2007-2008 View Book

6 Q & A What drew you to Cedarville? I wanted to go to a really strong school academically. I heard about Cedarville, looked it up in U.S.News & World Report , and discovered, “Hey, this is a really good school.” But you’ve done more than studying here, right? Yeah! I play intramural basketball, play bass for chapel band, and play bass and guitar for gospel choir. I’ve been class president and student relations director for student government. So I stay pretty busy. How have all these things shaped your experience here? They really make it bigger and better. You grow spiritually, learn new skills, and make new friends that you wouldn’t get to know otherwise. Coming from a public high school, what do you appreciate most about Cedarville? The integration of faith and learning. Here, you go to church with the people in your classes. The people who teach me are also praying for me. What have you learned at Cedarville that you can take back home? My friends back home are very philosophical, and several of them aren’t Christians. I once thought of intellectualism and faith as two separate things. Getting to talk to professors here showed me that they don’t have to be disassociated. Hometown: Baltimore, Maryland Major : Computer science Highlights: Student Government Association, gospel choir, chapel band StephenSylvester