The Tri-County Herald, Volume 75, Numbers 1-5

TRI-COUNTY HERALD FRIDAY, JAN. 2, 1942 PAGE 6 -x m ' ‘Yellow Aryans’ Learned This One From Shakespeare *> * r • * Popular with Japanese soldiers is this camouflage idea copied irom "Macbeth.” Soldiers camouflage cannon and machine guns with straw and branches. Cities of the “Yellow Aryans” are vulnerable to air attack because of flimsy construction and density of population. War Comes To The Rockies 1 * * * # } sg * <■ • , . Ife, A* Pauses by Censor f t f T?3SRFECT unity and collaboration with tit* United States, ths ,. .ud0^ JL Canadian armed forces have embarked upon a plan o f campaign for the Joint defense o f North American soil. From East to West and North to South, on both sides of tbfc border, preparations are quietly but steadily proceeding and any potential invader can expect a hot reception. Even kraong the peaks o f the Canadian Rockies, battle practice is taking place. The photograph shows a Universal Carrier, one of Canada’s sturdy, swift pieces o f mechanized transport working its way through a high pass in the Rockies. These machines which were used with great effect in Britain’s North African drive against Italy, can move at 50 miles an hour . 5ver the roughest kind o f ground. Waste Paper— (Continued from Page 1) States each year is burned, and such waste paper finds a ready market in the manufacture of paperboard. Suggestions for cooperation were listed as follows: Make sure that all municipal buildings and institutions stop burning waste paper immediately. Get local civic organizations be­ hind this program. Impress upon (lie factories and business estab­ lishments in your community the importance of conserving waste paper. Use radio and newspapers to further the campaign by informing housewives of importance. Get waste paper dealers and charities in the community to put on a greater drive for collecting more waste paper. County Court News Helen McClanahan, of 5 Stelton lid,, seeks a divorce and restora­ tion of her maiden name in the only suit filed in common pleas court this week. She charges the defendant, Raymond McClanahan, of 23 N. Perry St., Dayton, with neglect. They were married Octo­ ber 2,1937, at Richmond, Xnd. The plaintiff’s maiden name la Helen Gjraham, GRANT DIVORCES * follows; Martha Grooms from Noah Grooms, neglect charge; and Dora A. Sharrett from Raymond C. Sharrett. Angeline M. Beach, who was previously granted a di­ vorce from Marion K, Beach, was restored to her maiden name of Angeline M. Cattarene by special court order. APPROVE TITLE Ruling that the legal proceeding was correct and that all defend-* ants had been informed with prop­ er notice, the court confirmed the title of Robert E. Poysell, Inc., to Xenia property obtained from heirs of George David Gowdy and others. PARTITION ORDERED Partition of property in the case of Ruth Fulkerson Stingley and others against Harvey J. Elam and others was granted. OVERRULE MOTION A motion for a new trial by Rob­ ert Rau, defendant in a suit brought by Jose Domingos, was overruled. SALE CONFIRMED A sale in the case of the Greene County Lumber Co. against Carol Reynolds and others was approved. DISMISS CASE Reverdy Ransom III withdrew liio petition against Joanna Ran­ som and the case was dismissed without record. APPRAISALS ASKED The county auditor was directed to fKteala J. Hargrave and Kathrftta Schwei- . - . --------------- * Recreation— (Continued from Page 1) and related interest'groups, which will be developed as rapidly as possible. An event that should be of out­ standing interest to the community will be the Columbus, Ohio,‘ Con­ cert Ensemble with vocal soloists, which has been tentatively sched­ uled for the 20th of January. Fur­ ther details will be available in next week’s paper. While arrangements were not complete at the time the Tri- County Herald went to press, it is hoped that the hall of the Junior Lodge will be available for these activities, with the exceptions of the nights the hall is used by the D. of A. and the Juniors. The use of the hall so far has been through the kindness of the Junior Order, and the thanks of the committee and Mr, McCullough is extended for the courtesy shown. Definite information as to the complete program will be available next we’ek. To Attend Conference Miss Mildred Pike, of Osborn View, who attends Lake Erie Col­ lege, Painesvilie, represented the college Y.W.C.A. at a national con­ ference of college and university student associations to be held Dec. 27 to 31 at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. The conference will discuss the part that American youth can play in the present emergency. Free Gasoline A t Stewart's Service Free gasoline at Stewart's Bank Day will be continued at Stewart’s Service, 30 E. Main St., Osborn, until further notice. However, the method of draw­ ing was changed January 1, 1942, Instead of drawing the license plate numbers and allowing the prize to build up Us in the past, a number will be drawn each day from a list of numbers represent­ ing each hour and each half hour that we are open. The first per­ son that buys gasoline after hour drawn will receive absolutely FREE five gallons of Texaco Fire Chief Gasoline. —*(Adv.) GRAVEL AND SAND For CMHorete work or ior your Driveway Crashed Slone or Gravel Daaeaseai Excavating Top Soil and Bidding Srkfc, Concrete, and Cinder Blocks Bates Sand Sc Gravel Co# Coal, Sand, Gravel, Ranting Phone William Gerald Morgan, 128 S. Mechanic St., carpenter, and Sarah Frances Bryson, Xenia, R. R, 5. Dr. H. B. McElree, Xenia. X U Daytflp.Drtye i m Ftirftem LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Glen Johnson, Jr., pi Milwaukee, Wisconsin, spent Christmas Day with Mr. Johnson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen John­ son, Sr,, of ‘Ohio Ave., Fairfield. Christmas Day dinner guests at the home of Sergeant and Mrs. Gordon P, Brown, of Green St., were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Blind, of Hebble Ave,, and Gordon Brown, Jr. In the evening guests at the Brown home were Mr arid Mrs. Joe Steele and children, Marion and Jack ,of Maple St,, Fairfield. Mrs. James Gardner and daugh­ ter, Eloise, of North Central Ave., have returned from Montgomery, Alabama, where they attended the funeral of their brother-in-law and uncle, Mr. W. F. Martin. Miss Doris Cavanagh and Mr. Harold Fogt, of Chagrin Falls, Ohio, spent the past week with Miss Cavanagh’s brother and sis­ ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Max Cavanagh, of Holmes Drive. Donald Clark, who has been on convoy duty in'the Navy and who recently returned from Ice­ land, spent Christmas Day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Clark, of Ohio Ave. Donald left for Key West, Florida, where he will attend Navy school for eight weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Solon Collins and family, of South Central Ave., had as their guest the past week, Miss Grace Campbell, of Pulasld, Ten­ nessee. Mr.' and Mrs. G. F. Schauer had as their Christmas Day dinner guests Mrs. Schauer’s mother, Mrs. John Dwyer, Miss Helen Dwyer, Mr. and Mrs. E. M, Brown, Martin and Kenneth Brown, and Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Lindsay, all of Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. H. A, Dellinger, of West Xenia Drive, were the guests of Mr. Dellinger’s sister*, Mrs. William Carver, of Dayton, Christmas Day, Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Betz, of East Mann Ave., were Mr. and Mrs, Herman Semler, and daughter, Dorothy, and son, Bobby, of North Wright Ave,, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tippy and son, Wil­ lard, of South Second St., Mr. and Mrs. John Betz, of Trotwood, and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. McGomb, of Tipp City. ‘ Mr. Walter Gray, of South Pleasant Ave,, left Sunday on ia business trip to Providence, Rhode Island. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moore, of South Central Ave., Mrs. George Tipson, and son, Edward, and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Sleming and daugh­ ter, Joan, of Hamilton, were en­ tertained with a Christmas diri- nty* at the home of Mr .and Mrs. Russell Ahlbrand, of South Cen­ tral Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Greeny, of Hebble Ave., had as their Christmas Day guests, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Brooks, Mr, Rob­ ert Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Stengle, and Mrs. Teresa Greeny, all of, Piqua, and Mr. and Mrs, Carl Gar­ rett, of Osborn. Mrs. O. L. Baldwin, of First St., Fairfield, spent last week with her mother, Mrs. Tina Shifflet, and other relatives in Atlanta, Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beakler and son Robert, are spending the Christmas holidays visiting rela­ tives in Camden, New Jersey, and ‘ New York City. To You * And Yours- AND WE HOPE THE NEW YEAR WILL BRING YOU RENEWED HEALTH, HAPPI­ NESS AND SUCCESS. CASEBOLT'S MASTER MARKET Stenographers Must Be Available ! I A Special Three-Month Stenographic Course to meet the pressing demands of the DEFENSE PROGRAM Beginning Monday, January 5 (Write for full Information.) The Dayton School of Business 194 East Third Street Tel. Adams fMZ Howard II. Beck, President MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY Send information regarding Special Intensive Course or Night Classes. I am interested In Bay School Night School. Name #»#&#«»»•«•*###»##»«« AddrCSS ,###•# Phone No. Present Occupation *”** fl’mnJSs* ’****" **"**’ **"* ' '*** ** ye ygy £