The Tri-County Herald, Volume 75, Numbers 1-5

KEEP 'EM READING Monday and Tuesday, Feb­ ruary 3 and 3, have been set by the local committee as the time for collection of books , for our boys in camps. You may send your books to school with finy local student, ydu may leave your book at the local tov/n library, or you may phone 342-J and a Boy Scout . will be-sent to your home to, ■collect it. Keep in mind that our boys are asking for textbooks on mathematics,- grammar,, and , up-tp-date scientific as well a as fiction of all types. Perhaps you have several appropriate books which you are not using and may. never use, On-the ' other hand, even to give away • the book you want yourself, * may be a fine patriotic gesture which could "help some young man to an immeasurable ex­ tent. Remember Monday^ and ; ' Tuesday are the1days to give a book in the • ftation-Wida Victory Book Campaign. G r e e n s C o u n t ? L l b r a t * ? .E a e t - C l-m p c h S t * a PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF OSBORN-FAIRFIELD AND SERVING GREENE, CLARK, AND MONTGOMERY COUNTIES SEVENTY-FIFTH YEAR Ho* S. FRIDAY, JXN . 30, 1942 EAST XENIA DRIVE, OSBORN, OHIO ion Program In Progress The- Fairfleld-Osborn •Methodist Church is now in the .midst of a two-weeks revitalization program to. raise ,$0,000 to liquidate the entire building Indebtedness, with plans already completed and the , program under way* ■The Rev. ,s Mktu B.-L«w* §£ th# Division of $ « r g u m c ' mittea fe. th# Whrk, ■ Baaing the enters plan tm. volun­ tary contribution* and stressing teas importance of the church, in mmdx times of crisis, the plan calls #oy extending the period of con­ tribution paynMUt* o y tt * ton- months period, ^ t h the choice of jiving in cash i f preferable, or payment in full by December 1 Of this year. . This Sunday, February 1, is be­ ing designated -w “Loyalty Day.” At the close o f the 10; 30 morning worship service every member and friend will be given an opportun­ ity to place a subscription on the Church altar*, Those who cannot bo present for the Sunday morning (Continued on Page 8) Confer With Federal Men On Sanitation Examine Status Of Water And Sewer Services In Twin V il­ lages# .T o Make Trip To. Washington. - Representative’s cf tha villages of Osborn .and-Fairfleld conferred on Tuesday, and Wednesday- of this week with field, service agents of the. federal government .pa the problem of federal aid for both, villages in the expansion of sfewer- and water services for the com­ munity. Federal grants of approx­ imately sixty per cent of ' the amount required have already been made to- both villages for such expansion, but were tenta­ tively rejected due to the inability of either village to supply the bal­ ance of the funds- •. Following the explanation of Mr. Fetters,, representing the federal government, rejections were held in abeyance to await further devel­ opments, It is expected that a del­ egation representing the towns will go to Washington jfi the near fu­ ture to lay the problems o f the community before authorities there. . The county'traaaurw or his dep- Club Visits N. Y. A. Center Members of tiie Fairileld-Ojborn Rotary Club and their guests werq entertained at the Miami Resident Center, National Youth Administration, located on old Route 4, on Wednesday of this week. Dinner was served to the group, following which an explan­ ation of tha work being carried on by the NYA wai given by Frank J, Blazina, Director of State Youth Personnel Division of the NYA irt Ohio. Mr, Georg# Patterson, di­ rector o f the local camp, also spok* on bis work in connection with th* training of yotmg men at Patter- son Field who are residents at tht Miami Center. Prime purpose o f the camp is to train boys as mechanic’s learners, Now housing approximately 400, the tolls ate expected to Increase tsfapidly, following the (statewide [Tnoadtast on Wednesday of this w-ek, calling for 1,000 men to be in training at the local center. Following the address*, the guest* touted the tamp, visiting fh* vat- knH buddings, and having iit# routine working of the eamp **> p f real'; speejat assessments in Bath Township, Os­ born,, and Fairfield Village on Fri­ day, February 0. The final data for avoid penalty is >March ■ " Greene County Helping ' To Keep Them Flying During the short time that Defense Bonds and Stamps have, been bn sale in this County, Greene County people have^purehased around four hundred thousand dollars worth „of Bonds and Stamps; but ■this could haye been twice as large but for the fact that many people do not realize the seriousness.of the war situation. Many people think that we will win the war as a matter o f course and forget the fact ,that it is possible for the United States to lose. It is time that everybody*"should realize that we are facing the greatest crisis in the history o f our country .and that in order to win we must have an all-out effort in time, money and every other way. The boys in $ 6 service are giving their lives, You are only asked to loan your money, which will be repaid with interest. Buy Bonds and Stamps today and keep on buying So that Tye*may keep our boys flying and theirs falling and that tomorrow will be one day nearer victory. Sincerely yours, F. L. Johnson, * • Chairman, Defense Bonds ______* ’ and Stamps Sale. Shower fo r Bride-Elect Mis? Mary Alice Kyle, bride- elect, of Mr. Robert Haranari, of near Xenia, ‘was guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower “given at the home of her parent*, Mr, and itewfr Mrs, Ralph Kyle m d Mrs, Robert Kyle, mother and aisjter-in-law of Mlas KyJf, Many lovely gifts were received and graciously accepted by Miss Kyle. BOY SCOUTS'RANKS GROWING Women's Guild Hears China Missionary ilitistisfi ' M i l l mmmmm Boy s*«eA’W«fb; imvAm **,B«jrSoMtif tm mm tjwifthk i q t t em t& tm wswrfg «s§ oiBs •»###■ «s* srtfc % » ftw N t/v tw a g Fa# ,aSBFp1 3* pfUsigSWl . . The’ members of the Women*# Guild of the Reformed Church met b| Mrs,. Paul %*hr, hour, Tfa® %um% speaker ttoti 'afternoon war Mil, Kdwih Beck, of Tiffin, Ohio, who formerly was a missionary In/China. Site told many interesting stories and happening# which took place while she was working in China, Mrs. Hublr Klemmts and Mrs, Fred Fritnlc served as assistant host­ esses for the afternoon, Following the business session and the enter­ tainment, lunch was served to Mrs, Edwin Beck, Rev. and Mrs, Huber Klemme find son, Paul, Mrs, Mollie Knetaley, Mrs. Perry Romspcrt, Mrs. D, G. Romspert, Mrs. LeKoy Burrous, Mrs. Paul Schaeffer, Mrs. George Warner, Mrs. Robert Rue, Mrs. Gilbert Young, Mrs Lillie Hubbard, Mrs, Sam Baus- man. Mrs, Fern Routzong, Mrs, Charles Mays, Mrs, Carl Mays and con, John David, Mrs. Frank Pitt­ man, Mrs, A, B. Snyder, Mrs, Cal­ vin Koogler, Mrs. James Wilson, Mrs, Chelsea Wilson and her sta­ ter, Mrs. Ross, Mrs, Roy Bassett Mrs, Kate Grijifllo, Mrs. George Ftmderburg, Mrs. Herbert Beal, Mrs. Howard Butler, Mrs. Fred Frank, Mrs, G. E, Fluke, Mrs. Ralph Sharp, Mrs. LeRoy Bates, Mrs. Grant Tyler, and Mrs. Spahr, the host*##, Celebrate Thirty-Fifth Anniversary Mr, and Mr*. Case B. Jones, of iSouth Central Ave.» Were well re* membered by gifts and well* wishes from their friend* and rela­ tives fiunday when they celebrated their thirty-fifth wedding atini» versaty i t their home. Callers at the Jones home were Mr, and Mr#, Warren Muvqumt find son, Theo* 4or«; Mr. and Mrs. J, S, Jones; Mr. and Mrs, Harvay Jones; Mr, and Mr*. Steven Dallas and ehil- drtn; and Mr. and Mi*, N«Mf Y«w*a, *11 oiFOityteo. |1 Formulate Civilian Defense Plans More Volunteers Sought Irt Local C ivilian Defense Set- Up; Plans Cal! For Approx­ imately *400, Volunteers. ' Approximately 30 men from Os­ born and Fairfield met at tha Recreation Hall on Wednesday night of this' week on the call of Robert Crone, local civilian de-* fense director, to formulate and coordinate plans for the operation, of fire, air raid warden, and.po­ lice services for the community. Jlelsort Coughenour, 'who at­ tended the three-day defense school held recently in Columbus, with Ray McKinnon, Red Cros# director, spoke briefly on the plan and operation of the various units, and. called, for additional volun­ teers in the community to serve in these branches. Pointing out that state and national instructions call for approximately 4d0 volunteer# in a community the size of the twin villages, he stressed the ^ e d for immediate volunteers foir-‘aIi branches of civilian service, and stated that no blackouts wouldl be permitted in this area until the service groups were functioning and had the approval of state au­ thorities. ' ,/V , „ may s*«aa4« the eoSm* ell In Rig council ftouia, Osborn. .It was announced at the meeting that the local Legion' Post had volunteered the service# of their building In Fairfield a* an etnei’- gency hospital station, should a need arise for such, Robert Leahey, local druggist, was named Chief Air Raid Warden for the commun­ ity, under appointment ( by Mr, Crone. Mrs. Warner Is Hostess The members of the M. and M* Class of the Reformed Church met at the home of Mrs. George War­ ner, of near Osborn, Friday for a pot-luck dinner and sewing for the Red Cross. Those served at the luntiteon were one guest, Mrs, Duff Romspcrt, and members, Mrs, Ralph .sharp, Mrs, Arthur Gra­ ham, Mrs, Herbert Beat, Mrs. Le­ Roy Burrous, Ms s. Fern Routing, Mrs. Howard Butler, Mrs, Sam BauMnsn, $fv#. Roy Bassett, Mis, Janies Wilson, Mrs. Frank Pittman and Mrs, Warner, the hostess. GOING! COINCf T A k l E I 28 W. Xenia Drive advertised ih Want Ad section Januaiy 23. Phene Gsbont tm , M W. Steal*. Drive, Bold all the iuuta (had r>) and could have sold i*Mc, Plume stai ted ringing $ a.m,f Praia,v, and inquiries kept. «;«nw in# all day. That’# RESORTS] Phone your Want Ads to 83 nr m * m m m um ■<£> fS s