1984 View Book

OPPORTUNITY... to grow socially. Eighteen hundred Christian students (55% women, 45% men) from 44 states and 10 foreign countries converge on a 100-acre campus surrounded by miles of tree-lined country lanes, acres of farmland and state parks, and the bustling midwestern cities of Dayton, Columbus, and Cincinnati , Ohio. That's social opportunity ! But what about activity? Over 20 student organizations invite involvement: concerts, plays, parties , contests, banquets , and film nights provide activitv , enrichment, and fun . Four– teen intercollegiate and a variety of intramural sports produce excitement and provide an outlet from academic life. And the quiet, comfortable atmos– phere of the Student Center promotes personal time with friends. These social opportunities can trans– form your college vears into a time full of enriching relationships and 1T1cmorics, things which make col– lege so special.