The Yellow Springs American, Volume 1, Numbers 1-22

# PAGE FOUR CEDARVILLE HERALD December 31, 1953 rnpt, | 10.33 A. M>- Worship r.ervlce. S U ’p M S - METHODIST » liomas Vi. SniMiir !'1'-,or g ;:*o a,m„ Church School, Ken­ neth Campbell, .vipt-, Kvi.nctii I<af- ley nMBt. »Supt, 10:40 nm., Worship Service FRIENDS ROCKFORD CHAPES 10:00 n.m,, Family Sen lee 10-30 - 11 30 am . Meeting for worship ■ ■ • ST. PAHS CATIIOMC Rev, John II. Anlony, pastor Sunday Musses, 1-30 ami Hi 00 Saturday, Confessions nt 4:30-5 30 and 7:30-8.30 P. M. Regular Week-Day Masses, 7.30 A. M. CENTRAL CI1AI’1,1, A. 31. E- Hev. Isaac It. Louden, pastor 0:30 nm., Sunday School 10.40 a « , Devotions. 11:00 a m , Morning Worship . . • ■■ ■ * FIRST ISAI'TIST Rev. Win. S. Williams, pastor 10.00 A. M.—Sunday school. 11:00 A. M.— worship. PRESBYTERIAN’ Dr. Buckley S. Rude, minister 10:30 A. M. -Morning worship. 10:30 A. M.—Church school. EPISCOPAL (Rockford Chape!) 8:00 a,m„ First Sunday of month. CLIFTON PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Richard S. Smille, pastor 10:00 am,, Bible School 11:00 am., Morning Worship CLIFTON UNITED PRESBYTERIAN James 1). Taylor, Supply I’astor Mrs. Elwood Shaw, organist 10:00 A, M.—Sabbath school, 1100: A. M.~Preaching service. CLIFTON ZION BAPTIST Rev. Richard Phillips, pastor 10’00 A. M.—Sunday school. 11:00 A. M.—Morning service. BYRON EVANGELICAL and REFORMED Rev. Eugene I)avl.s, pastor 0:30 A. M.—Sunday School, Clif­ ford Smith, supt. 9:30 am,, Junior Sunday School 10:30 a,m„ Church Service CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ORO - COATED SEED Northwestern. Alfalfa 20,10 I..)l Champion 00*;-, Alfalfa, 40^ Clover 319- 0,7 per bushel Certified Ranger and Buffalo Blue Seal Processed Seed Oats Cert. Nemaha Cert Mo—-03Q55 S. Cert, Clintons 11 A' 50 Also Non - Certified Guaranteed to Give, You Belter Fiamb BERRY SEED STORE Washington C.IL, O. 3 - C Highway West A SPINET PIANO — Save $103.00, Used only four months. Also Studio TVpc Piano only $325.00. [ Easy terms, Free delivery. Fitz- i simmoiu Co,, 15 East 2nd Street, i onc-half block cast of Bike’s, Dayton. FLOWERS - of finality for every occasion. We are as near ns you: telephone. Louise Spitlcr — 1 mi. ’ Nortli of Yellow Springs. Tel 7-25i>3. 12-24. <__Secretary of State Ted W Brown annum, has nrutounccd mat he will be -a ’ Applicant-; applying for the post tn' didab! for re-election. ! tic» Personnel Cl* rk must possets Bn,v.n sal:t In a statement i » ’ 2 ‘s ^nerM «tpw«cn’ c in- sxvhl-h he paid high tribute to “ In.. eluding progress-vcly rosjjonriblc, j d.Md::al and organic fobs who ha'1! c,encal. general oflice, or adminis- l assisted In making the Secretary o! c'.’pf rleri'c. plus C month1 'Siam’s office an efficient, business -’Peelnllzcd experiewv In an organl- office, which v/c hnvo truly dod»- i "<>d l*-rsonnt?1 oW** Performing du- ; rated to public service" that h b ' ^c'q c^0S<?lY related to answering ^piUtiottA i^rc in circulation non’*iCv'^ni|,rii ^onrcsp^ndriPv. nuUn- 1 throughjut (he state- sHtlning reerrds, I.i...ts and files; com* Brown sold, "to spn‘ng rcp0rt';' Ul'- t(‘c,nu ’ _ ,^ iica l pctnm: ej staff in “X am gra'efu) Die many local and stato-wldc , i , information to job awn*", X ! group? to the private citizens, and following row b„. in ;* to lh, Board*! of Elections and nil of fXPerienc-: Surcusr-ful oomph tir. the p.'eelnrt election officials who j 0f course In a residence tthoo: rr 1 ;havP responded to our expressed; stltulion above h-h-s-ho-|l- • i i desire that Ohio elections be con- ,,. , , , , , hi tel in « clean. fraud-Xrec and U5C mt° f f 1 J'Cnr ° ' et5u?aUon f0? efficient manner " ! 0 mojHhs of the general experience ; Brown is n native of Springfield,, education for 3 years of gen,. al < 1Ohio, where he was educated. He sup to a mfxlmum of 4 servui two consecutive terms as pevlc »ee. No pubrtii vtr n v.j.i .Chok County Recorder; was Pres-. allow.d ,w Ul# ,,, v . jldent of the Ohio State Association! ‘ |of County Recorders, He held an’ ° r‘C0' •administrative post in state govern- Persons applying for the Clerk, ment, followed by service as a trade Typists petition will be required tv> association secretary. He also has pass a Clerk-Typist Civil Service headtd ins own small business, giv- eSamlnatjon. The ncpc=sary ar- ing him a Well-rounded and practl- ' . . . . cal business and government expert- . ra,Ufcn,Cnls Ior U,ls e?Kimjna' once He is marled and is the father ^on '•* made at the time op- of three children. 1pllcatlc ns ar*. acoepled. ~ — -------- l Applicants will bo interviewed at years t; t SKI-TIME IN CANADA. Miles of cross-country trails and thrilling downhill runs through thick posvder mow attract many thousands of winter vacationists each year to the winter sports area in the Laurentian Mountains, about 40 miles north of Montreal. Skiers find facilities to accommodate all. grades of skill, excellent instructors for those who want to improve their technique, and a large number of rope tows as well as several types of lifts for their convenience. Many ski meets and carnivals arc scheduled at the various resort centers during the snow season, which fasts through March. At left, above, snow enthusiasts check their skis at the Canadian National Railways baggage room in the Central Station at Montreal. The couple in the righthand picture glide past snovvinden evergreens on a cross-country trail at Morin Heights, a popular resort in the heart of the Laurentian skiing country. The Vernon Albers who were con­ nected with Antioch College and lived for a number of years in Yel- ' the Depot Employment Office be- 1 'ow Springs write that their daugh- i tween the hours of 7:30 a. m. andj^*r * S6n*orj ^ Penn State j 2:00 p.m. Parsons possessing re-1 exPects to bo married this Christ- j , . for' qulred qualifications fdr thMe posi- mas vacaUon- Martha is married and t Prudential Life Insurance Co. His n,„.„ or.„ JX. j_ lhas a child. She expects to begin! teaching music again soon. Vernon! j Jr. who has been ill for some time ? |is able to be back in school. Their' PRUDENTIAL AGENT Mr. Robert Cotter, XenSn Ave., has acc. pted a jjosition as agent Urn s are urged to apply at the dc- pot immediately. territory will be In southern Greene County Includlrg Xenia, Belbro’ik. Spring Valley. Clifton, and Codar- rille. Mr. David Mason of Dayton and;address Is 84 N. Allen St. State Mr. Cotter, until recently, has m * s . Colin Biirber of CedarvIIle eh- -College, Penn. j been farming near CedarvIIle but joyed a ten day motor trip through1 . ox tin v r i f r i * witli his wife and daughter have Florida recently. Tlvy toured the. SIIAKESPfcARE STUDY CLUB : moved to CedarvIIle and are Jiv- c|lie3 of Miami, St. Petersburg, and I Th° shakesPcare Study Club will Ing on Xenia Ave. here. Key West and visited ceveral’ days! mcCt Jan’ * at 2:30 at the horRc o f « , in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John!MrK p ’ w ^n^ leld on South High Strewn or Gainesville. Mrs. strewn*'St' There will be election of officers.- is a sister of Mr. Mason. I j ( Mr, and MVs. Fred King, Enon ; Jobs Open At Gentile Depot BETHEL LUTHERAN 9:30 A. M.---Sunday school. Lcioy TED W. BROWN Ted Brown Seeks Re-Election Immediate Jon opportunities ate now available for qualified person­ nel at the Gentile Air Force Depot on Wilmington Pike, Dayton, O, Ac­ cording to Colonel Leslie G Mulzer, .Depot Commander, an urgent need ■exists for an experienced male Per- O ffers for the year of 954 are pres sonnel Clerk, entrance salary start- Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Peh, sec. Mr. - Ing at $3410.00 per annum, and Clerk and Mis. E J. Dykstra and vice ' Typists with entrance salary rang- Mr ani M,a. Ru,:ScU Hay. | ing frem $2750.00 to $295000 per THE-PRESBY WEDS TO MEET.. Dr. and Mrs Buckley Rude arc host and hostess to the Presby-Wed> of the Prcsbyteran church Jan. 5 iRd., had as- their guests Saturday evening Mr. and Airs. Oran Wilson1 [of Fairborn and Mr. and Mrs. An­ drew Grimm and daughter of Win­ ter Park, Fla. WANTED Used STEEL FURNACE 24 inch or larger — o — CALL Yellow Springs Phone 7-4251 or 7-3664 r*Tsrs >ar Written Guarantee ...Strongest Ever! Such CAREFULL Work! Stag’s Cleaners CLEANING - PRESSING ALTERATIONS Phone 7-7237 Jason and Lcora Slagner <*0zt£0z0i*i&z0s0emmxim0tm0t0s*% FOR YOUR MONEY OUR SPECIAL SAVINGS PLAN Drop In Ask For Details MIAMI DEPOSIT BANK Member of F,I),I,C. INCOME TAX RETURNS CALCULATED Specializing In INDIVIDUAL & FARM RETURNS Graduate of Miami-Jacobs Business College, Dayton, Ohio STANLEY B. ABELS K* *• 2 CedarvIIle Phone 6-2C27 ; I. *0'&00W 0»0&00t0$0t0!0l0lg*0Z0l0$ttEt&0i0l0£0si m \ DAYTON T H 0 R 0 B R E £ > S " Uncondi*'®nC y guaranteed i l N WRITING / % J 1 . ' T * I i + - j , t 1 3«4 h Or T' s.T at Erbnugh’a The Best in DRUGS SUNDRIES MEDICINES CHEMICALS TRUSSES-BODY APPLIANCES A Registered Pharmacist Always at Your Service Erbaugli & Johnson Xenia Are. St Glen SL YELLOW SPRINGS, 3 E = Keep Them Producing With PURITY FEEDS QUALITY and RESULTS FOR HEALTHIER PIGS — FAS/EU GAINS — FOR LARGER PROFITS — LINKHART.S YELLOW SPRINGS ELEVATOR Phone: 7-7369 3 3 Tharebredt ore bull! with •xfro gOaranteeablt quality—fhal’i why they are NOW backed by the tirengeil written guar-1 anleei ever. For safety— for sovlngt—Dayton Thorobreds are your BEST tire buy. See them today. j g fa eS tM '0” ' t h o r o b w d 3 v r .u n e «>n d it loM ' W yr m e n G u o r a n * * 6 t h o r o b b b d T H O l t O E M O *»•** 1 5 m o n H i i y^r lt t« n WE DO IT . . . CEMENT WORK CEMENT BLOCKS * WORK EXCAVTING AND GRADING —SAND AND GRAVEL; LAND CLEARING; PONDS * LAKES W . B. DAWSON COAL COMPANY YELLOW SPRINGS PLUMBING GUYVARNER YELLOW SPRINGS, OHIO 211 Si Winter Street Phone 7-7688 A ^ h r e d s 1 h p r ° & r . ■fn g ,r COL SERVICE, INC. J d e l u x e HAMBURGERS With Lettuce A T ieu li |BREAKFAST — LUNCH] STEAKS — DINNER* FOUNTAIN SERVICE DICK & TOM'S (Open to 12 p. m, YetSew Springe] / / / ^ ^ / FARM Paints Appliances FARM Implements K.>: S.SALES&SERVICE STORE HOURS — S:M a.m. (o 6:00 p.m. Mon. thru Sat Phone 7-7J55 Yellow Springe 108 Dayton SL is MARBLE RUBBER CERAMIC QUARRY M1RAPLAS PLASTIC S T E V E N SOT* TILE COMPANY 13$ Dayton *t. Yellqw Spring* Phone 7-7209 v»w* . . d t . ■_.-wnw.i. m ,