The Tri-County Herald, Volume 75, Numbers 1-5

PAGE TRI-COUNTY HERALD FRIDAY, JAN. 16, 1942 B. & P. W. To Meet Monday On Monday evening, January 13, the Osborn-Fairfield Business and Professional Women’s Club will hold their regular monthly dinner meeting in the social rooms of the Reformed Church in Fairfield. The International Affairs Com­ mittee with Miss Sylvia Zediker as chairman and Mrs. Fred Haenzi and Mrs, Helen Barnhart as assisting members, is in charge of the arrangements, " ‘‘Training for Defense” is the topic being carried out by the lo­ cal club for the month of January and with this theme in mind the committee is planning a panel dis­ cussion on the various phases of Defense Work now in progress in the community. The local situa­ tions as to housing, Red Cross needs, general Civilian Defense needs and Recreational needs will be presented by the local jgaders in each of these divisions. This meeting is open to the pub­ lic, with the 6:30 p.m. and the program immediately fol­ lowing. Anyone in the community wislling to attend both the din­ ner and the discussion is asked to phone his reservation to Osborn SOI not later than Friday evening, Glut) members are urged to please be prompt. Mrs. Leach Hostess Mrs. Clifford Leach was a gra­ cious hostess to the members of the Ladies’ Aid Society of the Presbyterian Church when they • SlnSlMIWLW Ave. last 'Thursday' afternoon "for their regular meeting. After the business session, a social ihour was enjoyed by Mrs. W. C,. Poole, Mrs. Harris, Mrs. W. M. Moore, Mrs. Pliney Hawthorne, Mrs, J. A. O’Neal and her guest, Mrs. Warren Morris, Mrs. Effie Andrews, Mrs. F, P. Brilmayer, Mrs. C. R. Tit- low, Mrs, T, C. Hughes, Mrs. Dale Naragon, Mrs. James C. McMillan, Mrs. Robert Patterson, and the hostess/ Mrs. Leach, TROOP NOTES The Girl Scouts of Troop 57 held their meeting January 8 in the school building after school. The girls who were not as yet Girl Scouts passed their Tender­ foot Test, Wednesday, January 14, and received their Girl Scout pins. The president appointed J’gur girls to make out the program for each meeting of-the month of January, The meeting closed as usual with the singing of tap3. Scribe Virginia Lee Meyer3 King's Messengers The King’s Messengers Sunday School Class of the Fairfield-Os- horn Methodist Church held their regular monthly meeting Thurs­ day night at the home of Mrs. Clint Davis, of Osborn. After the foustn ;ss session refreshments were serve 1 to Mrs. G. P. Brown, Mrs. Ray Hardy, Mrs. Owen, Mrs, Fre.rife Rastenburg, Mrs. D. E. > Lot (te,. Mrs. Carbaugh, Mrs. H. G. Shrpard, Mrs. Troutman, Mrs Bertram and the hostess, Mr q . Clint Davis. Butler- Kenvin Miss Ruth Butler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Butler, of Fairfield, became the bride of Mr. Fred Kenvin, son of Mrs. G. Ken­ vin, of Osborn, in a ceremony per­ formed by Father Bernard F, O’Reilly, Friday evening, January 9, The bride was attired in a dress of blue crepe and wore a cox*sage of red roses. Her attendant, Miss Peggy Kenvin, sister of the bride­ groom, wore dusty rose with a corsage of white roses, Mr. Clyde Carney served as the best man. The young couple left for a short wedding trip, after which they will return to reside in Fairfield. Both Mr. and Mrs. Kenvin are graduates of Bath High School. of the International Fox and Fur Company at Winnipeg, of which he is managing director. In addi­ tion to being a fox rancher and feed manufacturer, he is editor- in-chief of a magazine dealing with the raising of fox. Mr, Hancock visited his mother, Mrs/ Anna Hancock, of Daytori, during his stay here, and was the guest of honor at the Clingner home when Mr. and Mrs, C. S. Yingst and daughter, Dianne, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clingner, Mr, and Mrs. John Spencer, Mr, and Mrs. Miles Brown, and Mr. and Mrs. Haughton Hancock, all of Dayton, were entertained, Pi reds "Open House Missionary Group Meets The members of the Women’s Missionary Society of the St. Mark’s Lutheran Church held their regular meeting at the home of Rev, and Mrs. P. H._Weihl, of S. Maple St., Wednesday afternoon. Rev. Weihl presented the lesson study which was entitled “As Our Church Faces-Her World Task To­ day.” Interest was added by his showing maps which presented the advances made by missionaries over the p&st years. After the business meeting, plans were made for an all-day meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. Guy Williams, of West Xenia Drive, in February, Miss Jean Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, of South Central Ave., and a senior at Heidelberg College, Tiffin, di­ rected activities at the college last week in preparation for the co­ eds’ annual dormitory' “ o p e n house” Saturday afternoon and evening. Miss Smith is president of France Hall Dormitory and also is president of the Heidelberg wo­ men’s dormitory council, which sponsored the “ open house.” Men students, faculty members and townspeople Were invited to in­ spect the three women's dormi­ tories and were guests at Williard Hall. Miss Smith is a member of the Senior Laureate Society at Heidel­ berg, the student council and Kappa Delta Pi, national educa­ tion honorary fraternity. Meets The members of the Byron Ladies’ Aid Society held their monthly meeting last Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. A, E. Linebaugh, of near Byron. Mrs. Ralph Kyle led the devotions. Refreshments w e r e served to about fifteen guests. The Febru­ ary meeting will be held at the home of Miss M&ry Willett, of the Beavercreek Road, Thursday aft­ ernoon, February 5. Mrs. J. Rob­ ert Bryson, of Xenia, will be the gues_t speaker at this meeting. LOCALS Guests at the' T. F. Clingner home this week included Mrs. Clingner’s sister, Mrs. H. C. John­ ston, of Williamsburg, Ohio, and her niece, Mrs. Dorothy Formin, of Marathon, Ohio. Mr. t and Mrs. John Sheetz, of West Main St., were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clemraer and daughter, Barbara Lou, of East Dayton Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shade, of the Byron Road,' are the proud parents of a baby boy, born Mon­ day afternoon, Jan. 12, at 1:49 o’clock, at St. Anne’s Hospital in Dayton. The little fellow weighed 7% pounds and has been named Joseph Edward. Both Mrs. Shade and the baby are doing fine, Mrs, iShade was the former Juanita McPherson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell McPherson, of Xenia. Mrs.*Margaret Shade, of Grand Ave.^is the paternal grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Kneisly, of South Central Ave., Mrs. Jimmie Hanes and son, Jimmie, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Kneisly and daugh­ ter, Gwen Lee, all of Enon, spent Sunday as the guests of Mrs. T. R, Kneisly’s brother, Mr. Harve Haddix, of Catawba. Mrs, Lorena Drewes, of Oak Harbor, Ohio, a former teacher in the" Bath School, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haenzi, < of South Second St., Fairfield, re­ cently. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Betz, of Mann Ave., spent Sunday visit- • ing with Mrs. Betz’s brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ ward McComb and family, o f Middletown. , Mrs. C. A. Dolby, of Cincinnati, has returned t.o her home after spending a few days recently with Mrs. Frank Hunter, of South Grand Ave. presented to the Society. Those attending the meeting Wednesday were Mrs. James Rue, Mrs. Ralph Green, Mrs. John Merrill, Mrs. Nettie Harner, Mrs. W a r r e n Morris, Mrs. C. W. Siddall and daughter, Nancy, Mrs. Katie Had­ dix, Mrs. T. J. Longnecker, Mrs. Henry Paul and daughter, Mary, Mrs, I. R. Kneisly, Mrs. Thurman Kline and granddaughter, Martha Lee, three visitors, Mrs. John Jor­ dan, Mrs, Stewart and son, Arthur, and Mrs. Aspelin, and the host arid hostess, Rev. and Mrs. Weihl. Visitor From Canada Mr. Lowell W. Hancock, of Prince Edward Island, Canada, was a guest at the home of Mr, and Mrs, T. F. Clingner, Dayton Drive, Osborn, thi3 week. Mr. Hancock is a brother of * Mrs. Clingner and is visiting here prior to attending the annual meeting Wednesday evening, January 21, the Presbyterian Church will hold « sapper at 'the'church with serv- Hftg froth 5 to 7:88 p.m. Bargain Hour 21o Til 2:00 Twin Thrill Baysl —SCREEN— SHIRLEY TEMPLE In _«*KATHIJEEN” STARTS SUNDAY h ta tfio fta fylig Adventure MdfrKyWewAe