The Yellow Springs American, Volume 1, Numbers 1-22

Lions Announce Plans For 2-Day Halloween Carnival JAMESTOWN — The directors of the Lions Club mot last week, Ajnna are going along for the 54th annual Hallowe'en Carnival which Will be held two days, Oct 30 and Slat, this year. Members may obtain tickets this Friday from Roy Powers for the prizes to be given away.Prizes this year are an Old 88 Holiday ear, home freezer and a bicycle, also several smaller prizes. Ninety Attend Garringer Reunion JAMESTOWN— Ninety relatives and friends attended the Garringer reunion held at Washington C. H, fairgrounds Sunday, After a boun­ tiful basket dinner a short business meeting was held, new officers ele­ cted were Paul Garringer, pres., Wendell Garringer vice pres; Mrs. Charles Marine, scc’ry and Irons. The afternoon was spent In visit­ ing and ice cream was served. Next year the reunion will be held at Chaffin school, the second Sunday in August. Mrs. Johnson Hostess To 500 Card Club CBDARVILLE — Mrs. D o n n a Johnson was hostess to the 500 Card Chib last Friday evening, Eleven members were present and B00 played throughout the evening Prizes were awarded to Mrs, Theo Parker «hd Mrs, Carl Spracklen. Mrs. Verna Ferguson was honored, ns the birthday of the month with gifts from the chib members. A delicious frozen pie dessert was served by the hostess, assisted hy Mrs, Nora Wood, The August par­ ty will be with Mrs. Wood, Knicks Purchase Home JAMESTOWN — Mr. and Mrs, C, N, Knlck purchased the Whitt­ ington property which sold at auc­ tion last Saturday by the adminis­ trato r'o f the estate of Mrs, Etta Whittington, After some remodeling, Mr. and Mrs. Knlck will occupy it, they now live in Xenia. Attend Butler Springs Christian Service Camp JAMESTOWN — Members of the Church of Christ Sunday School attending the Butler Springs Chris­ tian Service Camp near Sinking Springs this week are Janet Charles Carrol Sesslar, Nancy McGinnis, udy Brown, Catherine Welsh, Don­ na Jean Bailey, Janet and Carrol Frost, Judy Bloom, Jerry Bloom, Jerry Speakman, and Joey Wright. Friend Church Men’s Group Met Last Week JAMESTOWN — The Men’s group of the Friends C hurch met last Tuesday evening a t the Church for their regular meeting. The pres­ ident Joe Swigart presided with Rev, Dewitt Foster in charge of the devotional period, followed by diS' missions on the plans and future activities of the Church, At the close of the meeting Mr. Elbert Knlck served refreshments of home made ice cream and cup cakes. Church Men At Fel towsli ip Supper JAMESTONW — John Steiner, Willard Clark, Howard McGinnis, Cyril Moorman Ronald Leach, Glen Babb, Rufus Charles and Gerald Babb represented the Jamestown Church of Christ a t the South Cen­ tral Men’s Fellowship supper In Greenfield last Thursday evening. STREET REPAIRS ARE INSPECTED BEFORE COUNCIL MEETING 0 0 0 0 Mrs Wilted Weimer of Alfadetta Calif, and Me. and Mrs, Haul Fisher and daughter Gay of Ft, Lauderdale, Fla,, called on Mr, and Mrs. Harold Lewis, and Mr. and Mrs, Karl Robinson Mon­ day evening, Mrs, Fisher is the daughter of Mrs, Webber, 4 4 4 Mr,and- Sira, 1%U. Talbott and family left Friday for & two weeks vacation at Sear ‘Lake, Mich, » • • Mr, and Mrs. Marian Bates and family, Mr, and Mrs, Roger Sfertlcn and family, Mrs. Eva Thomas and Herman, Mr, Rod Mrs. William Bales and Delbert, and Mr, and Mrs, Don Lcamon of Xenia enjoyed a picnic at Lcsoursvillc Lake, Sunday. * * • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reid and daughter Sandra Kay of Gladstone were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Conner. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Femmler of Monroe spent last Wednes­ day with Mrs. FeMbber’s sister, Mrs. Peggy 'Fra m t, 4 * 4 Mr, and Mlf, Wllford Swigart- and Mr. and Mrs, Joe Swigart spent Sunday lit Phillpsburg guests of Mr, and* Mrs, Billy West and daughter, « a -a Miss Peggy Ann Goodbar spent the week-end at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Howard,Leach and sons, * * * * Sunday guests of Mrs. Kate Miller were, Mrs. Kate Rush of Jeffersonville and Miss Ilo Wahn of Bloomington, • • • Mrs. Kenneth Morgan and two children of Gladstone, Ala., ar­ rived Saturday a t the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jesse Garringer for a visit and attended the Garringer reunion. Her neice Jerl Lou Davidson of Middletown who had spent two week* a t the Morgan hong returned with her. Jamestown Baptist Church Missionary Society Meets JAMESTOWN — Mrs. John Ro­ bison and Mrs. Vernon Robison were, hostesses to the Missionary Society of the Jamestown Baptist Church for the July meeting at the home of Mrs, 'Vernon Robison, The president, Mrs. Bernard ICnecht, presided, Mrs. Homer Persingcr, as­ sisted hy Mrs, Donald Brcakfidd led the devotional period. Mrs. Breakficid also had charge of the program a t which time Mrs. Knecht gave a report on the Echo meeting she attended at Jonah's Run Church near Wilmington, Mrs, Wil Ham Jones conducted the social hour, Other members present were Mrs, Lina Church, Mrs, Ida Glemmer, Mrs, Lealia Ellison, Mrs. Mabelle Hurley, Mrs, Ward Little, Miss No­ ra Powers, Mrs, R, M. Smith and two guests, Mrs. George Garringer and Mrs, Oscar Smith. The hostes­ ses served an Ice course at the close of the meeting. Guest* A! Foster Home JAMESTOWN — Mr, and Mrs, Richard Foster of Oskaloosa, Iowa, Mr, and Mrs. William Foster and son Brad, of Dayton, and Mrs. Paul Foster and son, Teddy, of Oxford were guests in the parental home of Rev, and Airs. Dewitt Foster, Sun­ day , Local Man Judging At Jay County Fair JAMESTOWN — Mr. Myron Fudge is spending Several days this week at the ay County Fair at Portland, Ind. where ho is judging all dairy cattle entries. We Invite .., CECIL ABY JU. 1 ilnmestown as guest of The Jamestown Journal fo see YOUNG HESS with Jean Peters Stewart Granger plus Confidentially Connie with Janet Leigh Sun, or Mom, Aug, 0 and JO a t OLIJTOWN AUTO THEATRE I mile north of Xenia on old Springfield Pike Please present this coupon a t box office ADMIT TWO SEVERE STORM AT JAMEST0MN Fire Department Makes Two Runs Rain-“Whipped hy a driving Wind of gale proportions *—finally came to Jamestown last Saturday after­ noon, following one of the Worst electrical storms ever to hit hero. Lightning struck nnd set fire to a large barn just outside, town on the Herb S m i t h property, Charleston Pike. The Jamestown* Silvcrcrcek Twp. Fire Department made the run in a downpour of rain and was able to save a near­ by shed In spite of it's proximity to the fiercely burning barn. Loss ham not yet been estimated but is expected to run high sihee much machinery, grinding equip­ ment, and & late model truck were destroyed by the fije which con­ sumed all of the b a r n save the foundation. Lasting over and hour and a half, the wind and rainstorm filled the town main intersection with water which threatened to flood some stores. Traffic was at a standstill, while pedestrians were conspicuous by their absence. Some power and telephone lines went down, but power stayed on. a tree blew down on Xenia street and had to he hauled nwny, while many largo branches and debris were strewn elsewhere all o v e r town, Several windows were report­ ed broken by thn wind, The clock at the Methodist church which had just been repaired was reported struck by lightning, but no fire re­ sulted. Just as townsmen were collect­ ing themselves and firemen clean­ ing up from the first run, neigh­ bors noted the waiertower of the B. Sc O, railroad had been struck by lightning and it's root set a- fire. Again the truck went out, Firemen were all set to extingu­ ish this one but had to have a B. &. O, frieght train flagged down since hose were laid across t h e track. The lightning was found to have split the center post which braces the w a t e r t o w e r . The smouldering roof proved stubborn but after some stout climbing and efficient work the fire was out, the freight train sent on it's way, and the fire truck returned to the fire­ house to dry out, Minor other damage was report­ ed all over Jamestown in the wake of what some described as the most isevere to strike here in many years, No injuries were reported, Clerk Granted Leave JAMESTOWN —The Jamestown town council met Monday night in regular session. Although called for 7:30, the meeting officially opened later as a group of councilmcn first toured the town by car to Inspect streets and repair work. I t was announced that state au­ ditors arc in town and arc engaged in tho process of auditing the vil­ lage books a t this time. J. H, Talbot, councilman, acted as mayor due to Mayor Smith’s ab­ sence. Town Clerk Dean Sesslar, after reading minutes of the previous meeting, reviewed the police regu­ lations as recorded a t th a t meet­ ing In order that the village would have a permanent record thereof. Copies of the regulations were mail­ ed Marshak Howard Wright and officers Charles Hauser and Sam Entsmingcr for their records also. Several small claims were read nnd allowed hy council. Only largo item was the $477.05 claim present­ ed by the R, J. Johnson Construc­ tion Co. for curb repairs. After some discussion ,council recommended a rule should be In­ corporated In the general plan be­ ing drawn up whereby street work men would be guaranteed a mini­ mum of forty hours work per week, with extra hours as required, upon recommendation of the mayor, Weeds left uncut by some prop­ erty owners e«me In for some dis­ cussion also, along with minor grad­ ing and mairtlafnance Items. I t was noted that some property owners are continuing to burn and dump trash on some streets and along curbs, which is against town ordin­ ance. Before adjourning, clerk Sesslah explained the necessity for his ex­ pected two week’s absence during Which time he Will go to New York. Councilman Arthur English was named by council to serve as clerk dtirlng Mr, Besslar's absence. Shortly before final adjournment another of the series of loggings WAS laid down aver the Village, and it was noted that due to atmospher­ ic (ondifiens the fog tended t o stay put for a longer prrfod of tllWi With expected good results. ANNOUNCE v * i Mr, and Mrs. Frank Smith, Port William-Jamestown Rd.f are an­ nouncing tho betrothal of their daughter, Miss Vera Mae, to Mr* Charles E, Richardson of Bowers- vlllc. The couple has not set a wed­ ding date. * Miss Smith and her fiance wera graduated from Jefferson High School, SowersvIllC, In MaF. bride-elect Is employed as a clerk- typist a t Greene Memorial Hos­ pital. Mr, Richardson is the son of Mr* and Mrs. B. R, Richardson of Bowcsrviile. Ho is employed a t aw tlonal Cash Register Company* Jh . . . , . ^ g * * i Y t t i i .