The Yellow Springs American, Volume 1, Numbers 1-22

Thursday, October 1,1958 THE YELLOW SPRINGS AMERICAN PAGE FIVE n - w .......Miawu A DD a (aw aalpa of grata onion and chopped rlpa oUvaa to cot­ ta*# chaaaa to maka a vary dell- clou* omelet Oiling for a luncheon or tuppcr. Hart art torna almpla but sour* (thing aflar-tchooi or lunch boa tnackt that ara healthful, too. Plump aomi prunet, ramova tha pita and glut? with a walnut, al­ mond or maraichlno charry Roll tha prunat In a cinnamon-auger mixture, Do you Uka to aarva Interesting *aucci on your vegetable*? You’ll like tilli itmple one; comblna equal parti of mayonnalta and aourad RECIPE or THE WEEK (Sarvat f) ; I anvalopa unflavorad geU* V* cup cold water 1 cup milk, acaldad 3 ounce* blue cheat# 1 cup cottage cheeie -v 1 ublecpoon grated lemon rtnd to teatpocn paprika Vi teaapoon tall to teaapoon ground black pepper 1 teaapoon worceiterihire aauce. Soften gelatin Inwater and die- tolve In acaldad milk. Maab blue cheeie with fork. Combine with cottage cheeie and put through tleva. Comblna cheeae mixture, milk and aeaaonlnga. Pour Into Individual molda which have been rimed In cold water. Chill until let. cream and then itlr In aome pre­ pared mustard for tippy flavor along with chopped roasted al­ monds. Slip this deasert Into tha oven as you tit down to eat tha meal and It will ba warm and luscious by the time you’re ready for des­ sert: Place • canned cling peach halvet Into a flat baking dish. Sprinkle wllk to cup brown sugar mixed with to cup orange juice boiled for 3 minutes. Top with co­ conut and marshmallows and bake in a moderate (330*) oven for 30 nlnutea. Have you tried rolling aeasoned naahed potatoes around marsh- nallowaT They’re wonderful, ^rolled, with e allce of ham. 2 ) 4 % FORYOURMONEY OUR SPECIAL SAVINGS PLAN Drap la Ask Far DtWh MIAMI DEPOSIT BANK Member ef P.D.I.C. INSURANCE + STRAIGHT LIFE + RETIREMENT + ENDOWMENT + MORTGAGE REDEMPTION + FAMILY INCOME RepraeontoUxe The WMtarn and Southem Life lnauranee Oonpany cinolnnaU, Ohio James E. Jordan YELLOW STRINGS P h «M 7*1711 D/rnier Party fnjoyed 8y 1929 Class Of Graduates On 25th Anniversary Methodist Church Activities Tueadav end Oct. 9 ara Impor­ tant days iievt week for village woman of t!-« f^x^t Jdethodist Church. 8 On Tuea-,B/, the women are having a study course on “The Life >and Task of the Church Around the World,” from 1:‘3Q to 3 p.m. The course will extend through four consecutive Tues­ days. Mrs. Louise •Schreppl i> in­ structor of the course, which is open to the public. Ker Deen Inn of Springfield, was the scene of a happy reunion of the Class of 1928 of Cedarville High School in celebration of the 25th Anniversary of their graduation. Faculty members who attended were, Mrs. R. A. Jamieson, formerly Miss Carrie Rife, Mrs. Anna Wilson, Mr. Fred Rolfes, Mrs. Nathanl^lder and Mrs. Mildred C. Foster. Thirteen of the seventee n .Vnembcrs of this class were able to be present. Misses Bernice Bry­ ant of Cilfton and Wilda Auld of Springfield were responsible for taking the initiative and planning of this occasion. Other members living presently in Cedarville who attended were, Gertrude Hamman Creswell, Ruth Mitchell Waddle, and Esther Mae Hartman Rey­ nold*. Other members present were Leo Reed, Clifton; Cornelius Grinnell, Yellow Springs; Robert Wilson and Christine Wells Wilson, Dayton; Martha Waddle Derby, Wilmington; Eleanor Finney Hunn, Trotwood; and Harley Dailey, Springfield. The absentees were Owen Peters, Springfield, Sarah Abel Mayer, Ironton; Donna Ford Abbott, near Waynesvill eand Ruth Marshall Reiter, Floriad. Fol­ lowing an excellent dinner, Leo Reed, Class President, was the-hour, introducing all the spouses and creating a very enjoyable social time, which consisted of visiting and card playing. Rev, Robert II. Itarpcr God's Design for a Better World. I man for October •?: Isaiah ‘12; J-7; Mark Ji f-MJ,- John )■. 26-17; Revelation 21: l -J. Ciolden 'l exit Revelation 21: i. Evidences of God’s design (or a belter world tiro found In the sev­ eral passages grouped In the les­ son text. The God ot (ho universe is He who designs (or moil n belter world and hi') wisdom nod power give assurance of nirh n world: « wot Id In which disease shall bo healed, the ptlr.imn emptied o( oc­ cupants, .iii.l turn shall rejoice In freedom from sin, lu the passage from Marie we find Jesus preaching the kingdom of God. This Is n kingdom In the hearts of men r.nd It Is not subject to the limitations and barriers of earthly kingdoms. U transcends nil the barriers known to men. Its reign is that of love In men’s hearts. It Is to be entered by re­ pentance and faith In the gospel. The passage from John tells of the supreme gift that God has made to men in Christ. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son as the Saviour. Thus the better world must come through faith in Christ. The kingdom of God Is not limited by death. The grave is no barrier to the kingdom’s continu­ ance. For, as the inspired seer looked o(T from Putmos, he saw the Now Jerusalem* and all the redeem­ ed, And he heard u great voice de­ claring that the labornacle of God, should be with men. So love will" survive death ami glorify the king­ dom in Its 'eternal setting in heaven. will be guests of the WSCS on Oct. 8. A business meeting at 7:30 p.m, will be followed by a program at 8 p.m, “ POLE* NOT RED’* , . , J»n Najakiewfct, tl, Fellah truce Mara •Melal la Eerea, fled to preteetlea ef Americans tn Seoul. Ha Mid M pot cent ef Polish taayla appaea eemmunlsm. WE DO IT . . . CEMENT WORK CEMENT BLOCKS A WORK EXCAVYING AND GRADING —RAND AND GRAVEL; LAND CLEANING; PONDS A LAKES W, B. DAWSON COAL COMPANY YELLOW SPRINGS D a l e C a r m c i e ^ AUTHOR OF HOW TO STOP WORRYING AND START LIVING' ^ G LADYS WOLFE, 121 Nelson Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey, says that she awoke one morning and realized that she had lost her re­ ligion. The preceding evening she had attended funeral services for her family doctor. To her he had been much more than the family doctor. He had been friend, confidant and buddy. He had succumbed at the age ot 44 because he had ignored his own serious heart ail­ ment. and had continued to work tong hard hours to keep people well and healthy. Why had this won­ derful man been taken, when thieves, murderers and dope peddlers walked the streets in good health? Was this the will of a good and just God? Her an­ swer was "Not” and she turned her back to her church and to her religion. During the days following she found it difficult to concentrate on her work. At night she lay awake pondering and worrying about her loss of faith. She fell Inferior to her IcKowman, and she did not wish to conlide In anyone because she was ashamed of her thoughts. Months passed without the happening ot any Incident to change her feelings. Then Good Friday arrived. That afternoon, for the want of something else to do, she found herself walking into church. She sat down, watched the worshippers coming and going, and presently felt herself relaxing In the quiet, serene atmosphere As she sat there, a phrase kept running through her tntnd—“The Lord In wondrous ways, His miracles doth perform/’ Atf at once the realized that she would never know a moment’s peace until she stopped trying to find cold scientific answers to ques­ tions concerning matters over which she had no control. She walked out of church that afternoon five years ago with a feeling of buoyancy that she had never before experienced. She realizes now that religious faith satisfies a craving In man­ kind that no other fords of self-expression can equal; that when ad­ versity causes material things to be swept away, and friends prove to be false, religious faith Is the only thing to which we can cling and find strength and aolace, ThU ia your paper help us to build it-up into lomethingl SUBSCRIBE NOW! CARNEGIE PLUMB I NG ■ ' HEAT I NG GUYVARNER ; : YELLOW SPRINGS, OHIO | 1*7 GUmStr*«t Phon# 7 - 7 BSS w ................................................................................................. .............. **"•••, HAIRCUTS • For Those • With Diicrinuiuitmg • Testes*’ Log Cabin BARBER SHOP W. W. Stelree—E. M. Lewln YELLOW SPRINGS Girl ScoutsPlan Cookout andHike A cookout for Friday and an ov­ ernight hike fo r Oct, 16-17 are being arranged by members* of Girl Scout Troop No, 51, according to Mary Ellen Marshall, reporter. The girls were to have brought 'T'HESE guys who stand on Uie ■'* comer and criticize the lawn because it doesn't do this and doesn't have that, really get my goat. There Is this one guy l know In particular who is always flying off at the ,mouth, He's been at si so long it Anally reached toe ex­ ploding point with me, “You're a lC-ru'e guy,*’ says 1 the other day at the coffee club That's where about Off til Us gather cash morning at 13 o’clock, “Whatcha mean, 15-rule guy," says he, “You just talk and never do any thing," says 1. “You don’t attend meetings, but if you dc, you arrive late. You always teaVe early. You never have anything to say Until you get out on the street corner. When the meeting is over you find fault with the officers and mem hers. You vote for everything, but do nothing. You never htaVc time to help carry out plans. You won't be an officer ot any club. If some­ thing happens you don’t like you are always threatening to resign. Want me to go on with the rest of the 18-rule of how to kill an organization or a town?" "Why you olg bum," says ho, “Never do anything, do I? How about this?" With that he leans across the table and plants his big flst in my eye. When I picked myself up he’t gone, As the rest of the guys dust me of? and help me back to the office, Joe, my friend says to me: 'There’3 one role you forgot to tell tha bum. Never talk too much!" e of the Fish Pond at the P.T A. Fall Festvlal from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Saturday, Four or five girls will be assigned to each half-hour shift, and are requested to wear Scout uniforms and nccesiorlcs/ Mr, and Mrs, Jlardy W. Tro- antnouncing the birth of a datt* City Hospital, Mr, Trolander i president of the Yellow’ Spring Instrument ('0, NEWS BRIEFS Miss Motsy Leaks, dauglste of Mr. ami Mrs. Clarence I.eub. of Allen St., Is a freshman a Denison University. A 31ry.ii High School graduate last May Miss Leubn was the recipient of the 19. j 3.5J AAHW Scholar­ ship, WRIST RADIO , . , Battery- powered with aerial In wcarer’a sleeve, this wrist radio developed by army signal corps recelvea broadcasts 40 miles distant. MARATHON PRODUCTS Fuel Oil - Gasoline Oils - -Greases OFFICE PHONE 7-7431 HOME 'PHONE 7 -7662 ROBERT J . GROTE Xenia at Carry St, Yellow Springs ~= ?V ‘ menus for the cookout to their me­ eting Tuesday. Also, the Girl Scouts h»ve ch*rg- FARM Pa in ts Appliances FARM Implements K. 6:A SALES& SERVICE STORE HOURS Phone 7-7355 8:00 am. to 6:00 p-m. Mon, thro Sat Yellow Springs 100 Dayton 8L Keep Them Producing With PU RITY FEEDS QUALITY and RESULTS FOR HEALTHIER PIGS — FASTER GAINS — FOR LARGER PROFITS — L I NKHART . S YELLOW SPRINGS ELEVATOR rhdrie? '7-7369 3E m MARBLE CERAMIC MIRAPLAS RUBBER QUARRY PLASTIC ’ 130 Dayton M* S T E V E N S O N TILE COMPANY Yellow Spring* Phone 7-7209 .VI