R ib R oa sts o r Sh ou ld er R oa sts ...» lb 30c M ea t fo r L oa f — B e e f, V e a l and Pork Fresh* Ground ................ ............. . Ib 2 5 c H am b u rg e r — F resh G round , A ll B e e f .......................................... lb 1 9 V sjc BACON — Sm oked B r eak fa s t, Country C lub , 2 -lb F irst Cuts ............ lb 22Vfec| B u lk , S liced , C en ter Cuts, R ind le ss ............................................. lb 2 9 c K u ick Krisp or Country Club P la tte r S ty le ........................... ........ ................ lb 37 c S liced Bacon 1-lb p la tter s ty le 3 2 c PORK LOIN ROAST — F irst 7-Rib Cu ts ........................................... lb 2 2 c HAM S — Sm oked , Sugar Cured .... lb 2 8 c SMOKED CALLIES — Sugar Cured, H ock leos .......... lb 25 c LARD —- Pure K e ttle R end ered lb 1 4 1/o c PORK ROAST — F re sh C a llie S ty le lb 2 2 c SPARE RIBS — F resh and M ea ty .. lb 19c SAUER KRAUT — N ew P a c k ......... lb 5c W IENERS — Sk in le ss and Ju icy .... Ib 25 c BO ILED HAM — B on e le s s, S liced lb 4 8 c FRANKFURTERS or H a lf Sm oked lb 2 2 c FILLET o f H A D D O C K ..................... lb 2 5 c KENNEBEC SALMON — S liced .... lb 32 c OCEAN JA X SALMON — R ead y fo r th e P a n ........................................................ Ik *0 c S U I> E R ............... ACClPt THIS AMAJtlNtf eUARANTIIt “B'.w any ifoojftr h«nd H*«. Lttse It #3 wU up rr ksttep utsy Mkcr. ot tetma unu.«d portirii In \rs.i KROQiernso * rmiWAfiON
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