The Yellow Springs American, Volume 1, Numbers 1-22
PAGEPOUR YELLOW SPRINGS AMERICAN Thursday, September 3, 1953 MIAMI TOWNSHIP TEACHERS ANNOUNCED FOR 1953 -1954 Miami Township's pulilic school teachers for the 1D53-54 school year, which boffins nest Tudesday, will include the followinff elemen tary and hiffh school instructors: Elementary: Mrs, Peggy .ludd, .indcrffnrtcr; Mias Catherine Dillon and Mrs, Genevieve Waite, first ffrndo; Mrs, Aninljc Ksterlino and Miss BeUy I.ou Kellers, second prndc; Mrs. Rosalyn Sluiw, third grade; Mrs. Teresa Crotc, third and fourth grades, and Mrs, Clara Sq uires, fourth ffrndo. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING WANTED—Ironlug to ddo in my home. (Corner Railroad nnd School St.) Phone Cedarvllle 0-4121. 8-20,27 FOR SALE—1949 Studebnkcr 3/4 ton pick-up truck, Stokes Motor Mrs. Kvn .McFarland, fifth prude; Miss Ruth Nolte, fifth and sixth grades; Mrs, (’arlottn Sayer. sixth grade (for half-days). K. A, Jackson will serve ns prin cipal nnd another sixth grade tea cher. Art supervisor will be Mrs. Nancy Touchmnn, Hiffh School teachers this year arc Mi»a Pauline Phillip.*:, home ec- Jonomic; William McGill, music; E. jSehlekcdniitzj mathematics; Fred- ne Judd, .science; Miss Anne Terry, [commercial; John llalehin, hi- Lloyd .Benhom, industrial arts, Knfflish instruclois Mrs. GhidycC Harry, Mrs, Alary Cochran, Mrs. Olive Hammond also will teach iffirix* physical education, French ■and Lathi, respectively. Haskeihall jcoach Robert Gower also will in- istruct in social studies, and Mr, [lialchin will continue to serve ns isuperintendent. FOR SALE—Duroc Boars and Gilts. John D. Stover. Phone Cedarvllle 6-2203, . 8-20,27,9-3,10 FOR SALE—1950 Roycraft House Trailer. 30 foot 3 rooms modern. Birch Interior, Excellent condi tion, Phone Clifton 75903. 8-13 FOR RENT — Cedarvllle 4 room apartment with bath on first floor. Prefer adults. Phone G-4733. FOR RENT — Cedarvllle Sleeping room. Phone 0-3801 FOR SALE—Used Chainsaws. One 10" 1-Man McCulloch. One 24 in, 1-Man McCulloch. One 40 in, l- Man McCulloch. Good Condition - Guaranteed. Willis Lumber Co. Washington C. H. Ohio. PEAT MOSS, lawn seed, fertilizer, lime, dog feed, feeds of all kinds. Jamestown Feed Company. Phone 47711. - -9-3 Mr. and MYs. W, E. Owen returned’y from their sumnie • vat at ton at Gore Bny Canada. Mrs. W. E. Owen iefl on August 24 to visit with her si O r, in New York State. * Mr. and Mrs. John Anion returned Sunday night from Toledo where she spent last week with he son and daughter In law, Mr. and Mit Don ald Amon. Mr. Ainon span, the w cck end there. Keith Sheridan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sheridan, Fairer) I Pkc.. was guest of honor at a party given for hen at the homo of Air and Mrs. Jack Brower of CcdarviH*\ The party was given in honor of Keith’s 15th birthday on Satirday night. Guests were Mr. and Mis C ARY’S GREENHOUSE dive 11s a ring when you arc In need of funeral sp kets, We also make corsages and wedding flowers. rays or bas- PRICES ARE RIGHT Phone —- Jamestown 4-9952 Brewer of Cedarvllle, Mr, and [Mrs, Bud Irvin nnd sous Bufch nnd !John, of Cednrville, Mr. and Mrs. jjack Brewer and children. Dianne, | Vicki, and Cindy. i Miss Katherine Lane, township (nurse, will return soon from her vn- jcntlon which she has spent at her home in Xenia, Mr, ancl Mrs. Eldon Sayer and family, 117 W. Center College St. relumed home Thursday from a weeks vacation in Elberton, Go. where they visited with relatives. Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Haller, 131 W, Whiteman, wore called to Bay Village recently due to the death of Mr, Haller’s grandfather. He hns been ill for quite sortie time, Harold Fogg, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Kingsley Fogg, Fairfield Pkc., rc- !turned Friday after spending a week at his grandmothers, Mrs. G, E. VnnNeas of Brookville, Ind. Larry Fogg returned to Brookville with his grandmother to spend this week. Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Brnnnum and daughter Kay, and Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley Sender returned Sat urday night after spending a weeks vacation at Wall Lake in Michigan, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Batdorf went up to Wall Lake on Thursday and re turned home with, the Brannum's and the Sender's on Saturday .night, Mr, and Mrs. Emmet McCurdy, Clifton Pke., and Mr. and Mrs. For rest Thornhill of Sabina atended the 50th anniversary of MY. and Mrs. Charles Seinler on Sunday at their home in Dayton. Mr, and Mrs. Sender are cousins of Mr. and Mrs. I iMcCurdy. Mickey and Jerry Dewinc return ed home Sunday from a 3 weeks trip to Florida where they visited with thejr aunt and uncle, Mr. and MYs. Ivan Amstutz of Riverla Beach. Miss Patty Schook left Saturday morning cnoute to Calif, whec she plans to visit with Ms. Ruth Wldte Miller of Las Angeles, Mrs. Miller [was foimer choir director at the Methodist Churcn .Hs.. Schook plan' .0 be gore two •.eck'- ( IP Mid Mrs L /., Call r o' Ci,.- ji i’i’U'll .‘pent lli.> weekend with Mr. nil Jfis. Leslie Bldlack, 220 Walnut St They attended the Slate Fair on Saturday. Dr. nnd Mrs. WnHer Knccht, Wal ter Jr., Gabriele and Dcitcr left last week to vocation in northern Oldo. They will stop in Cleveland to sec the New York Yankees and Cievc- lond baseball game. Mr. and Mrs Howard Knhoe had nr, their guests this week, Mr. ami Airs. Walter Kieov nnd daughters, Vjfgnre!, and Khvabedi, or PhH.uitl- pl'in. Elizabeth wtll enter Antioch. W f M r on a new natural gas automatic^ * .* water heater purchasedthis month at The Dayton Power and Light Company W hup I h whole family in HOT WATER1 tasfall i m REX or BRYANT Natural Gas AUTOMATIC WATER HEATER SIXREASONS why prepfe prefer REXand BRYANTNatural fiat AutomaticWatar Heaters „ 1* Fait recovery—htcrti full tank In an hour < 3, Heavy insulation holds heat, saves fuel S. Natural gas flexibility means economy 4. Dependable control, snap action ( thermostat • f , Underfired for low operatin'1 * • 4, 10-year guarantee against I. . BUY BIG ENOUGH CAPACITYI i Hare's hour to —Wmote your hot water ro- , wulrementtc each tub bath take* 15 gallons. A shower uses 9 gallon* a minute. Par baby's Speckd needs oflow 30 gallon* a day. Ptguro 18 gallons of hat water par food for the •AYT 0 H POWER £ntfj with • tmatl down peyawttt and! easy moathly forms. "Buy da rla f *M* manlli iMsdl unra HO." ft« |i In art any prlmlptd nffffhataf (hoCompany foda ;• food for the automatic dishwasher. Add Nup yourself, allowing plenty of hot water for cooking, cleaning and miscellaneous uses, Choose your new REXor RRYANT natural go* automatic water heater big enough to keep the whole family in hot water. . • — ■'* U 0 NI COMPANY ?■ | . •jrfi " ..fai .1 Mr and Mrs, Roben FJggins and daughter Nancv of Arlington, Va., me visiting Mrs Morris LTtleton nod daughter J u.e Smith, of spring field. The Figging were former rcsi- •Jens of Yellow Springs. They moved to Arlington thit i y e a r s ago, Mr. Fniinps was formerly employed with the Antioch Press, Mrs, Adeline Bassett returned nome last week from a vacation in Maine with Mr. and Mrs, Phillip Bas sett. She stopped in New York on her way homc to purchase stock for her gift shop. Mrs, Julia Dawson returned homo last week after jp 'tiding the summer m Johnson City with her son Mr and Mrs Panic! Klips (Evelyn Barr) are visiting at the homc of MY and Mrs Ira Bnrr, 321 Xenia Avc Mr and Mrs Klips have been attending Highland University in Las Vagns. Mr, Klips received his B, A. degree from there Inst week, Mr, and Mrs, William Meyer and children of Cincinnati visited with Dr, and Mrs. Clyde Adams, 130 W. Whiteman St„ this past weekend The Meyers were former Antochians, Dr. and Mrs. Camille Menlno, 119 N. College, returned recently from a months vacation In Wyoming, Mr. and Mrs, Everrelt Bailey and JIMMITCHELL TOHEADSECTION OFANTIOCHNEWCENTURYFUND The appointment of James D. Mllchecll, vice-president of the Mi ami Deposit Bank, os heead of the Advanced Gifts section of the Yel low Springs committee of the Now Century Fund of Antioch College, Was announced yesterday by Mor ris Bean, general chahman. Public appeals for support of the 43,700,000 fund will be launched In Yellow Springs and other centers throughout the country on Sept. 18. Purpose of the fund is to provide what fund chairmen term the min imum requirements of the college as it begins its second century of educational pioneering. One million dollars is earmarked for the people of the college for the next four years,—the people who teaeh and the people who study. Adequntc salaries and scholarships will be so provided, Thho other $2,700,000 are for building require ments. The Yellow Springs campaign will precede the one hundredth birthday celebration of the eolleege scheduled for Sunday, October 4th, The day family, Hyde Rd.* attended the slier- will include a public open house on iff's picnic last Wednesday evening near Bcllbrook, on the Little Miami River. Mrs. Everett Bailey took her son, John Everett to Dayton Friday for a final check up nnd he is reported fully recovered. Wayne Sayer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Sayer, 117 W. Center College, leaves soon for Millersburg Military Institute in Millersburg, Ky. He Is leaving n week early for football practice, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bair, 122 W. Davis St., had ns Saturday night guests Mrs Rosa Bales and daughter Mi-3. Hazel Shiglcy, of Dayton. Mr. and Mr. H. E. Dlllc, 210 Win ter St,, are planning to attend the funeral of Mr. Dllle’s sister, Mrs. G. A. Snyder of Dayton on Tuesday at 2:00 pjn, Burial will be a t Byron Cemetery, the campus and a rcdcdlcation of rebuilt North Hall, originally opened Just one hundred years ago, and gutted by fire last February. Among the Yollow Springs citi zens who are serving with Mitchell arc; Thomas Charlton, Henry Fede- rlghl, Gordon Freeman, Douglas Goodfollow, John Good-on, Allan C, HcKtner, William Hooper, Paul Klntzcl, D. A. Magruder, Lawson Marsh, Bruce McPhaden, Myles Murray, John Sparks, Carl Spier, Rugsel B, Stewart, Robert Van Lchn, and Ralph Wines. GIRL STUDENT SEVERELY CUT IN MISHAP Audrey Pollock, second-year An tioch student, cut her left wrist severely Sunday afternoon in Nor- ment Houge Kitchen where she was helping with dishes following the freshmen tea, according to Antioch College officials. A large punch bowl in which she was carrying sev eral pitchers slipped and broke, the report said. Dr. Mclnhard Robinow, who was in the TCn Room, tournlquctod the wrist and she was taken to Mercy Hospital where the artery and ten don were lied. She will return to campus to the college Infirmary the end of the week for several days more rest. Her mother, Mrs. Alice M. Hunter, of Dravosburg, Pa., is with her. CHURCH PARTY FOR METHODIST YOUTH Methodist Church activities in Yellow Springs Include the regular monthly meeting of the Mizpah Class, whiych is slated for 8 pun. Monday in the Church, and the Springfield District WSCS conclave, which will be held Sept. 22 in C en -! tral Methodist Church, Springfield. A number of local women will attend the conclave. Mjs. Earl Ellison, WSCS president, announced. Young people of the Methodist Church arc planning a getto-gethor for Saturday, in the form of a "backto-school" party. The affair i will be held a t 7:30 p.m, in the new church addition, Dayton and Win ter Sts. Approximately 35 young Method ists nnd their guests arc expected to attend. Harold Blackwood is chair man. DIVORCE NOTICE Roger Jenks vs. Case No. 28121 .Dorothy i>. Jenks and Lawrence J. Codling Dorothy L. Jenks, by her next friend and natural guardian Law rence. J. Codling, whose place of residence is 1000 Bowman Drive, Midwest City, Oklahoma, will take notice that on July 23, 1953, the undersigned filed his petition a* gainst her in the Court of Common Pleas of Greene County, Ohio, pray ing for a divorce on the grou of gross neglect of duty. Said cs will be for hearing on and after the 3rd day qf September, 1953. ROGER JENKS by Peterson and Ncztherton 18 Allen Building, Xenia Ohio, his attorneys. LEGAL NOTICE William C. Bland, whose where abouts and plncc of residence Is unknown, and cannot with reason able diligence, be ascertained, will lake notice that on July 27th, 1953, Anthony Schmitz and June Schmitz filed their certain petition before the Juvenile Court of Greene Coun ty, Ohio, seeking authority from the Court ' >adopt one Jacqueline Kay Bland and said William C. Bland will farther take notice that said cause wll come on for hearing be fore Lhc juvenile Court of Greene County, Ohio, on Saturday, Septem ber lOtii, 1953 at 10 o’clock A. M. at which time the Court will con sider said petition and make such degree and order of the Court as may be proper in the premises, S lio u r ANI) I1AGLER Attorneys for Petitioner* Anthony Schmitz and June Schmitz BLANKS AVAILABLE; JUDGES NAMED Entry blanks for non-commcrclal exhibits at the American Legion Fair next week may be obtained from any Yellow Springs merchant! Fair officials said Monday, All in formation regarding such exhibits is contained on the blanks. Judges for the non-coinmcrcial displays will be: Richard and George DeWine, agriculture; Mr®. Emma Brannum, flowers; Mrfi. Lester Pax- son, home canned goods; Prof. Ro bert Whitmore, painting and draw ing; Mrs, Eleanor Bahnscn, ama teur photography, Mrs, Oladycc Jacobs, household arts, and Mrs. Paxson, baked goods. A judge for the hobbles display will be named later. B E A U T Y - News & Views — B y TONI WOODWARD—ANS— ^ HERE’S AN EASY WAY to *e- .-re extra insurance against o f f e n d i n g wi t h unpleasant breath. Tests have shown that (his usually is caused by care lessness in oral hygiene, so pre ventive measures arc simple and fit right in with your regular beauty routine. INSURED SAFETY 10 . 000 . OfitO fo r tick Skyer i£t cotj, Savings' p u t to u/oik by fhe ! 0 - earn from the /♦'t PEOPLE'S BUILDING & SAVINGS CO. I I GREEN ST. “Since 1885" XENIA, O. This is your paper help us to build it up into something! SUBSCRIBE NOW! The Loan that Financed a Million Farms WILL Finance YOURS, Too You get fair treatment with a Federal Land Bank Lorn. Its easier to pay for n farm with the payments spread over n long period of time. You may pay any amount in ndv«nc" nt any time. The Federal Land Bank System ha;- 39 years experience in extending sound farm credit. Interest rates are low - 4 percent. No appraisal or application fee, no commission. Investigate this local faimer owned associatloi today. Write or Call EARL SKILLINGS, Secretary-Treasurer SPRINGFIELD NATIONAL FARM LOAN ASSOCIATION 503 M, Si M. Building, Springfield, Ohio Serving Greene, Clark and Champaign Counliea • |2' . ' Year Guarantee . . . Strongest Eve r! />! First, be sure lo brush your teeth regularly—right after ev ery meal, if possible. Then, remember to use dental floss at least once a day to re move bits of food that may be wedged between the teeth where a tooth brush can't reach. Dental floss •is easy to use. Just take a 12- or 14-inch piece from the con- ta i n e r and wrap the ends around the sec ond and third Angers of each hand. Use thumbs and forefin gers to guide the floss gently between uppers and lower*. You’ll be surprised at how much cleaner your mouth will feel! DAYTON thorob R^.; Unconditional'* guaranteed IH WRITING Therebreds are built with • x f r a § uo r on f e e ab l e quality—that’*why they are NOW backed by the sfrengeif wrllitn guar- anfees ever. Far sofety— fa r s av i ng s—Dayton Therebreds are your REST Hre buy. See them taday. t HORO»*ED " r ! ' *0' " ’, a v r .u n c o n cH * '® "® ' yyrltfen Guarantee tHOROBM® far ««f•*«•» * 2 y r . u n c n n r n * 1® "® W r i t t e n O u a r a n t n n JHQRO 8 W® Yme Iw* kV .1* ** £ * - * - * • * WSJrtEat mbc QR w 11 Wrl ***1 Q******99 E I C H M A N ’ S GAS AND ELECTRIC APPLIANCES WIRING MATERIALS «n4 LIGHTING FIXTURES in West Main at, Xenia, O. FbaaaMt . n rp fe / rL t r« C& L SERVICE, INC Corner Corry A Xenia aves. YELLOW SPRINGS, OHIO Phonal
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