The Yellow Springs American, Volume 1, Numbers 1-22
0 0 MRS. WILLIAM RINGER of Springfield, Mrs. Edna Bradds, Mrs. Clara Webb, and Mr*. Emma Billie, of Anderson, Ind , and Mrs. Ida Cline of Mancie, Ind., sisters of Mrs, Webb, enjoyed a motor trip through the Smoky Mountains last week, * t* * ROGER I), GRASS o f Columbus, John 15. Font and son Dale at Washington C. H and Ed Fent were fishing in Northern Mich igan a few days hist week. V «P * jilt, AND .MRS. RICHARD THOMPSON and daughter railed on Mr, and Mrs. Dee Bartley and son David at their new home in Belmont. Dayton. #. * * SCNDAV AFTERNOON and evening guests of Air. and Melvin Stieut ;>and family were Mrs, Thomas MrCoart and daughter and Mrs, C. A. Harness and daughter of yellow Springs, and Airs. De- Roy Shuw and daughter. 13 « * MR. AND AIRS, FRANK BRADDS and family, Jack and Low- wdi c !ii r attend a musicians' reunion at the home of Air. Melvin Williams at Buen Vesta. A jdeale dinner was enjoyed at noon. A musical program was presented during the afternoon. About SO were in attendance, $ * * « MU AND MRS. BlITON HARTER of Washington J>. C. ar rived Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs Karl Robinson for a Weeks visit, Mrs. Harter's mother, Airs, Nellie Bryan who had spent si viral weeks at the Harter home returned with them, * • • MR, WII.I.IAM,TONES is enjoying a three wells vacation from his duties as manager of the local Kroger Store, 4i. ■* * MU AND MRS. DONALD 1 SREAKFIERD motored to MoUHdS- ville, W» Va., last Friday to visit with Mr. and Airs. Kenneth Kan in r and daughter, Lois Ann, On Saturday evening they were din- ner guests o f Airs. Katie Kuhn and Airs. Fred Shipley and children also of Aloundsville, They returned home Sunday evening, * * * MR AND AIRS. DESERT (IDASS spent several days last week at Indian Bake. * 4 * Mlt AND AIRS, ROGER DEAN GLASS and daughter Honda spent last week at the home o f Airs. Glass’ parents, Air. and Airs, Ed Fer.t. * * * AIR AND AIRS, JOHN V. tTANFORTlf spent last week la Florida, tin y visited a few days with Robert Thomas in Aliaml and toured through the western part of the state, * * * AIR AND AIRS. THURMAN TIDD spent last week at their cottage at CoMwaUf, Mich, * * «f TDK FAMILY of Air. and Airs, Raymond Kariey met at their home last Sunday evening for an Ice cream supper In honor n t$ir, Earley’s birthday, # t •* SUNDAY DINNER 'GUESTS of Mr. and Mrs. Carl AfeDotmait were Air, and Airs, Charles Marine of Washington G H„ Air. and Airs. Billy MeDorman and .son Scott of Columbus, Air, and Mrs, Glen Vaanowdal* of Jeffersonville, and Atr. and Airs, Grover Tobin, » t • A ir s , CLARA, WERE, Air, and.: Mrs. Eugene Srsdds and Mrs, Ida Cline of Alimeie, ind.. were Sunday dinner guests o f Airs, Edna Bradds. * # * SIR .AND MRS, MILTON OLIVER, Mr, and Mrs. George Faw- ley and son Dick and Paul Lee Edwards attended the ball game In Cincinnati Sunday, * * * CORE, PACL LEE EDWARDS' Who is stationed at March Field Calif, is enjoying a 30-day furlough at the home Of hit pareMi Mr. and Airs. Perrll Edwards, * * m MR, AND MRS. HAROLD HOOVER and Air. and Airs. Cecil Brown and sons returned last Thursday after spending a few days a t Fontant 'Village In North Carolina. * # 4: MR, AND MRS. WILLIAM RINGER of Springfield were guests Sunday of the son in law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Norman Re eve* in Xenia, Local Police Are Kept Buoy During Past Week JAMESTOWN — Local Police have been very much In evidence the past several weeks in maintain ing not only law and order but in keeping watchful eyes upon traffic offenders who arg inclined to take a chance. With the local squad car being parked uptown at intervals and cruising patrols regularly, the lo cal situation can tie said to he well in hand, townsfolk believe. ' A possible improvement in equip ment could be effected, however, {some sources here insist, should it jbe found possible to install a two- jwny radio communication unit in «the polite ear. This would afford in- Istant contact with county and state |officers and ears and afford more ^positive protection. Charged with speeding this week Was Richard R. Stoddard, RR 2 Washington C. II., when apprheruled by police. He was fined 510 and cost in mayor’s court by acting Mayor Anlson Talbot. Robert Call, RR 5, Xenia was nr- !rested due to a charge of operating ia vehicle with noisy muffler. He posted a 55.00 appearance bond, and forfeited same by fading to appear. Also picked up for questioning was an aged colored man who was found near the bug statiin la ,a 'somewhat confused state of mind, |apparently having got o ff a bus by |tnistnke in Jamestown, He ldenti- Ifled, himself however and was re turned to the bus station where he was put aboard a Dayton bus. Ned Brown Family Moves To Indiana JAMESTOWN — Air, and Alra. Ned Brown and sort David are now Softball Beal W-P Welfare Flyers In Final Jamestown's a g g r e s s i v e and youthful s o f t b a l l nine, current champions of the Community Soft- ball L e a g u e , added the Greene County Amateur Softball Associa tion title to its list of 1953 laurels. The young aggregation of play ers, supported by the stellar hur ling or the veteran Guy Easter, ran roughshod over Hie Wfight- I‘utterson Welfare Flyers In the ASA tournament finals, last Sat urday night by a 9-0 score, at the Cedarville Community Park. The Jamestown lads now have their sights set on the district einilha- tion tournament where they will represent the county. Easter allowed the n o r m a l l y heavy-hilling Flyers only two wide ly st parated hits to rack his fourth straight ASA tournament Victory and the fourteenth successive win of the s e a s o n . The canny and ]speedy Jamestown moundsman has Inot been dMcated during the eur- j rent season of Community league play and tin' subsequent ABA elimi nation tourney. In the deciding game o f the coun ty tournament, the Jamestown play ers did net lose any time in going after the coveted victory. The first hatter Jim Sutton, tenlcrfiolder was safe on a bunt, advanced on a Wins Honor Son On Birthday JAMESTOWN In honor of located In South Bend, Ind, having j,their son Marks seventh birthday, been transferred there from Saerc- Dr, and Airs, R, Al. Smith entcr- menlo. Calif. Airs. Brown and son talned Jerry Stackhouse, Robert have spent some time this summer Cosgray and Alike Shane to a pic* with her parents Air, and Mrs. Gro- > ic supper at their home, ves Tobin. - - — - David remained with his g t a n d - j T j . ^ A x parents when Airs. Brown joined 1 1 f * Mr. Brown hi Chicago to attend the H c lin 0S H OSD l i d I ,*” 1 * JAAIESTOWN David Dean soft convention of the American Fund Raising Bureau, by whom he Is cm ployed. Richard Arments Home JAMESTOWN - - Eighty - five memhers of the immediate family of tfie late Air. and Mrs. W. If, Burr enjoyed a basket dinner at the home of Air. and Airs, Earl Garringer, Sunday. Several who had birthday and wedding anniversaries were honor ed, Guests were present from Sp ringfield, St. Paris, South Charles ton and Bowcrsville. F I R E M E N ^ v T F A IR The Jamestown Silvercreek Twp. Fire Department co-operated with other Greene Couhty fire depart ments in being on hand to provide first aid during the Greene County Fair last week, ♦ • • Airs, Maria Le Valley spent last week-end with Mr, and Airs. Dan Le Valley of Xenia. of Air. and Airs. Sam Dean frartur* ed his right arm at the elbow when be fell from a tree at the home of his grandparents. Air. and Airs, S. JAAIESTOWN — A-lG Richard ‘ Arthur Dean on the Xenia, last Fri- Arment stationed at L&Hgeiy Field,, day. Va., is enjoying a 15-day furlough, f Stephanie, daughter of Air. and He and his wife, who resides In Airs. Harold Cook received a frac- Ccdarville are spending the time ture of the collar bone when she with his parents, Mr, and Airs. B ltk ,feil from « suing at her borne. Arment. { Both t ascs were taken care o f at Hie Haines Hospital. 100 Missions Credited To jjamestoivn Officer } First Lt, Warren L, Henderson, (M, of Jamestown, has completed his iooth mission In Korea and will lsoon be on Ms way home, I Flying F-31 Thunderjets he has." fparticipated in a. variety of missions front close support of tJ. N, ground forces to Tong range strikes In No. Korea* Lt Henderson was graduated {from high school at HoweraviTie Iin IS tf and from Wilmington col- jiege in 1951, At college lie competed In athletics and was a member o f Gamma Phi Gamma and Phi Beta C h i. He la a son of. Mr. and Mrs, "Wan-- fen If* Henderson of' R, R. 2, James-;' town. sacrifice and came home on a ro- sounding hit by Dick Stafford, tho Jamestown catcher. The game Was virtually clinch ed In the third s t n n * u when Charles Homey, shortstop, hit a home .run with two runners on the hag. Guy Easter opened the fifth frame with one of the longest belts seen this season on the Ccd- urviUe grounds. He topped the Jamestown halters with three hits on four trips to the plate. Manager Ed Todd of the Wrtght- I’aUerson team used three pitchers in mi effort to stop the Jamestown batting spree with little success. Bob Barker, the starling hurler, was waived from the mound after Homey's round-tripper in thethird inning. His successor, Bob Sellman, who appeared in six ASA games for tho Flyers was a tired hurler doom ed to early retirement. He was re placed in the fifth by Lee Marshaw after two runs crossed the plate. The latter was pounded for two runs In the succeeding inning. As a result of the splendid up hill struggle made by the Wriglit- Patterson nine In the local tour nament, It was seleeied to be an at-large representative In t h e coming district elimination tour- nument at Sabina. Actually, this will give Greene County two rep resentatives in this ASA classic. Trophies were p r e s e n l e d to Jamestown and 'Wright-Patterson Welfare nines at the close o f Sat urday night's contest. The presenta tion was made by John Mills, chair man of the Progressive Club Soft- bail Commission that played host to the competing teams in the county tournament. Victor Lyons, district ASA commissioner, announced tho selection of.Wrighl-PaUcrstm'js Fly ers as contestants in the district tourney. According to Connor Merritt, the Greene County ASA commissioner, the recently concluded county tour nament held under the lights of the Cedarville Park was the most interesting, successful and widely attended event Jo his career as an ASA official. Nine o f the leading softball nines in this area partici pated in the competition, GedarvilTo Progressive Club and Fairborn's Bert Cleaners reached the semi-fin als before Siiecubing to the two finalists. '0V* 0 * 0 * **>0*0*+0*+ 0 0 * 0 * 0 * TTi?r *j# * ~ Welnmte** * Ate, R,M* Smith W, Xenia Ave. AS guest Of JASfESTOWN JOURNAL to see THE FARMER TAKES A- WIFE with Deity Gruble plus CODE 2 with Ralph Aieeker Sally Forest Sun, or Mon., August Id M i t lit OLDTOWN AUTO THEATRE I mile north of Xenia on old Springfield Pike Flense present this Coupon at box office ADMIT TWO » ! * k f i
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