The Yellow Springs American, Volume 1, Numbers 1-22
Thursday, September 24,1953 YELLOW SPRINGS AMERICAN PAGE FIVE IRONCURTAINACTIVITIES SLATED FORLECTUREOCT. 2nd INY. S. C L A S S I F I E D The publisher reserve* the right to edit, or reject any or ell advertising copy. Errors must be reported Immediately. Publisher NOT* responsible for more then ono incarroct insertion. FOR SALK-Eitntc Hcatroin, Good Condition. See Hurley Bryati, Jamestown, Ohio, R. U. 1 WANTED—Farm Hand, must be sternly, Six room modern house. Good wanes. Reference required. 7-1251 Yellow Springs, GAS CIRCULATING HEATER, r,0,000 BTC, 1H In. fan diamet er, ■( i'onin uizc, rinse out spo- eial $1115.00, mito. controls ex tra. Deaton Hardware Cu,, Y, S. 7.7*151. 2*1 - 1 GAS Cl RCC DATING HEATER, >15,500 HTC, IK in, diameter. 3- room size. Close out Hepcia1 $98.00, auto,controls extra. Deaton Hardware Co., Y, S. 7-7451. 24 - 1 FOR SALE—Finger Tip Length Leopard Coat, Pouch Purse and Hat Set. $75.00. Phone 0-3204. 24th WANTED- -Work to do a t home. Typing, Assembling, etc, Verne FOR RENT—Five room modern house for rent. Leave applica tion at the Yellow Spring* Am erican office or call 7-7740. 9-24-53 CARD OF THANKS The Erbaugh family wish** to to thank, all their many friends, «- pedully the business men of Yel low springs, for their flowers, cords and many acts of kindness extended them at the passing of father u*ul husband, Mr. A. C. Er baugh The Erbaugh Family Papers Received' On RegisteredSire Mrs. Mabel E. Welch and Neil E. Moore, both of the Clifton rd., recently received papers on their jointly-owned registered Ayrshire bull, purchased last January. The bull is a son of Goodacre Triumph, valued at $17,000. Mrs. Welch and Mr. Moore also owned two registered daughters of the Robert L. Arthur of Cedarville rshirc, according to th Ayrshire has also purchased a registered Ay- Tbe Rev. Andrew Hamza, pastor of the Hungarian Evangelical and Reformed Church, Dayton, will de- live his lecture "Liquidation Be hind the Iron Curtain” a t 8 p, m., Oct. 2 in Bryan High School Audit orium. Bom in Hungary 33 years ago, the Rev, Mr, ifamza obtained liia early education there, and partici pated in many patriotic activities for his country during World War II. In addition to holding a pastor- ate, ho was a member of the Anti- Nuzi Underground organization, VariedProgram IsAnnounced ByLibraryGroup The Yellow Springs Library As sociation this week announced its 1953-54 program, All meetings are held on Wednesday and the first three meetings will begin at 1:30 p.m. The time of the four subse quent meetings will be announced later. Ail sessions, with the exception of the November luncheon, will be held in the Yellow Springs Library. Oct. 14 is the date of the first meeting, of which the theme will be "Bring A Guest Day." Co-chair men are Mrs. May Fredericks lib rarian, and Mrs. Kingsley Smith, working against the enemy in many areas. After the "liberat ing" Russians ckme to Hungary, the Rev, Mr. Mamza served as editor of an underground news paper, and w*s forced to spend 11 months in prison, a victim of the Rusnian Secret Police. The Rev, Mr. Hamza came to the United States in 1050. His Oct. 2 lecture in the village is be ing sponsored by the Miami Town ship Association for Civic Action, and the meeting is opne to the pub lic. Hostesses will be Board of Trus tees members Mrs. Kenneth W. Hunt, Mrs. Ira Barr, Mrs. Henry Kcderighi, Mrs. Delano Foote, Mrs. R, D. Hollister, Mrs. Smith, and Mrs. A. C. Swinnerton. The Antioch Tea Room will be the setting for the Nov. 11 lunch eon, at which Mrs. William W. Fin lay will have charge of the prog ram, “Famous Sirens of History” Hostesses, members of the Program Committee, will include Mrs. F. D. Van Wart, Mrs. R. Moravec, Mrs. F. L. Swetland, Mrs. S. V. Onder- donk, Mrs. Guy Arnett, Miss, Alice Bingle, Mrs. Lisle Goode, Mrs. A. W. Liddle, Mrs. Seth Velsey, Mrs. Harold Hackebt, Mrs. William Sch- aub, Mrs. Thomas Chariton, and Mrs. G. E. Owen. “Too- Pretty To Open" is the theme of the Dec. 9 program which will be in charge of Mrs. H. P. Bennett. Serving as hostesses than will be Mrs. James Corwin, Mrs. Mary Cameron, Mrs, Ernest Hof fman, Mrs, John Lounsbury, Mrs. Mary Camearon, Mrs. Florence Sch repple, and Mrs. Myrtle Wilson. On Jan. 13, Dr. Stanley N. Gam will present the topic, “A Scientif ic Paper Is Conceived and Born." Mrs. P. B, Wingfield, Mrs. Richard Moravec, Mrs. George Foos, Mrs. Finley. Mrs. J. N, Wolford, and Mrs. C. M. Zeller will act as host esses. Miss Ruth Dennis and Miss Gen evieve Cypher have charge of the Feb. 10 meeting, the theme of which iH to be “New Books". In cluded among the hostesses will bo Mrs. Dougina McGregor, Miss Ella Fogg, Mrs. J. Mac Harris, Mrs. F. A, Jackson, Miss Virginia Nelson, and Mrs. P, A, Smith, Prof. Alfred G. Smith will pre sent the topic “Marriage In Some of the Pacific Islands" nt the Mar. 10 meeting, for which Mrs. Lloyd Kenncry, Mrs. Arnett, Mrs, Lila Jones, Mrs. A. E. Peterson, Mrs. Schaub, and Mrs. M. K. Tav- enner. The final mooting on April 14 will be In charge of Miss Esther Oldt, who will present the subject. “An .Hour in America.” For the occasion, hostesses will be Mrs. David ‘Fittz, Mrs. E. A. Oster, Miss Caroline Balcli Miss Susan Fralick, Mrs. William Preis, and Mrs. Rob ert Voelker, Mrs, Hunt is president of the As sociation, and dues may be payable to Miss Mary Fralick, Kirby, Cedarville College, 6-1041, 8 A.M. to 5 P.M, 24 - 1 Breeders Association. LAFF OF THE WEEK “Quick! Does our fire Insurance cover a six dollar rib roast?” SecondDaughter It’s a second daughter for the Marin Duvalls, of S. President St. Six-pound, nine-ounce Deborah Renee was born Monday in Spring- field City Hospital. He father is training officer at Wright- Pat terson Air Force Base; her mother is the former Velma Tucker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tucker of Sioux Falls, S. D., and she has a four and one-year-old sister, Barba Jean.
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