The Yellow Springs American, Volume 1, Numbers 1-22

PENTECOSTAL C. of C. Rev. Mi O. Scott, pastor (Jamestown) 10:00 A. M.—Sunday school 12:00 to 12:30 broadcast over sta­ tion WCHO, Washington C. H, di­ rect from tiie church. 7:30 P. M.—Evangelistic service. 7:30 P. M,, Wednesday prayer meeting. 1'ridny: 7:30 P. M.—Young people meet­ ing. • -9 * CHURCH OF CHRIST (Grape Grove) Paul Weiner, pastor 10:00 A. M.—Bible School. 11:00 A. M,—Worship Service. 7:00 P. M.—-Young People. 8:00 P. hL—Evening Worship. 8:00 P. M—Midweek Bible Study and Prayer Service each Wednes­ day night METHODIST CHURCH {Ccdftrvjlie} Gene Llndsley Winans, Minister Sunday: 10:00 A. M.—Church School. Tom Harner, sup t: Monroe Pyles, A sst 11:00 A, M.—Union service a t First Presbyterian Church, Speak­ er: Rev. C. Wilbert Sterner. Wednesday: 6:45 P. M.—Choir rehearsal. Car­ rie Biggs, director, Wednesday: 2:00 P, M .- WSCS at our church. EPISCOPAL, (Rockford Chapel) 8:00 A. M.—First S u n d a y Of month, • • • CHURCH OF CHRIST (Jamestown) Howard McGinnis, pastor 9:30 A, M.—Bible School. 10:30 A, M—Morning Worship. 8:00 P, M.*-*Evangelistic sendee, Monday: 7:30 P, M,—Young people m eet Verda-Ja Garden Club Met Monday At Ewing Home JAMESTOWN — Tuberous Beg­ onia was the topic a t the August j meeting of the Verda-J r Garden .Club when it met at the home of Mrs. Helen 11. Jacks, 66, wife of |Mrs, William Ewing, Monday eve- Clnude A, Jacks and a former fniag, Greene Couniian, died suddenly of I Mrs, Boyce Moore, president con- a heart attack at her home at 845 Iducted the business meeting with Orlando Terr., Oakwood, Saturday jthe members naming their favorite it 7:30 a,m, Iannual a t roil call- Mrs, Merman The daughter of Alfred and Viola pinion read a paper on the “Fund- Ary Haines, Mrs, Jacks was born in fementals of Growing Tuberous Be- Caesarereek Twp,, south of Xenia, Igottia#,** Final plans were made for March 2s, 1897. Her marriage to jthe club’s fair exhibits, Mr, Jacks took place Oct, 81 19221 Mrs, Ewing served delicious re- and the couple had resided itt Day- jfreshments to Mrs. Robert Fudge, ton and Oakwood since 1937. {Mrs, Eftrl Gerard, Mrs, Willard Besides her husband She is sur- Haines, Mrs, Frank Harris, Mrs. FIRST BAPTIST (Yellow Springs) Rev. W’m. I,. Williams, pastor 10:00 A. Mv—Sunday school. 1U00 A, M,—-Morning worship. • • • METHODIST (Yellow Springs) Rev. Thomas B, Smith, pastor 9:30 A, M.—Sunday School, Rob­ ert Dunevant, supt, Kenneth Eas­ ley asst, supt 10:40 A. M.—Morning worship. Sermon topic: "You Can Be More Than You Are." 7:00 P. M.—Youth Fellowship, • * • PRESBYTERIAN (Yellow Springs) Dr. Buckley S. Rude, minister 10:30 A, M.—Morning worship. 10:30 A. M,—Church school. BETHEL LUTHERAN 9:30 A, M.—Sunday school, Leroy Shaw, su p t 10:30 A. M.—Worship service. • * « BYRON EVANGELICAL and REFORMED Rev. Eugene Davis, pastor 0:30 A. M —Sunday School, Clif­ ford Smith, sup t BOWERSVILLE METHODIST Knymori Konkrighi, pastor 10:00 A, M.--Church School. 10:50 A. M. -Worship Service, 8:00 P. M,»-Methodist Y o u t h Fellowship meeting In the church. Wednesday: 8:00 P. M, -Choir practice will be bold a t the church. » • • NEW JASPER METHODIST D. Merle Hill, pastor 10:00 A, M» Church school, 11:00 A. M.—Worship. 7:00 P. M.-M, Y. F, 7:30 P. M.- Couple Class meet Monday: 7:00 P .M.—M.Y.F, project Mrs. Helen Jacks Dies At Oakwood rived by a son, Marvin W., Dayton a granddaughter, Pamela Lynn lacks, and two sisters, Mrs, Horace Hurley, Wilmington, and Mrs. Ar­ thur Garber, near Goshen, O. A flauglitrr preceded her in death. Services were held Tuesday at S p.ra. a t Neeid Funeral Home in Xenia, Burial was In woodland Cemetery, MRS. CLARA B. EVANS v.QUINCY — Mrs. Clara B. Evans, §C, died a t her home here a t 3:16 pan. yesterday. A native of Wll- ■ams county, she was the widow of George Evans, who died in UN. She had lived in Quincy since IMS. Mr*. Evens k survived by one daughter, Mode Evans of Quincy; •ne grand ehUd and two great- grand ehiMren. A son, Lawrence, died In lMd. Funeral services were Meedsr Fnneral Heme in Quincy. Bold a t * ft m. Wednesdsy at the Bartal was ‘ha charge of Rev. Eiefc- a r ffaghes, In Fslrriew cemetery, it- Max Heifncr, Mrs. Frank Jones, Mrs. Norman Linton, Mrs. Boyce Moore, Mrs, Donald Pickering and Mrs, Clayton Wiseman. ■*Nf No. 2 HasPicsic THE METHODIST CHURCH (Jamestown) Elwood I,. Rose, pastor 0:20 A. M,—-The Story Hour for the kiddies. 9:30 A, M.—Church school, 10:30 A. M,—Morning worship, with nursery for toddlers. PAINTEKSVILLE Raymon Konkright, pastor 9:45 A, M<—Worship service. 10:00 A, M.—Church School. FRIENDS ROCKFORD CHAPEL 10:30-11:30 A M.—Meeting f o r Worship, JAMESTOWN — Advisory Co­ uncil No. 2 held a picnic supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Groves Tobin last Wednesday evening, A short business was conducted by the president Arthur Bahns, a bo - d al hour followed, Those enjoying the evening were: Mr. and Mrs, C. W. Mott. Mr. and Mrs, O. T, Marshall, Mr. and Mrs, Mark Bingamon, Mr, and Mrs. Le­ roy Spallr, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atlcy, Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Het- xlcr, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bahns, Mr, and Mrs. A. D, Thomas, Mr, and Mrs. Bernard Franklin, Mr. and Mrs, Rosooe Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Smith, Mrs, Anna ZION BAPTIST CHURCH (Jamestown) Rev. Swain, pastor ll;00 A M,—Morning worship, ROSS CHAPEL A.M.E. (Jamastown) Rev, W. Casscl Ayres, pastor 10:00 A M.—Sunday school. 11:00 A M.—Morning worship. • * *i UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (Ccdarville) James IL Patterson, Pastor 10:00 A. M.—Bible school. Raymond Spracklcn, superinten­ dent, 11:00 A M,—Morning worship. 6:30 P, M.—Junior Missionary meeting. 7:30 P, M,—Evening service. Wednesday; 8:00 P. M.—Prayer meeting. Thursday: 8:00 P, M.—Choir rehearsal. tp * gt FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Jamestown Harry E. Arthur, pastor 10:00 A M.—Sunday School, Paul Langdon, supt. 11:00 A Id.—Morning worship. Sermon topic “Evidences of Dls- cipicahip.” SALES UP, TAX RECEIPTS SHOW “ 'How high Is up?' ’’ doesn’t al­ ways refer to altitude or heat rec­ ords," declared Roger W, Tracy, Treasurer of State, today, “Some new highs Were recorded also In Ohio retail sales tax collec­ tions for the week ending July 18, 1953 over tho corresponding period of a year ago,"* explained Tracv, whose office handles the collections ‘Total cash receipts for the week were 12,782,656.47, a gain of approx­ imately 8300,000 over last year/* he added. Collection Increased by counties and classification “highs’*in indust­ ry are detailed In the weekly re­ port. Following a record-breaking total for the fiscal year, einding June 30 1953, salcstax collections In Ohio continue to be “up”, Mrs* Ague* Chaplin, Mrs. Thalma Reed Complain Cnnrsn CEDARVlLLE — Mrs. Agnes Chaplin of Ccdarville and Mrs, The! ma Reed of Yellow Springs, were among the 23 graduates of a course in practical nursing given recently a t Mercy Crest Hospital In Spring- field, The two women were the only nones from Greene Memorial Hospital to take the course which consisted of laboratory work as well as reading mater­ ial and studying, and which in­ cluded Clark and three neigh­ boring counties, The graduates will don the caps which signify their graduation and their uniforms on August 1, Uni­ forms and caps of practical nurses at Greene Memorial Hospital will match those received by Mrs, Chap Ilh and Mrs, Heed who are employ- ea (here. CLIFTON ZION BAPTIST Rev. Richard Phillips, pastor 10:00 A, M.—Sunday school, 11:00 A. M.—-Morning service. CHURCH OF GOD (Ccdarville) Ehvood C. Palmer, pastor; Mrs. John Murphy, organist 10:00 A Ml—Sunday School. Mrs. David Strobridge, supt 11:00 A M.—Worship service. 7:45 P, M.—Evening service. Wednesday: 7:45 P. M.—Midweek prayer serv- ico, • ft a FRIENDS CHURCH Marshall II. Robbins, pastor 10:00 A. M.—Sunday school. 11:00 A M.—Worship service. 7:15 P. M.—Youth meetings. 8:00 P. M.—Evangelistic service, • • • UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (Jamestown) It. A. Jamieson, Pastor 10:00 A M.—Sunday School 11:00 A. M.—Worship service. Sermon topic: “Show Window", • • • Jamestown Friends Church Dewitt Foster, pastor 9:30 A. M.—Sunday school, under the supervision of Fred Lewis, 10:30 A, M.--Divine worship, sermon theme "Man’s Quest for Se­ curity,** Wednesday: 8:00 P, M.—Meeting for Prayer and Fellowship, • * • CHURCH OF CHRIST (Bou'crsvilie) James M. Grange, pastor 10:00 A M.—Bible School. 10:45 A. M.—Morning worship. 8:00 P, NL—Evening Evangelistic Service. Monday: Pleasant View Church Off Christ Ladies Aid Has Ail Day Meeting JAMESTOWN —Mrs. Marie Dan id s and Mrs. Verla Estep were hostesses to the Ladies Aid of the Pleasant View Church of Christ ea Thursday for an all day meeting at the home of Mrs. Estep. A del­ icious covered dish dinner was en­ joyed a t the noon hour. The business meeting was called to order by the president, Hazel Wamock the Boil Call was answer­ ed by giving’*A humorus anecdote,’* The secretary and treasurer report were read by Margaret Swanoy and approved. The social and entertainment co­ mmittees gave their reporls on the annual Lawn Fete 16 be held on the Church Jawn for the pleasure of members and their families and friends. Dusty Miller will be the speaker for the evening and it is hoped a nice crowd will attend. The foliowing officers were ap­ pointed for the coming year; Bern­ ice Jone, president, Thelma Cline, vice-president; Loa Rltonour, pec-, rctary and treasurer, the news re­ porter to be appointed later. Marie Daniels had charge the devotions read from John 15-1 to 17, “The Fruit of the Spirit" was her topic for discussion, the group repeated The Lords* Prayer a t the close of devotions, Two hymns “He Keeps Me Sing­ ing’* and “Bringln In the-Shcaves” were aung during the m e e t i n g which closed with the usual benedi­ ction, There will be no August meeting due to the LUawn Fete, The Sept, meeting will be held Sept, -24th a t the home of Elta Wamock. Those present were Mrs. Thelma Cline, Miss Ruth Stanforth., Mrs Loa Rit- enour and Marthanna and Kay, [lira, Margaret Swaney, Mrs, tesla 3:00 P. M.—Monday, youth meet­ ing, Saturday: 'N, 8:00 P. M,—Prayer service. » * i • CLIFTON UNITED .... .PRESBYTERIAN John Collins, pastor Mrs, Ehvood Shaw, organist 10:00 A M.—Sabbath school. 11:00 A M.—Preaching service. • • • SIT. TABOR METHODIST CHURCH D. Merle Hill, pastor 9:00 A M.—Worship. 9:45 A M,—Church school, Tuesday: 12:00 Noon—Annual picnic, Wil­ liams Memorial Park in Wilming­ ton. » * * ST. PAUL CATHOLIC (Yellow Springs) Rev. John II, Antony, pastor Sunday Masses, 7:30 and 10:00 A M. Saturday, Confessions a t 4:30-5:30 and 7:30-8:30 P. M. Regular Week-Day Masses, 7;30 A M. • • * SELMA METHODIST CHURCH Gene Lindsiey Winans, Minister Sunday; '9:4.5A. M.—Morning Worship and Holy Communion. 10:30 A M.—Church School, » • • FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (Ccdarville) C. Wilbert Sterner, pastor 10:00 A M.—The church a t study, Nathan Elder, superintendent 11:00 A M.—The Church a t wor­ ship, 7100 P. M.—The Church Youth. Mrs. Nora Bentley, Mrs. Hazel War nock and Stevie, Mrs. Fern Bentley Mrs, Verna Evans, Mrs. Lesta Step­ hens, Mrs. Julia Torbett, Mrs, Ber­ nice Jones and the hostesses Mrs, Verla Estep, Judy and Patty and Mrs, Marie Daniels, Peggy Jo and Mike, two guests. Mrs, Sally Evans and Miss Elizabeth Preusch. Ladies Of Columbia YELLOW SPRINGS — A social party Will be given by the Catholic Ladies of Columbia on Thursday, | Aug, 13, Itt S t Paul Church Hail a t 8:00 P, M, Refreshments will bo sold. Mrs, John Amott Is chairman of the committee. Fudges Allend SAA Picnic Auction JAMESTOWN - - Mr, and Mrs. Myron Fudge attended the annual picnic and auction sale of Stalo Ayrshire Association at' Delaware last Thursday. Forty-one Ayrshire calves donated by Members were sold with the proceeds being given to the building fund of the National Association. The National building is located' a t 13randbn/Vtr Do you realize th a t... . . - The greatest secret of production’ . . . . is saving waste? .The greatest mistake, . . .is to re­ sist change? The greatest comfort , . . is the knowledge that you are doing you* job, The greatest Triad v is the one ' who-always does wh«t-hc know* right. . ... THE GREATEST FIELD jFO§ SUCCESS *. . ‘ . .MS PROBABLY " RIGHT'WHERE YOU'AfiE! * *- County extension offices haye in­ formation on grain storage, drying and weevil control, J F an n trs ’ OfMn r \