The Yellow Springs American, Volume 1, Numbers 1-22

Death Claims Mrs. Fred Winter Mrs Roma Winter, 6, died at 3:15 j),m. Sunday In Miami Valley Hospital at 'Dayton. Born In Michigan June 3, 1888. VIre. Winter came to Yellow Springs t few weeks ago. She had lived In Portsmouth. O , since 1918 and had taught music In the county schols ,n several schools there and was jlsotr director In several churches She a ns the widow or Fred B, Winter who died In 1917. Surviving nre a son, Robert cf r)<troll, Mich.; a daughter, Mr«, Meredlih Dallas of Yellow Springs; Legion Has 1 * ■> Christmas Party The annual Christmas party of tho American Lcgjon Thomas Ed­ win Bailey Post and Its auxiliary, was held Dec. 18 at the Legion Hall. Seventy>flve people attended of which twenty-five were children, Following a gumptious dinner, Santa Claus appeared by the brightly lighted tree with gifts for all, Among the gifts were a tele­ vision set and a basket of groceries for the genial tarctaker and Ills wife, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wlllman. Legion Commander Ralph Oaaho attended without his family as his Jury Venire Drawn Names of 40 persons to conlprlse the grand and petit Juries of com­ mon Pleas Court during the January term have been drawn by the Coun­ ty Jury Commission. Village Council Has Christmas Spirit Auto Strikes Mrs. Brannum ■two brothers, Oporgo Matteson of'young son has the mumps. A’blon, Mich, nnd Croydon Mat- Christmas movies werc shown by icson of Inkster, Mich.; a sister, ISonny Carlisle. Mrs Pem DuPuy of Llndstrom, j The next meeting of the Legion Minn , and six grandchildren, • The body was taken to the Dnch- lcr funeral homo In Portsmouth for services at 3:30 pan. Thursday. Burial will be at Portsmouth. Lawrence Bittner Dies On Christmas Eve will be Jan. S, at the Legion Hall, The Auxiliary will meet Jan. 21. Annual Yule Dinner # A group of young women from Yellow Springs and near-by held their annual Christmas dinner and gift exchange last Saturday evening at the “Tropic” in Dayton. These young women were all members of the same graduating class at Bryan High. Attending the dinner were: the Misses Charme DeWlne, Hilda Rlcardl and Patty Shook, Mrs. Rob- j ert Duncvant (Helen Squires) and w u i ; W H M H i a i t y i p ■.»■ In addition, names of 30 other give the local policeman a 8100 unl- porsons for Jury scrlco In Juvenile j form allowance. Court were drnwn by the Commls*' flon at the request of Judge W. B McCaUistcr. Members of nil three Juries will , . Mrs. Donald •‘Bill” Brannum, At the last regular meeting of ^ ^ WM struck by B„ flU(0_ the pillage council It was voted to j mobile Wednesday as she was creas­ ing Xenia Ave., from the Miami Deposit Bank to the Yellow Springs Market. X-rays showed no broken bones although Mrs* Brannum was scvcrly bruised and her head was ln- bo on call, It was reported A dale had not been set for tho January session of the grand jury, Requiem ina-.s for Lawrence Leo Biuner, 79, Fairfield Pic, Yellow •Springs, Route l, was said Mon­ day at 0 am. at St. Paul’s Catholic! Church, Yellow Springs. Rev. John. , , ' „ . , , J u . , . V. Mrs- John Orotc (Ann Amon). This Antony officiated nnd burial In St .. v .. * ! «>n■> f h . H vm . i h n i H fre T a c A m V v , Paul':, Cemetery. , Mr. Bittner, a retired farmer, died Thursday night in Mercy Hos- jwas the first time that Mrs, Joseph ' Fuggcr (Ann Reed) had missed at- j tending the party. She was recently , , ! married and Is making her home pltal, Springfield, where hc wa= ln Chlcaao admitted Wednesday. He had suf-j ^ lertd from a heart ailment several j tweeks. 1GREENE COUNTY COURT'NEWS Born In Germany, Mr. Bittner j came to the United States at the- j COMMON FLEAS COURT age of 4 and had passed the great-1 DIVORCES FIELD cr part of his life in the Yellow j Shirley A. West. 301 W. South Springs community He was a mem-.College St., Yellow Springs, against her or St. Paul's Church. ;Thoma« J-, Longview, Wash,; neg- Smviving are two sons, Edward.*ect *nd cruelty; married at Yellow I\, Yellow Springs, Route 1, anti j Sivi-lngs, May 18, 1853. Claie: co L , Yellow Springs; two ■! .lighter:;. Mrs Raymond Pitstick ami Mr,;, Fred Pitstlclc, both of vCihia; a sister, M'.s. John Tate of ■Yellow Fprlngt, and several grand- : children. Mrs. Cameron Is Honored Mrs, Mnry Cameron, who make her home with her daughter an’ son-in-law. Mr, nnd Mrs, Cornelia Orimicll. Orlnnell Rd , was the ar - traction which drew her family to­ gether Christmas Day The dinner party was he’d a the home of her daughter and son-» in-law, Major T P Shriutn and banding will slow a little In 1954, family, Orton Ud Other numbers "Although building of new homes, of tho family present were her son which cams close to 1,000,000 in Mr John Cameron nnd grand ton 1953, Is a major source of appliance Jack of Mas!,lion. O. and her daugh- owl furnishing business” said Shel­ ter Mrs John Herbert ol Ciovila: d dt.n Coleman, president of the Oas Sew Homes For Old The ga:; appliance Industry*, which has achieved a banner snles record ;n 1953, la not djsheartcned by the .(■a::; of seine building Industry ob- :crura that the pace of new* home and the Cornelius Grinnells. Phone Rate Increase Looms Appliance Manufacturers Assocla lion, **the majority of gas appliance sales in 1953 were to old homes being turned into new ones by remodel­ ing ” Oteoience in kitchens, laundrle* Proposed increases .m telephone and healing plants threatens more rates In the Yellow ’springs area Shan 22 million homcs In the United for which an application is pend- States which are more than 30 ing with the State Public ITuliu” * old. Coleman pointed out. Commission were announced toda’-’ The. <>, he said, should provide ih: by officials of the Ohio Bel! ’letf- Piirrlpat market for gas appliances phone Co, t<ir nt another flve years, as C. W Gray, commercial ir.anagrr M ? or, giving considerable Impetus for the company's Xehla dl'.lrir* 1° related Industries, said the proposed new increases hi CROP CONTROL Yellow Springs are* range from 33a Lfiarunnit of Agriculture flgu- to 8Z50 depending upon tho tvF,e o f . « ' « » fall's pig crop, and the service used by subscribers «»** I;nn e spring crop, point a moral par business .service in Y<r,c.w » « m in * which nre strug- Springs, the first rate Which It « B with controls for basic crops- now |7-M) will bc increased 8250 r*v Ihe only controls on pigs arc the month to 810 While the ba-Jc t&ntroh of stipply and demand. In charge for measured business scr- Hu* Pf lce vice which now is $5 75 will go la ho« s 0:1 lh« hoof at Chicago went down more than 5 cents a pound. For Residential sendee, the pri*«So the fall pig c r o p - usually about vate line rate would be Increased » HUrd 01 P!&s ottered - was 50c per month from $350 to 84; a f 10 Pcr « * * - Vxirlng the( two-party line from $3 to $3.40; a;*»*U « » scar, prices at Chicago four-party Un0 from $250 to $2.85 «eP t up about 3 cents a.pound.Now and rural residence service from? «™ en tell the Department they -» * . Intend to breed about 4 per cent ’ ‘ | more pigs fn the spring than they j old last spring. ! Considering the permanent In­ vestment that must be made to go fftte the pig business, swings of I f per cent eft the small crop ittd I ptii( Cent eft 'the big eft*: are large. And it Was all done with the help1 of market quotations, j BITS O’ BUSINESS — Secretary Pick-up arc as follows; Scouts will, Wilson got nowhere with his plan gather up Christmas trees on Sat- j for small orders and frequent re- urday, January 2. Will the People |orders of machinery and trucks for that have Christmas trees please! the armed forces. Too much tem- havc them ready by the afternoon’1} pUtion for the buying brass to make The burning of them will be held-small changes in specifications, say PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Holy ComiBMioti will be ataerfe* January 3 The annual congregational meet­ ing will be held at the church Jan, 13. he potluck dinner will be at 8:30 and the meeting at 7:30. Church officers for the coming year will be voted on at that time* MIZPAII BIBLE CLASS Village M'.xnagcr Howard Kahoc Whs given a $800 Increase in salary. This brings bis annual salary up to , , $8300. When Mr. Kahoc first became IJurwi' ° n° ot her Bho‘!fi wns village manager bo refused to ftC. OVor hy the letter box on the corner eent the higher salary offered him Th? driver of the car which was on the basis that the village couldn’t j tr*ve,l»S north, was not held. Persons named for grand J»my|afford It. U would be Interesting to! Mrs- Brannum,, condition la much from Miami TWp. nnd Yellow j know if that situation is unique' improVcd R,tho f,ha ,B stlu (l«lte Springs were: Dean ItJarshall. Yel- with Yellow Springs. We think the sllff and "Jittery," low Springs ret. 2; Oharies Flcm- increase Is due him; maybe it will Ing, Miami Twp.; uruLHermnn Cor- *ucl,> pay for the nspir.ns- dell, Yellow Springs PcL 4. . . . . . . Funny thlng-wc did see Those chosen for p«fc uty Service ln gmd ^ were: Forest Batdorf, ^Uow Springs ; nl[1 E Broughton of d0esn,t Pet 4, Arnold D. Dibble, Yello,v ?wnnt hl(. $250 monlhly chccks Springs and R o b e r t a Preston, Xor 0ctobt,r, Novcmbor and De0eni. Bm J1' ; |ber. He suggested that the amount James Lewis Miami Twp.; Jane mlght b(1 USe(J for thc streCt „ hu i n .. V A l n i i i C v s v iliV n n D a 8. ’J a n /1 n » i < l STORK VISITS Cape, Yclow Springs Pcfc^l nnd Paul Wugncr, Yellow Springs Pet. 2 were chosen for service In JUvcnllc Court, Bryan Hi Cafeteria Ing program, Broughton pointed out that he thad been something of a ‘‘weekend" Imayor for the last three months. Hc said he thought the city should keep the checks in as much as he had been able to devote his full time to tlie Job of mayor. Local Option 325 lunches were served In the Bryan High Cafeteria on Wednes­ day before Christmas. Menu for week of Jan. 4-8. Monday—Wiener on bun, green beans, Apple Crisp, Carrot strips and milk. 1 Tuesday—Corned beef pic, Buttered <E l e c t i o n R e s u l t s com, Bread and butter, Fruit and! mlUt. ' j Analysis of the local option elec- Wednesdny—Ham and beans, lions of 1953 by Lewjs C. Ber$->r, Lettuce anti apple salad, Bread and, of Columbus. State Superintendent butter, Pudding and milk. ' of The Temperance League of Ohio, Thursday—Orange Juice, meat loaf,, today Indicated that tho vote put Green beans, Bread and butter, Do- 7.174 additional Ohioans ln t«rrl- nuts and milk. j tory “dry” in varying degrees from Friday—Salmon loaf, Creamed' total prohibition to liquor sales re- peas, Bread and buyer, Ice cream stricted to 3.2 beer. and milk. Acute Need For Industrial Nurses Approximately four active profes­ sional nurses in every hundred are "While we rejoice with all drys who campaigned successfully, we admit that 1953 was one of our least productive years, both ln contests attempted and new territory dried up or subject to license restrictions” , said Mr. Berger. "Our failures should teach us a now employed by Industry, it was' lesson, as we gird ourselves for local reported here today byOfficials b f! option contests In 1954. Ohrcliiae th« St. Elizabeth School of Nursing. ’ Is on the march and will succeed, nils is an Increase of nearly 500 j Ing of Intoxicants as never before, per cent hi the past 10 years, it was We cannot fall. Our task Is to learn said. . the surest and quickest ways to It was pointed out that 1,227 success, nurses are employed by Ohio h i-. “ Looking to the balloting ln No- dustrlcs, the fourth largest number 1vember, we would advise no activity ln any state, ^ . until after Easter, and then careful Most Industrial nars<s arc cm- planning of all details and the cn- plcryed by Industry, for Industrial tfstroent of alt needed help. Wjth PERSONALS. . . « Mr, nnd Mrs, Foster Shaw, Spll„ Inn Road, entertained with a fam­ ily dinner Christmas Day. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs, J. R. Butler and daughter Bonnie, Winter St., Miss Ella Bailey, Xenia Ave,, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Shaw, Fairborn nnd Mias Nancy Shaw, who is homo from Wittenberg College for the holiday!,. Tlie Richard Anderson’s and their son Ricky of Orlnnell Road enjoyed an extensive round of parties and dinners during Christmas week, Wednesday evening, they, with Mrs- Anderson's parents and broth­ er, Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Stan- ollff and Harold, Dayton Pk., had a party and gift exchange at the home of Mrs. Sfcancllff's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haltcmuin of Cedarvllle, Thursday evening they were sup­ per guests of Mr, Andersons par­ ents, Mr, and Mrs. Victor Anderson, Bryan Rd., Mr, and Mrs. Marion Giinncll and son, Mle, were also present Later In the evening they went to the Stancllff home for their usual Christmas Eve party. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Demmy, So. Burnett Rd., Springfield, arc an­ nouncing the birth of a son, Robert Arthur, at Mercy Hospital, Deo. 15, The baby weighed 7 pounds, 9Vfe ounces at birth. A daughter, Lynn Ann, was born In Mercy Hospital. Springfield, Wednesday, December 23 to Mr. and Mrs- Robert Butters, Davis St. The baby weighed 6 pounds and 14 oun­ ces at birth. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Hassle, 319 'rhe>r wounct 1>P thclr festivities by High St„ are renouncing the birth i SOlng back to the stancllffs for of a son, on Day a l|Christmas' dinner on Friday. Springfield City Hospital, 1 | Major and Mrs. Theodore P* A daughter, Nancy Parks Bent,:Sherwin and children, who have weighing seven pounds and five been living on the Bennett farm, ounces, was born Dec. 15 ln Spring-j Fairfield Pike, are now Hying In field City Hospital to Mr. and Mrs ’ the Swlnnerton home, Orton Rd,, Wilson Bent, W, North College Sts while Mrs, Swlnnerton Is in New The maternal grandparents are? York. Prof, and Mrs. Ralph Farmer, of j Thc Misses Mary and Lena Oster, the University of Idaho, Moscow, jWalnut St., held their annual family Idaho. The paternal grandparents fChristmas breakfast at 2 a.m. Frl- are Mr. and Mrs. George Bent, Ken nllworth, HL Ockerman & Barr Archery Stars Ronnie Ockerman Y. S. A. C, Junior had top score for the post­ poned Cincinnati Archery Golf Shoot* He came home with a chick­ en. The turk«y was given for a door priae, Wright Field is leading 84 points ln the third DXA.A, archery match, From the Yellow Springs Club last Week Ira Barr and Ronnie Ockcr- man made the all star team. The Mizpah Bible Class of the hospitals, or as members of Indus- our watchword "The Church In Methodist Church wilt meet at the church, Monday, Jan. 4 at 7:30 p m. Thc hostesses will be Mrs. H. E, Dllle, Mrs, Fred King, Mrs. Brice trial personnel departments. Action”, wc have ln every communl- "Because of the acute ilccxl In ty untried strength to be enlisted, day following Christmas Eve. mid­ night mass- Approximately 20 rela­ tives were present, The Misses Maude and DessU Shaw entertained with a family dinner Christmas, Sunday, Mr and Mrs. Emmet McCurdy, Clifton Rd„ attended the 5th wedding anniversary celcbra- ton of Mr. and Mrs- Ford Thorn­ hill of Sabina, O, Mr- and Mrs. Victor Anderson, Bryan Road, hnd.saa their house guest for Christmaa week end, Mr. Anderson* sister, Mrs. Iva Hsiper of Washington, C. H, Mr, nnd Mrs, Ira Barr, Xenia, Ave,, were bow-hunting out of Athens, O. Wednesday, They will jbe gone over the Week eftd. The Yellow Springs Archery Club | Miss AHcc Anthony, formerly as- will shoot in the 5 Olympic mail, related with The American, is now matches beginning Jan, ll, j working for a trade magazine In |Cleveland. She spent Christmas with {her family in Springfield. Christmas Fires ) Mr-andMrs- JohnAmon-w-N* ICollege St., spent Christmas Week k „ , , , ! The Yellow Springs Fire Depart- c.mi in Toledo With their daughter this, and other fleldg, we arc admjf-, Our State organization stands j called out Christmas -nnd son-iH-law Mr and Mrs ROV king thelargest possibleclasses of rcadyto help. We areready to adJ aft^.noon ^ extinguish a spread- j Mcrcurlo ftnd family Their sons Linkhart, Mrs. Raper Hughes andi beginningstuden t”, slid Sister vL«cand bring to bear there su lts .^ grass {lrc in th<J Blrcll Addlt)on D'cn„,d Amon dAnlM’ Mrs. Russell Sheridan. jMinalla, director of the school. or experiences In other localities. ncar Sainncrton and the S tc-, u-erc also present with their fami- wart homes. ljes for Christmas dlnfter. E *iy Saturday morning, it fire,, Miss Dorothy Drake Spent the destroyed a hog-house and a gUk Christmas holidays with her parents. With 8 pigs on the Fulton Bros and Mrs. Watrett Drake. Miss Farm oft Enojt Rd, The fire Was digs js a student at DePauI Covered aftd reported by an Omfir j unlveftlty Bread delivery truck driver who was| Mjss NancJ. shaw and Miss Betty in the vlciftlty. It was Umught to |Braley, students at Wltenbetg, spent have started from a brooder lamp in { tll<s Christmas vacation at heme, the hog house. Damage was said lO|Thelr parents are Mr, and Mra. be around $soo. Foster Shaw, spillnn Rd, and Mr. and Mrs. George Srtlef* Cititm Rd„ u id y o u s e e frespeetiveiy; \ Scouts To Bum Christmas Trees Troop 78 met at the Presbyterian Chqrch on Monday at 7:30. Wc di­ vided Into two groups, both studying first aid. Plans for the Christmas Tree p § 8 1 t f r l ■ ■ j 1 ,* § f i if i , 4 W Mr > $ t 9f ■ . #Sr at thc far end of Bryan High School grounds on Wednesday the 8th at 7 p.m, Girl Scouts Will serve refresh­ ments. The public is invited. Reporter, Steven Eckroad the builders . . . A New Jersey court upheld fair trade prjcing on goods bought outside the state for resale ,, ■Stiffening prices for Douglas fir Are a good omen .for construction volume in the new year. It’« • real pleamre far all ««Mela(ed with (his firm, fa extend fa ft«r many, many friends —• 9ar Beet Wtefcee far Luck in ’941 The surprised 10ok on Cornelius' Ml:* nntl Mrs* FrecI ^In® *nd Orlnncll’s face as h® tried to pull C1!^0n * had lor Christ- a twenty live pound boa’ tlx* other h,ns quests, Mr, aftd Mrs, Emmet day McCurdy, also of Clifton Rd, and Did you sco in the Sept. Progrcs. Mrs- cline’s mother, Mra- Kather- slve magazine the want add asking ine tlalfn of Olenn, N.Y Mrs, Calf* for & printer or person Willing to ; *s Spending ten days with the Clines. learn, to work for weekly newspaper with pacific liberal owners? Low pay; rich In experience. Write Yel­ low Springs, Ohio, Also ln the above Progressive in the Y. S, Humanist ad - “How to make your divorce a happy one.” Walter Knccht, Jr's smile and the smile on tho rest of the faces of the Prcsbytcran Westminster Fel­ lowship Group as they delivered the church calendars last week, For a little extra you could have some ones name listed under their birth date. Jan. 28 had tlie most names under It, Mrs. Paul W. Weiss, Mra. Paul Kintzel, William Schaub and John Anthony, About 100 calendars were sold and $35 was cleared. JtXst In ease you missed seeing, Fred Kershners birth date is Jan, 8- Just drop in at the Miami Deposit Bank that Wed. morn and wish him a happy birthday, A Yellow Spring editor on the job at six-thirty the other morning taking pictures of a fire. „ Mrs. Wilbur E. Fink, Alleri St-, entered Mercy Hospital, Springfield, rti«sday for surgery. Mr. and Mrs, John Kakchashf, Fairfield Pk, have as guests over the holidays, Mrs, Knkehashis par­ ents, M'r, and Mrs. Daniel Masters of Medicine Lake, Mont. Mr, and Mrs, Masters will spend part of their vacation with Mrs, Masters sister, Mrs, Bertha Gasho of Xenln. Miss Maude Shaw, Limestone S t, fell on the snow last week and In­ jured her leg. She will be on crutch­ es 4 weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Fnk, Alien St., hftd as guests for Christmas din­ ner, Mr, Robert Fink and Miss Norma Carnell, Columbus; Mr. and Mrs- Estef Boles arid sons David, Billy and Russel of Cedarvllle Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fulton, Jackson Rd. and Mrs. George Fulton, Dayton. Mrs. Albert Fultz, E. N, College St., spent Christmas week end with her daughter and sort-ln-law Dr. and Mrs, J. c . Walker, and family of Dayton. JMr. and Mrs, Kingsley Fogg and softs, Fairfield Pike, were with Mrs. Foggs mother, Mrs. O. E. Van Negs Of' RrooksvlUe. Ind., Christmas Day. Mrs, Charles Molllnger and Miss Alice J&ngSe entertained at tea Wednesday at Mrs. Mellingere home in Whiteman st.