The Yellow Springs American, Volume 1, Numbers 1-22
Thursday, September 17, 1953 YELLOW SPRINGS AMERICAN PAGE SEVEN CHURCH ACTIVITIES METHODIST f R« y . Thoman Smith, pastor 9:30 s,m., Church School, Bob Dunevant, supt., Kenneth Lasley, ■>»t. Supt. 10:40 ».m,, Worship Service 7:00 p.m., youth fellowship, nt church. PRESBYTERIAN Dr. Buckley S. Rude, minister 10:30 a.m., church school 10:30 u,m„ morning worship 6:30 p,in» Junior HI Westminster Society, " 7:00 p,m„ Senior III Westminster Society, church basement, ST. PAUL CATHOLIC Rev. John II, Antonty, pastor Sunday Masses, 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. Saturday, Confessions nt 4:30 - 6:30 and 7:30-8:30 p.m. Regular Week-day Masses, 7:30 a.m. CENTRAL CHAPEL A.M.E. Rev. Isaac R. Louden, paslor 9:30 a.m., Sunday school 10:40 a.m., devotions. FREE to the holder of this license number 202ST 10GAL PURE PEP aPLUS FREE LUBE JOB FIRST BAPTIST Rev. Wm, L. Williams, pastor 10:00 n,m., -Sunday school. 11:00 a.m,, morning worship FRIENDS ROCKFORD CHAPEL 10:30 - 11:30 a.m., meeting for worship. CLIFTON CLIfTON PRESBYTERIAN Richard S. Smille, minister 10:00 n.rn., Bible school 11:00 a.m., morning worship. CLIFTON UNITED PRESBYTERIAN John Collins, Superintendent Mrs. Mlwood Shaw, organist 10:00 a.m., Sabbat): school 1.1:00 n.m,, preaching service. CLIFTON ZION BAPTIST Rev, Richard Phillips, pastor ,10:00 a,m,, Sunday school 1.1:00 a.m., morning service. BETHEL LUTHERAN 9:30 n.m., Sunday school, Leroy Shnw, supt, 10:30 n.m., worship service. BYRON EVANGELICAL and REFORMED Rev. Eugene Davis, pastor 9:30 n.m., Sunday School, Clif ford Smith, supt. 9:30 n«m., Junior Sunday school. 10:30 a.m., church service PRESBYTERIAN____ CHURCH ACTIG1TIES Members of the Yellow Springs Presbyterian Church will observe World Wide Communion Sunday, October 4th. This is a day to exercise special forgivenesses, and to renew Christ ian committments in penitence and love. IN MEMORIAM Mrs. Elizabeth Drake, Sept. 16th, Mr. A. C. Erbaugh, Sept. 15th SERVICE INC. CORNER CORRY * XENIA Phane 7-7481 Yellow Springs WORD FOR THE WEEK — “If God be for us, who shall be against us.’’ Rom. 8:31. Think of the tre mendous hope and lift in these words! Take them to bed at night. Make them the first thoughts of the morning. Seize on them through the day when pressures are high and schedules so rushed that we think everything depends on us. Relax a moment . . , let go , . . let God . , . think of the promise in these words. Read James 4. SEPTEMBER 27 . . . Promotion and recognition of Church School teachers and pupils, a t morning worship, GATHERING OF RUMMAGE ARTICLES , , . for the Prcsby- Weds is scheduled between now and October 2, All saleable article ex cept empty glass jars are desired. Please call Mrs. Don Good, 7-75C5, CopIsInSchool Village Patrolman Charles Can- triil is attending a two-week ses sion of the Bureau of Identifies. Horn School In London, O. The school began Mondajf and will end Oct. 2. Tour checking account tells you where . . . when and how much^you spend. I t tells liow much youhave in the bonk ^ a t all times. Take advantage of this convenient record keepingsystem with et checking account here, Miami Deposit Bank From The Lincoln Tinea, U s- fwlntan, N, C.: Wo note that some of the television column ists are now complaining about the deluge of psychopathic crime being strewn about the nation's television screens. No doubt the average youngster, who goes in search of entertainment, In his living-room, see a lot o< queer characters, and queer dramas en acted. If he were to Judge the nature of the outside world by what he sees on the television screen, he would probably conclude that more than half the population la in the cate gory of alcoholics, In need of psy chotherapy, or dealing In other vices, even worse than alcohol- itm, We have mentioned this In dustry failing on other occasions and think; the general average of programming la not what it might be. Perhnps one of the causes of the difficulty is that so many of the TV plays are produced in New York and Hollywood, centers of the fast-moving life which char- actcrlzesj show business. The average youngster in Podunk lives in different surroundings and cir cumstances, and, therefore, would enjoy clean and typically Amer ican entertainment. We hotfe the sponsora—with wham the fcnsl re sponsibility Mas will exert suffi cient preaauro in the right places to raise the standards if their presentations to a mora accept able leveL i • • a — r From ,H m . Vree Preee, Chariot* l* * , Waat Ylrglaia: The tedioue Job of painting window molding* and acrapplng paint from window pane# after the Job la complete will aoon be replaced by a minia ture paint roller with a metal guard which ia aald to paint win dow sash end molding with m smearing. AutomchOec will get into the locomotives* elate with a new de vice which throws sand In front of the wheels In slippery going . . . e new vending machine at tached to a standard water pipe and a aouree of 110-volt current and dispenses hot coffee or cold orange Juice nt the drop ef n coin. Five new electric games tar children, all In one kit, a rt being offered for the Christmas trade . . . A new eigarette case swal lows a pack of smokes and gives them back one at a a™ mi a button signal. All these are things te coma, b REV. RUSSELHOY, OHIOSTATE GRANGECHAPLAINTOSPEAK Rev, Russell Hoy,’whose column appears in the Ohio Fanner mag azine as the “Country Parson" and is also Ohio 'State Grange Chap lain. will be the speaker at the Greene County Soil Conservation District Annual Meeting, which will be held Wednesday, September 30th in the Masonic Temple Building in Xenia, A banquet meal will be ser ved a t 6:45 p.m. During the mcating Mr. E, A. Drake will conduct an election when three supervisors will be el- LightningDestroys BarnAndContents At 6:45 Saturday morning light ning completely destroyed the barn of the Cecil 'Hustead’s, located on Route 68, one half mile south of Hustcad. i The Ilustead, Beatty Town and Enon Fire Departments responded to the call. The driver of a transport trailer truck with Mr. Ilustead, was the first to reach the burning building a tractor and car were saved along with a number of cattle and hogs, but Laddie the Collie dog was trap ped by the fire and perished. Firemen worked for almost two hours to save the house, which be cause of its nearness was badly scorched. Fire Chief Robert Ehmnn, Paul Fry and Mr. Hustcad received bad bums in their efforts to save buildings, etc. Loss w&s estimated at $5000, The barn was partially covered by in surance, but the contents were not covered. BOYCRITICAL AFTERMISHAP Rober Lee Hunter, eight year old son of Mr. and Mrs. French Hunter of Yellow Springs, Route 1 the Meredith rd,, was reported in "critical" condition in Miami Val ley Hospital, Dayton, with head injuries Monday night after he fell from a hay mow. The mishap oceured about 7:30 p.m, on the farm of a neighbor of the Hunter family, Clark Meredith, Hubert and several companions were playing in the hay moiV when the boy slipped and fell through a hay shut. The farm is about a half mile south of the Clark-Greene County line. Robert, a third-grade pupil in Yellow Springs schools, was ad mitted to surgery at the Dayton hospital, FRIENDSHIP REBEKAH LODGENEWS The Friendship 'Rebekah Lodge will hold their inspection in the Lodge Hall. Monday September 28 at 8 p.m. Jeanette Strsley of East Liberty passed president of the Re bekah Assembly will be the in specting officer. Two new candid ates will be initiated. All sister Rcbekah’s are cordially invited. Re freshments will be served. Yellow Springs Personals Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur E. Fink of Allen St, have returned, from sev eral days spent in West Virginia, Maryland and Virginia where they visited relatives knd friends. They were accompanied by Mrs. Albert Puitz, E. N. College St., Miss Ella Bailey, Xenia Ave., and Mrs. James C. Walker of Dayton, • 9 • • Miss Ann Johnston, daughter ef Mr, and Mrs. Carroll Johnstori, Dayton at,, left last week for Ohio Northern University, Ada. She is a graduate of Bryan High School, GATE ANCHOR . . . A |M 4 method «f kM )h | n k , iMMiiing In ike grand la to drive them Is the seen! m drop a s aeto-hrake dram er discarded dtah h a r m Made ssd drive H down level to the mtface ef the tr en d , frees I I F O M COLO WE i tMEO COME* . . . The Yellow Springs L'Si?.VMKTS Lumber Company YELLOW IMUNOI, OHIO efraWy . n s sm isw eriadvw eiasa Wssee i . Pham 1MH u S n » m m f t r - and Is enrolled at the University as u freahmon, • * » • A Sunday guest in the home of Mrs. George Foos of Livermore St,, was Mrs. Leila Ulghtor of New Orleans, La., and Mrs. Anemo Splt- ler Stoner of Dayton, in whoso, home Mrs. Rightor is currently visiting. 9 • • • Miss Elizabeth Mercer, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Mer cer, of Livermore St., has been en rolled at Wilmington College. Her sister, Miss Helen Mercer, lias been attending Olney High School, Barnesville, O. • • • • Thomas Taylor, son of Mrs., David Taylor, of Glen St,, is a freshman this year of the Univer sity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. • • • • Larry Haller of Whiteman St., Lawson (Bud) Marsh of Livermore St. and Mr. Haller’s father of Akron, O., have returned from a fishing trip in Cunnda. They re port fishing all day in the snow. • • • • Mrs. Samuel Caupp, of Grinnell Rd., is home on leave from Xenia Hardware Store, She is head of the gift department there. Mr. and Mrs. Caupp formerly ran the store that is now Brannum’s Market. Mrs. ‘Caupp is home be cause of ill health. • • 9 9 Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Evormnn, together with their sons, Jim nml George, have moved to the Jack- son rd. (west of Rout 68, first house on the left) from the cottage on the Chester Swaby farm, Clif ton pike. New occupants of the cottage acted to fill the vacancies which will occur this year. Tickets may be obtained from the Soil Conservation Office, Extension Office or from the superivsors, Mr. J. B. Lane, chairman, A E. Peterson vice chairman, Harold Dobbins sec retary, Robert L. Thomas, treas urer and R. IL Cherry, are the sup ervisions, , Those wishing to ateml should obtain their tickets early its only 300 people can he seated, are Mr, and Mrs, Paul Vest (Martha Swaby), * 4 * Guests of Mr. ami Mrs, Ira S uit lust weekend were Mr. and Mrs, William Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Svohodn, of Cleve land, who were here to attend the Ohio Archers’ State Champion ship Field Shoot, held in George Rogers Clark State Park, near Springfield. Mr. Brown and Mrs. Svoboda are president nnd secre tary, respectively, of the Ohio Archers organization. “HELLOWORLD” Their second ghild and first son was born Sept. 2, in Spring- field City Hospital to Mr. and Mrs, Billy Fields, of Yellow Springs. The baby weighed six pounds, one ounce at birth, and has been named James William. His Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harold .Trubee, of Fairborn, and his pnternal grand parents urc Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Fields, of Lumberton. Thi* is your p&jier help us to build it up into something! Such j CAREFULL ! Work! [ Stag’s Cleaners * CLEANING • PRESSING l ALTERATIONS : ■ Phone 7-7237 ■« Jason and Leora Stagner j Rev. Robert II. Harper l A Slam Becomes a Brother, , Lesson for September 27 : Pbile* mots, verses 8-21. Golden Text". Galatians 3: 28. The lesson brings to our view an institution that began In an tiquity and endured well into pres ent times, with some traces of it still found in some parts of the world-slavery, It Is truu that laws hnvu been enacted to supprois slavery In all the great nations of the worlds But the main force in outlawing slavery has been the gospel of Christ. Paul was a prisoner In Rome when lie was visited by a run away slave, named Oncslmus, and the property of Philemon, a Chris tian of Colossne, It Is possible that Paul had know Oncslmus when he visited in the home of Phile mon. The slave desired to return to his master. -And Paul sent the letter, which has found a place in the New Testament, urging Philemon to pardon Oncslmus and ' restore him to Ids place In the household. Whatever money loss the master had sustained through the night of the slave, Paul of fered to pay. It was Paul's earnest request that the master should receive the the runaway, not only as a re stored servant but as a brother beloved. In the answer to that exhortation, we can find the solu tion to all vexed* problems in the sociatlon of men today. If men can be brothers In Christ, all problems can be solved in peace and love. INSURANCE + STRAIGHT LIFE + RETIREMENT + ENDOWMENT + MORTGAGE REDEMPTION -f FAMILY INCOME Representative The Western and Southern Life Insurance Company Cincinnati, Ohio James E. Jordan YELLOW SPRINGS Phone 7-2752 ^ Ifrfio t Uaby y o u r s e l f on oil the washdays to coma iwith a new "H a UI u MAGM* ■ mm GAS C lo th esdryer » «r», . 11 m HAMILTON O h Clothe* Dryer Hitt d ry fon t dtothca Huffy and sweet iminute* Instead of hour*I JN Why Ml awd lug heavy baskets of "wet clothes? Baby yourself. * N Thaw's no need to lift, stoop, bend, acfc, pin up, worry about the r, «H m wtth clothes line*, unpin and Oak*dopn, carry hi dry clothes— not when you to** the clothes into •n automatic gaa clothes dryer right beside the washer, set the control and tfiminate all that tiresome work, *» The HAMILTON '^un-E-Day* ultra-violet ray lamp gives the clothes, "sunshine and breese" freshness^ ■very day is a good drying day-and at any hour. -* ' — ’ G A S CLO tHES DRYER 'Iny SoM fT* The- P'-'mtl ■ [’ 1 • nr>Y i” '■ ‘'I■1 T H I B A Y Y 0 M P O W I R A H D L I G H T . C O M P A N Y
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